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Topics - Helvinr

General Discussion / Pandora's First Wedding...
January 20, 2012, 07:37:47 PM
Screenshots for those that missed it!
General Discussion / The Stealth Crisis
January 15, 2012, 06:49:28 AM
As most of us know, stealth seems to have a few tweeks. For those that don't, here's how it works.

To train stealth, you  must actively use the skill. Simply hiding will not allow you to walk around town and get gains from that alone. Upon successful use of hiding, you will enter a temporary stealth (if your stealth skill allows it). This is only good for a certain number of steps depending on your skill. After those steps are up, you must re-use hiding, activate stealth, or you will become visible.

This in itself isn't too horrible. Sure, you have to take a little longer to get to where you're going, but it's worth it to sidestep those mean ol' greater dragons and coin monsters and what have you. However, there are some major drawbacks.

For starters, the way it's set right now, anyone with sufficient stealth can automatically hide using the skill, and stealth around. This is regardless of the armor they have on. I don't know about you, but the thought someone walking around unseen and unheard in a full suit of non-mage armor plate seems a bit silly.

Second, it takes away some uses such as the Ninjitsu spell, Backstab. For those that don't know, it's "An attack from stealth that deals extra damage based on the user's Ninjitsu skill and how far they  have tracked their target". Really, the damage increase is utterly negligible because you lack the ability to really track while stealthed. Players can outrun you on foot, because you have to stop every few seconds and wait to be able to use hiding again. Likewise, the damage isn't too great because monsters do not roam very far, meaning that you don't really have a lot of distance to track.

Another such ability is the Shadow Strike ability and the Invisibility spell. Normally, using either of those two would conceal you, and when you took a step it would do the typical stealth roll to see if you enter stealth or come unhidden. Not so. If you move, you become unhidden, forcing you to become stationary. Not so great abilities once you're stuck holding still hoping that you're safe while a red is wither spamming the area or Pyre's AoE is hitting you like a truck.

Yet another issue: It makes it significantly harder to be a thief (Just hear me out for this). We already know thieves have it real bad with insurance. No use in poking the dying horse further. Being able to be outrun by a character that is walking limits us to stationary targets. Miners, hunters, people shopping at houses in the wrong part of town.

I am not the only one who seems to believe that this is a problem. I am constantly asked by newer Pandorian citizens "Why is stealth acting so weird?". Upon explaining, more than one has left our server simply because they dislike how it has been warped. And those that do choose to stay have shared with me their  dislike for stealth and consider it to be "uber nerfed".

So to shorten the length of this post into a quick summery, I give you Pro's and Con's of the current stealth system

Harder to be ambushed.
Harder for victims to get away from you in PvP situations

Harder to sneak up on someone (For the thieves and PvP'ers out there that enjoy that play style)
Harder to get away from sticky situations such as being chased in fel or by multiple monsters that could grind your bones to dust
Harder to even train stealth to begin with
Spells and abilities becoming obsolete or very close to it (Shadow strike, Invisibility spells and potions, Backstab)
Tedious and time-consuming point-and-click method that includes counting steps if you want to be anywhere near efficient at it. (Razor will only count to 32 or so steps before breaking)

Proposed solution:
Because the cons outweigh the pros, one would assume that the only pros there are are very important. So an outright revert to the normal system might be out of the question.

Instead, we may be able to give players the option to go back to the regular system, but at a very drastic price. I propose we give players the option to go to normal stealth by entering into the thieves guild. The thieves guild has quite a few drawbacks and only two rewards: The  ability to steal from other players and the disguise kit. But at the cost of not being able to give murder counts, not being able to murder, and being able to be freely looted by anyone, regardless of guild, group, faction, alliance, or anything else, anywhere.

Example: I die in Doom. I am unguilded and not in a party. If I am not a member of the thieves guild, then only I have access to my remains. But if I am in the thieves guild, then anyone happening to pass by  can freely access my corpse and plunder everything I have on me. Even in Trammel. Malas. Ter Mur. Anywhere at all, anyone can loot me.

Given all of that knowledge, it seems to be a fair trade off if the ability to stealth normally were added to thieves guild members.

