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Started by xcalibre, September 23, 2012, 10:12:07 AM

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I miss retrieve pandora coins on pirates
I miss the PVP raids because barracoon champions was accessible to all
I miss to see 250 persons in pandora
I miss the twisted weald quest for the Dread Horn
I miss to see +200 luck accessible to all
I miss to have incredible reward at vote stone
I miss to not have publicity for Descendants
I miss to have special event
I miss to have a great balance

King you are the only one who have the power to put magic on this shard !  If you need to reset gold, ressource or anything else... Do anything you think is good for pandora...  But we need something and something really fast...

We are sunday and only 40 online... !

Help Pandora !  :-X


Agreed players know best of what they want... To make a server grow ya must keep the players happy, and have it fun for all, Making radical changes from when people loved this shard was very stupid, I mean Pandora could be HUGE if it were ran for the players the way we want it, Vote for changes as a whole instead of 1 or 2 people affecting hundreds of gamers expatiation's. Pandora 1 year ago brought me so much joy and fun gameplay. I told everyone i knew to check it out. Kon pal you are a brilliant and amazing dude, obviously at some point loved ultima online from a players perspective, think about things from a players view, from resource gathering to farming imbue mats to even the keys that never drop... I used to mine alot but now not worth it as spawn rates are WAY TO LONG, lumberjack also not worth it, farming silver snake skins  duh nope and the last thing lately for me was farming gold and o coins also tots in the road to ankh dungeon but now I cant keep my pet alive cause of no more pet heal potion so from a players point of view EVERYTHING that was amazingly fun for me is gone..And why?? Isn't Uo supposed to be fun? Doesn't make sense why all these changes are being made, Vent used to be full everyday, Pandora was at the top of all lists, I was so excited to be playing on a server that I thought finally was a PLAYER Friendly server, then it all changed I mean trying to mess with the economy for balance is taking the fun out of it may Make players happy is the best economy
Long Live John Elway


I truly want the best for pandora.. I love love love the way it was,and will hope and pray that things will get sorted out and the powers that be understand and appreciate our concers for a brighter future..LONG LIVE PANDORA
Long Live John Elway

Horns Nigel

The pirates are still out there, you just have to find them...Nigel
Nigel Horns Guild leader and Surgeon (SoP) Seekers of Peace, Pandora UO   
Aligned with D.A.T. That Guild and KoN


The pirates are still out there, you just have to find them...Nigel
There are pirates missing. And it's not only about those, as you can see:
QuoteI miss retrieve pandora coins on pirates
I miss the PVP raids because barracoon champions was accessible to all
I miss to see 250 persons in pandora
I miss the twisted weald quest for the Dread Horn
I miss to see +200 luck accessible to all
I miss to have incredible reward at vote stone
I miss to not have publicity for Descendants
I miss to have special event
I miss to have a great balance
This is just right.
People started leaving when there was a serious lack of imbue mat drops. Okay, this has been changed again. But I have to agree that getting Snake Skins is a pain; the Minichamp drops ONE. And imbue fails don't make it easier, so with only a little bad luck you are collecting the skins A WHOLE DAY.
The keys for Peerless are another thing, but Kon and Vorspire are aware of it and i hope this will be fixed, also the Peerless themselves. Because there is not much to do except them, Doom or Champs...
Another thing that i really don't understand is the whole advertisement for another shard (Descendants). Creating it, advertising it or participating in it with other GM's (for what i heard) might not be the best way to keep player base on Pandora. One year ago: 250 people. Today: 40. There is a reason for this.
Taking away stuff or reduce the gains in everything has nothing to do with fun or balancing. It's just a reason for frustration. Where is the gain? Obviously a lot of players can't accept it and left. So where is the success?

And for balance... it's not really clear to me why a soul glaive does so much damage and the equivalents for humans/elves suck compared to those. A Garg does about 600 Damage (!) if he uses a Slayer/Enemy of One and Honor in Doom. Well, i don't want them to be dropped down but this is no balance and it's not fair, there is no logical explanation.
Hate me, Gargs, but it's the truth. And i do not talk about DOZENS of bonus items (armor). ;)

I love Pandora and i won't leave. But i hope this all will make sense one day or get back to the way it was and it's supposed to be. The first concern to me, when i was a GM a while ago (far away from here^^), was to make people happy and support their play on the shard. To make them WANT to stay and play.
And i think that's the most important thing to do, when you run a shard. I am not talking about Bugs, cause i know they will be fixed. It's about the "bigger picture".
So please do not missinterpretate this.



"My name is my name."

Horns Nigel

I guess I just dont see the frustration, gold drops are as high as they have ever been and while items are constantly being adjusted its based on what they are seeing in the game.
While many of the items you listed may need to be addressed at some point in time, the overall picture is very bright, they are moving us into the future on this shard unlike many others.
As for descendants I feel  that there is a player base that really likes that shard and should have the option to play with that style, while it may not be for everyone I am sure that it takes nothing away from our beloved Pandora.

Just my opinion......Nigel
Nigel Horns Guild leader and Surgeon (SoP) Seekers of Peace, Pandora UO   
Aligned with D.A.T. That Guild and KoN


One question Nigel : Why no publicity for Pandora on Descendants ?

The same thing for Pandora...
Quote from: Horns Nigel on September 23, 2012, 12:25:50 PM

As for descendants I feel  that there is a player base that really likes that shard and should have the option to play with that style, while it may not be for everyone I am sure that it takes nothing away from our beloved Pandora.

Just my opinion......Nigel


Think of it this way. If you prune a tree it looks bad, but come spring it looks good again.

