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Messages - SapoJax

General Discussion / Re: What are we lacking?
July 30, 2015, 04:19:39 PM
The unfortunate thing is that I believe many people have so much gold that we become resource hogs. I know I myself have been known to wipe out vendors just so I dont have to do the work.

Ingots, lumber, leather....if I see it I buy it.
Any word on bringing back Mystic Arc for boomerang?

I know it was removed because it kept making the boomerangs disappear, and I took a small break and when I came back they had disabled the ability.

As for the elemental deeds, will they work as we thought they would? For example if I have a weapon that already has 50 % fire become 100 fire if i use another 50% deed. Cuz I was quite bummed at the effect one had where it reverted a weap to physical damage.

However this update sounds like it will be great.
General Discussion / Re: Nostalgia
September 24, 2012, 05:59:29 PM
Quote from: Maggdalena on September 24, 2012, 04:42:17 PM
Mmm...Brad Pitt....Troy!

Great, I can't concentrate now!

I have that effect on women.

Oh. Brad Pitt. Nevermind.

General Discussion / Re: Nostalgia
September 24, 2012, 02:24:18 PM
@ Alifanfaron

Yeah it's exactly what I was saying. I was just illustrating the point that back then people raged and demanded changes and wanted imbuing to be easier.

Now all you need is patience. You can certainly earn enough money doing Travesty to buy the mats if you don't want to spend your time hunting for them.

You will always have to rob from Peter to pay Paul. I remember doing quite a bit of business back in the day with you back in the golden age of imbuing ;).

I certainly remember the night my guild almost had a Jonestown incident in my house on a night we blew up over 150 weapons.

I also remember the whooping and hollering on ventrillo when we finally finished a piece for someone.

We adapt.

The game will always change. It's why we still play it after 15 years. At least it's why I do.

That and my armor is hot. But I think I mentioned that already.
General Discussion / Re: Nostalgia
September 24, 2012, 11:03:27 AM

I totally understood where you were coming from when you posted this. I didn't think you were whining, but merely stating the things you used to really enjoy.

I actually thought it was a clever way of doing it.


I think it is incredibly difficult to find the balance. I remember imbuing got screwed because of an exploit that flooded the shard with mats. The power shifted to the few who had access to them. A system had to be devised where new players could  eventually reach the level to which vets were already at.

How do you do that though?

Someone with a donny pet who can blast through anything. Well he'll be upset or get bored if everything is too easy.  But if you make everything hard enough for donny pets, then it leaves those without them unable to kill anything unless half the shard joins in with them.

Gargs doing 600 dmg? See THAT is the kind of thing I look for. That is why I experiment with weapons, their abilities , and where they might come in handy. I spent the last two weeks creating Slayer weaps....only to find out they didn't work.

Upset? Yes.

All it did though was made me move my research to a new area...a new weap...a new plan. Maybe I can't reach 600 dmg but I've managed to hit 250hp of dmg a I guess it means it just takes me twice as long as a garg. Except that I swing faster. And I look cooler.

Cuz armor is hot. Not stats wise. Looks wise. The grieves look is totally in this year.

Ask Paris Hilton.

My fear is not that people voice their concerns. Some do it intelligently , even if they are frustrated. Its the ones who just come in and demand and threaten and what have you. Donations are just that. Donations.

They don't give us the right to dictate policy.

I can only speak for myself, but every time something has had to change "forthe good of the shard" Konstantine has always been straightforward with me, and in some cases even compensated for something he had to change. It was far beyond what he was obligated to do and I have always been appreciative of him for it.

I just hope we all remember that.

Most of all I hope we all realise....

BizKits armor is sexy. I had to throw that in again....cuz is.

It's the grieves. Like Brad Pitt in Troy. But with lady bits.
General Discussion / Re: Nostalgia
September 24, 2012, 01:05:13 AM
I guess I see both sides.

I'm from back in the day...when imbuing was an adventure. You'd spend days or weeks trying to get the perfect weapon , only to have your heart broken when it exploded.

People would rant and scream and DEMAND that weapons should not break on imbue attempts. Or not as often. Or whatever the individual beef might be.

Now...nothing breaks. I create what I want , when I want, and it's all just a matter of time before I get it completed. When I do complete it...I just don't have the sense of satisfaction the utter JOY that I used to get 2 years ago when I finished a weapon or piece of armor.

I'd literally be on cloud nine for days. I'd log in just to look at my stuff.

All of us though, forget one thing. It doesn't matter what Kon gives us...we will want the other. If it's too easy ...we will complain it's too easy. If he makes it harder...we'll complain it is too hard. We'll scream for change and then get angry when he changes it.



I want the higher numbers...same as everyone else. What I've noticed in the last few weeks during all this turmoil, is that those of us who have stuck with Pandora (complaints or not) have seemed to grow closer. Maybe it's just my imagination but I see more interaction on the forums, in game....people just conversing to converse. I've discussed strategies, created weapons, and wandered the world just experimenting. Some have worked out...others....not so much.

Some people love gold. Some people love items. Some people love deco.

Some people want to sit back and watch a pet destroy everything in its path.

Some people only want to pvp.

Me? I want to go toe to toe with everything. Whether its a single Boss or an entire spawn... or running through Travesty and seeing how many enemies I can take on simultaneously without dying.

Then you take Kon and Vorspire who have to take all these different types of players and create a world in which most if not all of them will be happy.  I don't envy them that task.

Do I miss some things? Yes.

Do I agree with all of the changes? No.

Do I want to go play anywhere else? Suckah please.

This is home and it will be for me til I get thrown out kicking and screaming. Even then I might still be here.
General Discussion / Re: GM Help please
September 23, 2012, 06:37:18 AM
I feel the sudden need to burn my eyeballs.

General Discussion / Re: PvP store = bugged
September 20, 2012, 01:55:46 PM
It's been posted a few times not to go in there , because you will get stuck.

I believe logging into another char MIGHT get you out, but I'm not sure. Otherwise you have to wait til they come get you.

I'd bring you a snack...but then I'd be stuck too...and my char has enough issues already.

General Discussion / Re: Pandorian Cafe
September 15, 2012, 09:32:53 AM
Dude you're in Chicago too?

If you see someone walking down the aisle carrying a white colored Black Staff at the  grocery store....well then that would be me.

Just doesn't feel right to walk around Luna....I mean Jewels...without it.