Thoughts, opinions, feedback, death threats, if you have any of it, please leave it here.
Introduce. Hello. / Skald
December 29, 2011, 04:17:36 PM
Back from the dead once again *In the tune of that really annoying squire from the Medieval game series*

I played here about a year ago, but I dropped off the face of the earth when my grandmother became diagnosed with lung cancer. But Skald is back now, and hopefully forever! I hope to see you all in this new, revamped, better than ever shard. You can PM me here on the forums or in game. I'm always willing to lend a bit of advice for anyone that needs it!
General Discussion / Thieves
July 18, 2010, 01:05:06 AM
Anyone else feel that the thief class has died?

Once upon a time, thieves packed the streets of banks, sifting through the belongings of bystanders. Then trammel was introduced. That put severe limits on the thief. But still we found our ways to find a pack to snoop here and there.

Then came insurance with the Age of Shadows, and that made the thief virtually extinct. But still, we had our way at times. Champion spawns, and the occasional person in Fel. But therein lies the issue. People are either dead terrified of going to fel areas, use insurance, and/or have nothing on them worth taking.

This limits it to virtually just champion spawns, commonly used dungeons such as Exodus, and Luna stealing (Since Umbra is long since unpopulated, if it ever was here in Pandora). But recently, the Luna thief has received much discrimination, to the point where it was removed all together. The innocent (And not-so-innocent!) can feel safe now, knowing that their packs are secure.

I know most of you feel that this is good. But let's think for a moment. Do we really want another mindless World of Warcraft scheme of PvP, PvM, or GTFO? Thieving is, afterall, a play style. It's about the thrill; which is what anyone plays for.

Some get a thrill from killing players (Or releasing a dragon on an AFK player...). Others get a thrill from Hunting all of the various monsters. Some get a thrill off of peeking through the belongings of others and making off with an item, weaving intricately through the crowds, around buildings, and all sorts of acrobatics to make off with the item.

And the Perma-Grey system made it that much more fun! It made disguises and disguise kits necessary, rather than just a way of robbing without having to worry about receiving many nasty death-threats from victims in a horribly misspelled, not-well-thought-out PM.

So... We've clarified that a valid play-style has been pushed onto the brink of extinction. Now to propose a way to fix it.

Really, there's one good proposition that I have to throw out, and I'm sure others have their own valid proposals to throw in. That would be to allow the theft of insured items ONLY within the Fel ruleset. We would have the same limited grounds, but all the more reason to venture forth into the lands! (Not to mention all the donations for Bank Stones and Item Bless Deeds that would be made!)

Most definitely, that will raise giant red flashing flags to anyone not in support of it already, but again, we must think.

FIRST: When you steal an item from a player, if you die within 2 minutes of the steal (Regardless of what killed you), that item will return to it's rightful owner.

SECOND: You cannot steal equipped items

THIRD: It won't impact anyone outside of the Fel Ruleset (And who really goes there anymore aside from PvP'ers and Thieves anyways?)

FOURTH: It only affects unblessed items within your backpack. (Beetles and Bank stones and Bless Deeds, Oh my!)

Alternatively, we could make theft possible in more locations (Bring back Luna stealing, robbing in select non-pvp facets, dungeons, etc.)

And before you even THINK it, I assure you I have considered the new players! Which is why I also propose immunity from theft and PvP all together for our new players still growing and preparing for the harsh world out there! I propose we completely remodel the "New" status.

We are aware that the New Player Dungeon will only allow players inside if they are 21 days or younger. What's stopping us from modifying that a little further and making it so that new (21 days and younger) players take 0 damage from players and player pets, and make them immune to snooping, or a variation of the NPC merchant scripts ("You cannot steal from a shopkeeper!"). That will give players the appropriate grace period to learn the ropes, the facets, the rules, and all of the other nasty little details out there!

I am, of course, looking forward to the discussions that will pile up from this, both for and against!
General Discussion / A Reg plant suggestion
April 29, 2010, 01:08:54 PM
I'm absolutely loving the magery reg plants. They make it so much more fun when working poisoning and the NPC's are out of regs. But I have a suggestion. Make Necromancy reg plants as well? Lots of new players, it would help them greatly if they could find ways to get more regs until they can get an LRC suit.
General Discussion / Issues Logging in
March 15, 2010, 09:43:28 AM
Anyone else getting stuck at Verifying Account?
Introduce. Hello. / Skald
March 02, 2010, 08:30:28 AM
Hey there folks. Been here for a few weeks or so now, thought I may as well introduce myself.

