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Messages - Balinor

General Discussion / Re: Unravel vs Unravel runes
July 06, 2014, 12:01:20 AM
Quote from: Tyrone Biggums on July 05, 2014, 11:56:51 AM
for mining there is certain files missing that have  to be placed in one of  the UO folders to get it working right. It might not of been your EUO but the script itself. If you use it for a simple healer script and it still doesn't work let me know and I'll try to help you figure it out. You can msg me here or in game with what the problem seems to be

Thanks.  I never used a healing script, I will have to try one and see if it works. 
General Discussion / Re: Unravel vs Unravel runes
July 05, 2014, 09:41:13 AM
Quote from: Tyrone Biggums on July 05, 2014, 05:32:23 AM
For easy up make sure both your uo client and easy uo client are both as recent as possible and run them both as admin. Also some scripts do not work on certain shards

I have both fully updated and have tried so many times to get it working.   The only reason I wanted euo was for mining anyway so now that I have it working on uosteam, euo is no longer a priority for me right now.
General Discussion / Re: Unravel vs Unravel runes
July 05, 2014, 02:07:02 AM
Quote from: Miki McNaughty on July 04, 2014, 01:12:24 AM
Balinor,  I would also like to share things Ive noticed when unraveling a full unravel. I will do one and then another right after,  noticing that most of the time the 2nd unravel will bring me no mats at all. What I have learned is, if i clean my pack after each unravel I never have a full unravel that fails. Doing it can be time consuming but there are scripts to help. On EasyUO there is a script called Grindy MoveAll  I use it constantly, saves so much time on so many chores!! As for unraveling one at a time, example,  removing a regen and then a stat and so on,  I think you will be spending so much time unravelling and the rest of your time mining granite. Take the full unravel and go run amuck!!

I cannot get easyuo to work for me ever.   If you can describe what Grindy MoveAll does a little I might be able to recreate it in uosteam.   I have had some success with mining and lumberjack macros with uosteam.
General Discussion / Re: Unravel vs Unravel runes
July 05, 2014, 02:03:29 AM
Quote from: Tyrone Biggums on July 04, 2014, 04:16:21 AM
the skele renowned dragon also drops persistance just at a less rate. and the message about receiving no mats is a bug. u still get the mats but if they are already in your pack it says you dont get more.

Good info thanks.   This is one of the reasons for my initial question, when I collected a ton of the purple boomerangs and unraveled them I noticed many times it said no mats.   

And yes the Essence of Persistence is aptly named because it takes so much damn persistence to get enough to work with. 
Battles & PVP / Re: Any advice for a new pvper?
July 03, 2014, 12:33:49 PM
Gotchya.   Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: Unravel vs Unravel runes
July 03, 2014, 12:09:58 PM
Quote from: d35tr0y on July 03, 2014, 11:57:29 AM
I don't think it was meant that unraveling from the blacksmithing menu would yield you matts so not sure what that is about.

After doing some testing it seems to me that unraveling from either menu delivers the same matts the only difference is unraveling from the BS menu yields from crafts that are from poor to great where as unraveling the normal way you have a choice to what you unravel so you can unravel all good stuff I would think

what brings me to thins the fact that you can unravel and get material simply from unraveling direct from the BS menu means you are not having to use rough stones which is not correct IMO

it is the same thing other than the fact that one way you pick what to unravel the other you are unraveling unforeseen items that are mostly gonna yield less matts at least it seems to work that way atm so from the BS menu I guess you would be yielding less matts than if you were to manually unravel again depends on what you unravel

Thanks for the reply.  I do see that not having to use and potentially waste rough stones does take any risk out of the process.  Which is what led me to believe that there might be some difference to the amount of mats received. 
Quote from: GM NollKoll on July 03, 2014, 10:37:59 AM
Ok, books done.. Spent far too long on these..  Hope those that like story and mystery will enjoy!.. 13 parts, which i will deliver ~half to trammel, via loot from the monsters. One of a kind each book, so be sure to check the loot! i will take my opportunity to place it in the loot when noone is doing the event at that time.

If you got a journal you can spread the joy, but to make it a tad easier, tell me which chapter you got in a pm, say the first 4 words or so, so i know its legit, and ill do a reply here containing all chapters that players wishes to share. Hopefully noone will grief and atleast try sell the books.

And a advice on reading the books, read it a bit more phonetic (just prenounce whats written), add a bit rough and a tiny tiny bit evil to your throat (think gollum).

I look forward to reading it.   This is a very cool addition to the event. 
General Discussion / Re: Unravel vs Unravel runes
July 03, 2014, 11:34:32 AM
Quote from: Tyrone Biggums on July 02, 2014, 10:27:25 PM
Unravel from imbue stones gives imbue mats. Unravel from blacksmith gives ingots  and not imbue mats.  Unravel from tailoring gives cloth or leather an not imbue mats. If this doesn't answer what ur asking I got no idea wtf your trying to say. Besides the fact that it was rude and your talking down to me even though I'm the only one trying to help you you could of just tried it yourself before talking to me like a child.  Congrats on being rude to the one person trying to help you.  Did you comprehend that?