Yes alot of people got butthurt about the pet pots and left or got themselves banned. But we are still here, and will adapt.

If people see nothing but the negative then things will always look bad. It's best to relax, enjoy what you still do have and see what the future brings.


Dwarvey : you probably Right...   I just want to explain why i'm nostalgia...

Really sorry for this post...


Well, Nigel, i must be terribly wrong then.

"My name is my name."

Horns Nigel

No, you're not wrong, everyone has their own opinion and you deserve the right to express yours, I just don't see it the same way you do.
This is ok, because everyone here has their own style of game play, I am sure yours and mine are not the same, and that there are things they may frustrate me, but don't effect you.

I wish more people took the time to post as you did, I give you a ton of credit for expressing your thoughts on these forums, you are participating more then most, and I commend you for it....Nigel
Nigel Horns Guild leader and Surgeon (SoP) Seekers of Peace, Pandora UO   
Aligned with D.A.T. That Guild and KoN


Quote from: xcalibre on September 23, 2012, 12:53:08 PM
Dwarvey : you probably Right...   I just want to explain why i'm nostalgia...

Really sorry for this post...

You should not be sorry, you should feel free to express your opinion, otherwise how would anyone know that something might need to be looked into and possibly changed for the better.


I guess I see both sides.

I'm from back in the day...when imbuing was an adventure. You'd spend days or weeks trying to get the perfect weapon , only to have your heart broken when it exploded.

People would rant and scream and DEMAND that weapons should not break on imbue attempts. Or not as often. Or whatever the individual beef might be.

Now...nothing breaks. I create what I want , when I want, and it's all just a matter of time before I get it completed. When I do complete it...I just don't have the sense of satisfaction the utter JOY that I used to get 2 years ago when I finished a weapon or piece of armor.

I'd literally be on cloud nine for days. I'd log in just to look at my stuff.

All of us though, forget one thing. It doesn't matter what Kon gives us...we will want the other. If it's too easy ...we will complain it's too easy. If he makes it harder...we'll complain it is too hard. We'll scream for change and then get angry when he changes it.



I want the higher numbers...same as everyone else. What I've noticed in the last few weeks during all this turmoil, is that those of us who have stuck with Pandora (complaints or not) have seemed to grow closer. Maybe it's just my imagination but I see more interaction on the forums, in game....people just conversing to converse. I've discussed strategies, created weapons, and wandered the world just experimenting. Some have worked out...others....not so much.

Some people love gold. Some people love items. Some people love deco.

Some people want to sit back and watch a pet destroy everything in its path.

Some people only want to pvp.

Me? I want to go toe to toe with everything. Whether its a single Boss or an entire spawn... or running through Travesty and seeing how many enemies I can take on simultaneously without dying.

Then you take Kon and Vorspire who have to take all these different types of players and create a world in which most if not all of them will be happy.  I don't envy them that task.

Do I miss some things? Yes.

Do I agree with all of the changes? No.

Do I want to go play anywhere else? Suckah please.

This is home and it will be for me til I get thrown out kicking and screaming. Even then I might still be here.


SapoJax : Wow ! Really thanks ! Everything you say is right !

I know Kon est Vospire work really hard ! I'll really appreciated all those work on pandora.  I have choosen pandora from other shard because, it's the shard with the most update and in always progression.

I just want to tell to us, why i'm here and what making me nostalgia or happy.  So I hope 1 or 2 points was listen for the future of pandora !

Cya Pandorian


Sapo, i totally agree with your thoughts. Of course players are spoiled creatures who always want more, more and more of more.^^
My only concern is to point out the things where i believe they went the wrong direction, like Xcalibre did with his "Nostalgia" list. Sure, we always whine and complain about things we don't like. Well, this is human and player's nature, isn't it? And there are in fact things that go wrong. But i will still hang on and stay because in comparison to other shards Pandora was and is the best alternative i could imagine. Maybe it takes time to rise again and to recrute and "hold" new players on here. Maybe the next patch will change stuff. We will see.

Players are little b.itches who always need stuff to be happy. Better yesterday than today. I am one of those. And it's not that i wouldn't appreciate the work Kon and Vorspire are doing here. It's not easy to code, script and build all the small and big things the world needs, right. I just don't want them to forget that they are doing this to get and bind players, not to make them sad. ;)

Some of the measures and actions of the last months/weeks were not exactly pushing the fun in higher or new dimensions. Maybe it was necessary for things to come, maybe some of us were too impatient or even unfair. I just want the administration see our concerns and constructive criticism as a way to participate in Pandora's evolution and not only as senseless and girlish behavior. ^^
Of course, some of my points are just the wishes of a childish and spoiled player, but i can assure everyone that i'm interested in the thing i called "the bigger picture".
It's my free will to leave if i'm (constantly) unhappy. Well, first: I am not constantly unhappy, i am unhappy with a few things, mostly things that seem to have no real reason for being like they are.* Second: I won't leave. Never.

*For example why a Garg has to do 4x more damage than i am able to deal. Or why it should be fun waiting for one peerless key hour after hour.  Or why such a badass like the Frost Orc only drops peanuts. Or why a coinmob can onehit a donation pet (Turkey^^). Or why a alchemist shouldn't be able to make a mana potion (why did i buy all the sea moss again^^). Stuff like that. Maybe not such a big deal for everyone else, but like Nigel said: Everyone has a different play style and it must be hard for "Konspire" (this is cool!^^) to satisfy everyone's wishes. But these are "my" concerns at the moment.

"My name is my name."

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