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Messages - maugan666

Buying / Re: Regular Doni Soulforge
May 20, 2015, 05:24:24 AM
Ok...PM Me in game when you see this ok....
Buying / Re: Regular Doni Soulforge
May 01, 2015, 05:39:56 AM
I am happy to pay the 40 mil for it buddy....  I just cant pay real cash to gt one from doni store...

What were you thinking you might sell it for...
Buying / Regular Doni Soulforge
April 16, 2015, 02:39:00 AM
Wanting to buy a Regular Doni Soulforge.

I know they are available in the Doni store but I cant afford to donate cash....please help anyone..
Buying / Ocean Coins
February 21, 2015, 02:41:59 AM
Buying 1500 coins....

PM Me here or in game with what you have and I am happy to pay 12k per coin

Thanks for reading
Buying / Davy Jones Locker
February 13, 2015, 01:57:41 AM
Want to buy the above mentioned item.  I dont have cash to donate and it costs 13pbucks.  Willing to trade gold and items if wanted for one upto total 52mil.  Equal 4mil to 1 pbuck. so total 13pbucks at 4 mil each = 52 mil

or i will take one as a donation item.  yep for free... ;D ;D ;D
General Discussion / Re: wow
January 17, 2015, 01:55:28 AM

Oops pardon me was trying to stay quiet..... ;D ;D ;D
General Discussion / Re: Speeding ticket
January 17, 2015, 01:53:20 AM
I dunno hon...but I got a message box pop up on my screen saying I had bropken the speed rule and all I did was move 2 paces to the left in my own farted to hard!
General Discussion / Re: On another note.....
October 09, 2014, 03:21:26 AM
I will agree who heartedly on that one as well.  And I am sure all Pandorians appreciate the work put in by the MODS.

Well folks I have resolved the issue.  It was a virus and it was a deep rooted one.

Thanks for your suggestion NollKoll, I used a microsoft virus scanner to root it out.  Will post the info later for others.

But after 3 deep formats and a whole lot of crying (cos thats what I did), I am patched up and ready to go.

See you all ingame soon.
Buying / Re: WTB - Ingots
September 09, 2014, 03:43:17 AM
I got oodles of em at my house....I am having patching issues right now but when I get back in game I will PM you....
I had to format my pc due to virus issues....I reinstalled everything ok but when I went to patch UO via the normal process it popped up with an error saying that a file was corrupt on a remote server...  can ANYONE please help me???

I have tried 2 times to fix it plus changed instillation drive and directories.

I am going to try again...  If it happens again....which it will...I will post the exact details in the error notification!!!

Once Again...PLEASE HELP!!!!


Unconfirmed fix...

Uninstall UO, disk cleanup, restart, disk defrag, restart, reinstall uo
Error Reads:

The patch client encountered corruption in the file [base/unpacked/3c2aba11f5ef920f] on the remote server (15 total errors encountered). Please try the patch operation again.
Price Check / Pandorian Pirate Hat!
August 10, 2014, 06:59:31 AM
Got one in a chest the other day...what would a fully imbued one go for...offers??
same here miki...just tried to log in and kaput...nadda....

i am using steam with standard login ip adderess and port.

how was your holiday or has it not finished yet??
General Discussion / Re: Ships.
May 14, 2014, 01:12:21 AM
can we accelerate the decay time for ships that have been abandoned in the water.  It creates havoc when I am trying to do sos's.  I use a macro to control my boat from one spot to the next, if i have to go potty I come back thinking it will be at the spot but nope...I ram another junk.

Oh Koll  what is the go with getting MiBs??  I been slaying serpents and krakens flat out and nothing...  I know i get them in t-chests sometimes....any idea what you can tell me about it??
Buying / MiB's, Paragon Chests, SoS's
May 13, 2014, 05:25:20 AM
Want to buy all the above...the Mib's and Paragon Chests need to still be Locked  with contents inside.

Will happily pay well for the higher level chests....