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Messages - Electo Jason

Hmmmm maybe i should come back and claim the PK title i richly deserve.

Hope everyone had fun looting my Mall, Castle when they fell :(

Cant fill my house with zombies if i dont have one Noll Koll :)
General Discussion / Re: Electro Jason
June 26, 2014, 01:24:58 PM
haha  i miss good ole noll spawning monsters in house/random killing me.  The only thing that sux was i was stocked on mats/resources and had all coins and pbucks in house had tons.  Of course my Noll event items/vendor mall. Just hope someone i like got it all .  might take a bit to get a comp to i got fired for posting here during work lol      Xbox ID- TragedyFollows  for those who wanna chat.     BEWARE OF THE RED!!!!
Battles & PVP / Re: The demise of the red
June 25, 2014, 06:50:19 PM
WSF misses me and drake hehe
General Discussion / Electro Jason
June 25, 2014, 06:34:08 PM
Srry my comp broke is why ive been gone so long.   not sure i will be back as i am sure my houses are gone with everything i had.  posting from my xbox now. miss ya all and PKing some of yah more lol.

General Discussion / Re: gargish water robe
October 11, 2013, 04:35:15 PM
Patch 49.5? :)
General Discussion / Re: Congratulation NIgel!!!
October 11, 2013, 11:07:56 AM
Hmm Nigel Champ.....

Pink Skirt Gargoyle...........Noll get On IT!!!!
General Discussion / Re: Congratulation NIgel!!!
October 11, 2013, 08:31:36 AM
As a Reward add a new champ named Nigel :)
Selling / Selling Tier 5 Items
October 11, 2013, 08:30:19 AM
 Tier 5 Exceptional Fully Imbued Comp Bow

Tier 5 Cloak Imbued "For those not using quiver"

Also have a few other items tier 1-3 Imbued for sale

"Kite Shield, Scimitar, Mempo of Fortune"
Yah I agree I been watching someone do theirs and the hours they have put into it is crazy.  Finished product I have a feeling will cleanup :)
If this was about the last time yes I voted for Silas which was in my guild....however I do think he had the best house design also knowing the minor details he put into it helped him out as well.

Like making toons with names from the theme and having me kill them so he can place their head.  Not sure anyone else would have or did go that far. 

So I don't think people need to worry bout people only voting for their guild yes it will happen but the true winner will prevail anyways.  In that case was 2 prizes 1 for Nolls best and 1 for Player voting best both went to Silas.
Buying / Re: Items Buying
October 09, 2013, 07:58:43 AM
Ok got my Quiver Thanks :)

Also looking for the following

PS 120's  Alchemy,Fletching,Imbue,Lumberjacking

Also Need Pillar Of Strength

If you have the following also let me know please:
Mace And Shield Glasses
Stormgrip ToT
General Discussion / Re: Imbue slot's
October 09, 2013, 07:56:47 AM
Yah there is still some items with an open rune slot for me that I cannot fit anything else on.
Buying / Re: Items Buying
October 07, 2013, 11:19:36 AM
Someone help a brother out with this please :)
General Discussion / Re: Halloween Bones
October 07, 2013, 11:16:58 AM
Quote from: Thatperson on October 04, 2013, 02:29:06 PM
If one has my name on ill beat anything Saturn offers :P

If you look on his roof he already has your bones :)
Shard Changes / Re: [PENDING] Publish 49.4
October 07, 2013, 11:16:07 AM
Can't wait sounds like Vor is making sure everything is perfect before he puts it though which is awesome of him to take the time to work out the kinds before the kinks become an issue.