I do realize I was being rude and I apologize.   I also acknowledge that you are the only one answering me and I appreciate it.   But this was the first answer you gave me that addressed the two criteria I was asking about.   With all due respect though this answer is wrong.   When using the unravel feature in blacksmithing you will in fact get imbue materials from the items you are crafting which still leaves the question as to is there a difference in the amount or type of materials you can get from both methods. 
Battles & PVP / Re: Any advice for a new pvper?
July 03, 2014, 07:54:06 AM
666 sash and robe?    Doesn't STR max at 150 from stats and 225 from items ?
General Discussion / Re: Unravel vs Unravel runes
July 02, 2014, 09:54:27 PM
Quote from: Tyrone Biggums on July 02, 2014, 02:46:16 PM
U just wrote the same thing. Both would destroy the item and give u mats. U get more destroying the whole thing then just one at a time. At least I do. If this doesn't answer it then I'm not really understanding the question.

If you understand that I asked the same question twice congrats.   But you are not answering the question I asked.   
I understand that you can destroy an item one property at a time with selected unravel runes.   Lets continue now with the understanding that I am not referring to that process.   

You can use a unravel rune to destroy an object completely and take the mats from it.   Sometimes you get mats sometimes you dont. 

You can also destroy an object without actually creating it by using your blacksmith skill to unravel as you craft.   

My question simply is -  Is there a difference in the amount of materials you might recieve depending on which way you do it.   

By your reference to finding items and unraveling them leads me to think you did not fully understand my question.   By your stating that unraveling one property at a time also lends to the possibility that you did not comprehend my question.

Sorry if it is coming off rude but this time I hope that you see my point

Which way of total destruction of my crafted item will yield the most materials.  Or is the process exactly equal regardless.

General Discussion / Re: Unravel vs Unravel runes
July 02, 2014, 01:38:54 PM
Quote from: Tyrone Biggums on July 02, 2014, 01:27:37 PM
I find it easier to hunt for the actual items since some things you cannot get from unravels but if your doing armor get a horned kit make gloves and unravel the item.

For weps look for high rating weps and unravel the whole thing. Chance of getting a few things. Unraveling one thing at a time is more for if you find a killer wep and it has something you don't need on it like hit dispel for instance.

My opinion.

Thanks for the reply.  I do hunt for specific items when I need them but I am always in need of most of them.   
My question may not have been specific enough.   

Which provides more materials from runic crafted items:
1 - using the unravel option on the craft menu which destroys the object instantly for materials
2 - craft the item then use a total unravel rune upon it (not individual unravels per ability)
General Discussion / Unravel vs Unravel runes
July 02, 2014, 12:39:47 PM
Which would you consider to be more productive in amount of ingredients obtained:

Unravel items as you craft them or use an unraveling rune after they are created.   I have about 500 rough stones so the stones won't be an issue.  I just want to figure out how to get the most materials from each crafted object.
Battles & PVP / Re: Any advice for a new pvper?
July 02, 2014, 07:18:01 AM
Quote from: Tyrone Biggums on July 01, 2014, 04:28:25 PM
Look for gear with either hp bonuses or str bonuses. A few examples I use is a battle necklace +50 hp, crown or harrower +10 str gauntlets of nobility I think that's 8 or 10 str I forget. There is also spirit of totem which is plus 20 str. Also don't forget to bless and or use potions. My max hp is no more then 430 all tiered out. It takes some time but you will get there. There's also people that will tier your gear for pbucks. Let me know if your interested.

I appreciate the offer but I love imbueing my own stuff.  I have a spread sheet for both the boys and myself to track our imbues and make sure we can get the max for each item.   It just takes time to collect ingredients. 
Battles & PVP / Re: Any advice for a new pvper?
July 01, 2014, 02:43:24 PM
Quote from: TheGrimReaper on June 29, 2014, 08:03:35 AM
Get yourself geared. Any weapon will work that is imbued, I got like 15 myself and they all do as good as the others. Get your tier 5 to get 50hp bonus, and aim for like 500 hp, make harm/ magic arrow/ Psn macro and you'll just loop it and should do pretty good, and just run after player to mortal them or bleed them.

I have about 2.5 tier avg right now.  Not horrible and I am working on it.   I have a question regarding the Hit Points though.   I have most of my STR and Hitpoint Increase maxed and I am still only 335 hit points, how does a person get to around the 500 mark?
Quote from: Falada on June 28, 2014, 06:49:30 AM
Just tame any 'colour' of Iron Beetle and have it walk around with you while you're mining. From time to time it will 'eat' some Ore out of the ground where you mine. I dont think there's a difference in the colours tho. Just try it :)

Thank you