I'm 19, 20 on the 6th. Been playing UO since I was 7. I quit playing about 10 years or so later, after my family became absorbed into World of Warcraft. I was the only one playing UO, and they didn't want to pay for an account that only 1 person played lol.

In either event, I'm rather knowledgable of the game. My brother was a counselor for Origin back when they allowed non-employees to volunteer to help players, and I've learned a lot of useful things from that too ^.^ Always fun watching him getting promoted to Elder and spawning gold piles from the trees in Britan.

I'm always willing to help a new player out without ruining the fun for them (Sorry, no big handouts =P). I've GM'ed most of the important skills by now, and am working on my stealing. So watch out all of you =P Better keep your items close to you hahaha

But don't think that I'll be robbing anyone blind the first chance I get. Consider me a form of Robin Hood. But only doing so when he wants to xD I'll still help out the new players, and even come for the aid if I hear a "Help me!" over [c. I just want to add a little dash of spice to the realm of Pandora! =D
Guides / Guide Requests
February 24, 2010, 07:43:25 AM
Post your suggestions/requests for guides here to make it easier on those that need help and to keep the request threads to a minimum.

I'm always willing to help to the best of my extent, and I'm sure there are others here that can fill in the gaps for everything I can't/don't get to.

Going to report this for sticky
Guides / Blacksmithing BoD Reward System
February 24, 2010, 07:35:35 AM
About time we get this section up and going.  :lol:

Taken from

Blacksmithy Rewards

Leather gloves of mining -
Increases mining skill by 1 point. Dyeable using a leather dyetub. Only leather gloves allow meditation without being altered, but all 3 glove types are subject to Imbuing and Enhancing. All three types come in one of the 8 special ore colors when they are gained. All can take mining over 100 skill.

Studded leather gloves of mining -
Increases mining skill by 3 points. Dyeable using a leather dyetub. Initially does not allow meditation, if not imbued with Mage Armor property.

Ringmail gloves of mining -
Increases mining skill by 5 points. Initially does not allow meditation, if not imbued with Mage Armor property.

Ancient smithy hammer -
Increase blacksmithing skill by 10, 15, 30 or 60 points when equipped. Will take Blacksmith skill over the skill cap, but only for purposes of crafting and enhancing (no effect on quality of BOD pulls, but will increase quality of repair deeds).

Runic smithy hammer -
Allows you to make weapons and armor imbued with magical properties. Comes in all different special ore colors. The amount of properties and their minimum intensity (as of the 2008 BOD and runic changes, all smith runics can create up to 100% intensity) depends on the hammers color:
Dull Copper    - 1 to 2 Properties with a minimum intensity of 40%. Hammer has 50 charges when new.
Shadow Iron    - 2 Properties with a minimum intensity of 45%. Hammer has 45 charges when new.
Copper    - 2 to 3 Properties with a minimum intensity of 50%. Hammer has 40 charges when new.
Bronze    - 3 Properties with a minimum intensity of 55%. Hammer has 35 charges when new.
Gold    - 3 to 4 Properties with a minimum intensity of 60%. Hammer has 30 charges when new.
Agapite    - 4 Properties with a minimum intensity of 65%. Hammer has 25 charges when new.
Verite    - 4 to 5 Properties with a minimum intensity of 70%. Hammer has 20 charges when new.
Valorite    - 5 Properties with a minimum intensity of 85%. Hammer has 15 charges when new.

Sturdy pickaxe -
Allows you to successfully mine either 150 or 200 times before breaking. Ore output depends on multiple variables, such as facet, race, and whether tool is set to mine other materials as well as ore. Number of uses is determined randomly at the time the reward is given.

Sturdy shovel -
Functionally identical to Sturdy Pickaxe, except that it is lighter, and cannot be equipped as a weapon.

Colored anvil -
None, just a decorative item (but a rare and highly valued one). Color is one of the 8 special ore colors, and facing is random, east or south. The point value is such that it only comes from certain 15-count BODs (and only a 10% chance of being rewarded even from those BODs), further increasing the rarity.

Prospector's Tool -
Allows miners to harvest a higher "level" ore than a certain area would yield otherwise, so long as the miner can normally mine the higher ore. Comes with 50 charges before it is used up. Can be used together with a Gargoyle's Pickaxe to raise an ore spot two levels (i.e. an Agapite spot allows you to mine Valorite).

Powder of Fortifying -
Increases the maximum durability of metal arms and armor by 10 points.
Comes with 10 charges when new.

Blacksmith Scrolls of Power -
Allows your blacksmith skill cap to raise above 100 points. The 105 and 110 scrolls come from the same BODs that can drop the colored anvil, while the 115 & 120 scrolls come from BODs where the scroll is the only reward. The 115 scroll is the highest value reward that can come from a small BOD.

Gargoyle's Pickaxe -
Allows miners to harvest a higher "level" ore than an area would yield otherwise. Beware: Using a Gargoyle's Pickaxe may summon a hostile Ore Elemental! Colored Ore type for the site is raised one step, but if the miner not capable of mining it, they will only get iron ore - but can still get the ore elemental for the higher ore.

Points -

10 items = 10 pts.
15 items = 25 pts.
20 items = 50 pts

Quality Bonus:
Add 200 Points if Exceptional

LBOD type (if an LBOD)
Ringmail - 200 pts.
Polearms - 200 pts.
Chainmail - 300 pts.
Axes - 300 pts.
Swords - 300 pts.
Mace - 300 pts.
Fencing - 350 pts.
Platemail - 400 pts.

Metal Type

Iron - 0
Dull Copper - 200 pts.
Shadow Iron - 250 pts.
Copper - 300 pts.
Bronze - 350 pts.
Golden - 400 pts.
Agapite - 450 pts.
Verite - 500 pts.
Valorite - 550 pts.

Now for the fun part.

10 points -
Sturdy Shovel - 100%

25 Points -
Sturdy Pickaxe - 100%

50 Points -
Sturdy Shovel - 45%
Sturdy Pickaxe - 45%
Leather Gloves of Mining +1 - 10%

200-375 Points
Prospector's Tool - 40%
Gargoyle's Pickaxe - 40%
Studded Leather Gloves of Mining +3 - 20%

400-425 Points
Prospector's Tool - 40%
Gargoyle's Pickaxe - 40%
Powder of Fortifying - 20%

450-475 Points
Powder of Fortifying - 90%
Ringmail Gloves of Mining +5 - 10%

500-525 Points
Dull Copper Runic Hammer - 100%

550-575 Points
Dull Copper Runic Hammer - 60%
Shadow Runic Hammer - 40%

600-610 Points    
Shadow Runic Hammer - 100%

625 Points
Shadow Runic Hammer - 30%
Blacksmith Power Scroll (105 skill) - 60%
Anvil hued one of the special metal colors. - 10%

650-660 Points
Copper Hammer - 100%

675 Points    
Copper Runic Hammer - 30%
Blacksmith Power Scroll (110 skill) - 60%
Anvil hued one of the special metal colors. - 10%

700-725 Points    
Bronze Runic Hammer - 100%

750-775 Points
Ancient Smithy Hammer (+10 Skill) - 100%

800-825 Points    
Blacksmith Power Scroll (115 Skill)- 100%

850-875 Points    
Ancient Smithy Hammer (+15 Skill) - 100%

900-925 Points    
Blacksmith Power Scroll (120 Skill) - 100%

950-975 Points    
Golden Runic Hammer - 100%

1000-1025 Points    
Ancient Smithy Hammer (+30 Skill) - 100%

1050-1075 Points    
Agapite Runic Hammer - 100%

1100-1125 Points    
Ancient Smithy Hammer (+60 Skill) - 100%

1150-1175 Points    
Verite Runic Hammer - 100%

1200 Points
Valorite Runic Hammer - 100%
General Discussion / Blacksmithing?
February 24, 2010, 06:44:47 AM
So I created a character yesterday to help make my new Gargoyle character some weapons. However, I soon realized that Blacksmithing is on neither the 75 nor 100 Skill Balls. Is this intentional?