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Messages - Flint Fireforge

Introduce. Hello. / Re: Hello
August 26, 2016, 10:12:15 AM
Not sure on why steam macro not working but should be able to help with easy UO. 1. Before you update client check easy uo webpage see what client there up to date with. Easy uo useally runs a week or so behind the latest client patch. Once you do get easy uo to run save a copy of your uo client.exe. This way if you upate and easy uo wont run just go to your uo folder delete the new client.exe and plug in your old one. That should fix the problem. I keep a copy of last client.exe that easy uo will run with on desktop.
Archives / Re: Game play and Etiquette
August 17, 2016, 09:02:20 AM
No one should be offended by the post unless you have a reason to be offended. The shard needs to grow not stagnate, and maybe a just a this is how you should play and respect others has been needed to be said. Sorry if ya think this is directed at you it was kinda directed at everyone. Its just a courtesy thing.
Archives / Game play and Etiquette
August 16, 2016, 11:40:20 AM
Play Fair
Cheating and using exploits is an admission that you can't win without them. Furthermore, you'll find winning a fair fight a lot more rewarding. If winning is really important to you, keep practicing and learn from what successful players are doing. Should the competition prove to be too much for you, finding a different game is a better solution than cheating.
Be A Good Sport
Laughing at defeated opponents, bragging about your achievements, overdoing it with taunts and emotes, all make you look childish. The fact is, even children should know better. An appropriate emote used at the right moment can be a beautiful thing, but when it accompanies every encounter in the game, it turns into that much more mindless spam, which brings us to our next rule.

Don't Spam
You really don't need to hammer the chat system with WTS messages to sell an item, nor do you need to use every channel in the game when there is a channel dedicated to trade. If people aren't interested, repeating a message in chat every 3 seconds isn't likely to change that. Wait a minute or two, and maybe you'll start to get through to a new audience.

Spare Us the Caps
C'mon people, this is a no-brainer that has been around since the dawn of the Internet - don't use all capital letters in chat. It's the text equivalent of yelling at everyone, and nobody wants to be yelled at.

You Were a Noob Too
Nobody can pick up a new game and instantly familiarize themselves with all its nuances and details. There are heaps of acronyms and slang particular to each game, and it's absurd to expect people to know these things without a little help from other players. Someone once explained to you what was going on, now you can do the same, rather than simply telling them they're "noobs" and leaving it at that.

A Little Teamwork, Please
If you're part of a team, try to cooperate with your teammates a little. Rambo-style gameplay rarely pays off in a team-oriented game, so don't expect your teammates to be right behind you when you go kamakazi into a gauntlet of enemies. Also keep in mind that actually winning the match is more important than being at the top of the scoreboard.

Don't Be a Quitter
It's amazing how often people will disconnect without a word when they're losing, or drop out when their group encounter isn't going well. If you don't think you can win, surrender. If your instance run isn't going well, try to work it out politely or offer some friendly advice. At times when your group isn't up to the task, explain the problem to others without insulting them. You never know what kind of solutions people will come up with until you give them a chance.

Not Everyone Who Wins Is a Cheater
Just because another player kills you a couple times does not mean that they're cheating. As good as you may think you are at any game, there are likely a lot of players who are just as good or better than you are. If you're as hot as all that, then start playing professionally in LAN tournaments where there is no way to cheat. If you're almost certain that someone is cheating, report them to an admin and let them investigate rather than throwing around accusations you can't back up.

Camping Is a Lame Tactic
Although some games encourage it, camping spawn points and corpses is generally a lame tactic. In many cases it's only possible because of flawed game design, but it's still a weak strategy that players with any dignity don't resort to.

Just remember these are the thoughts of FlintFireforge Please feel free to comment and add more. Just because we have had a few bad apples don't mean we wont find some really good ones in the Barrel. I honestly though long and hard about no longer admitting new players to CoF but that's not why the guild was formed it was formed for friends and people who love to play UO. I'm done rambeling for now.
Shard Changes / Re: I Wanna Hear From You!
August 16, 2016, 11:01:35 AM
I tend to agree no reason seahorse shouldn't be 1 slot pet. Even trained they suck at combat. Would also like to see a decent sea pet. The sea wyrm is not bad but something new always welcome.
General Discussion / Re: Rising Tricks
August 11, 2016, 06:07:29 AM
Thanks Noll.. You know how much we help out new players and want to keep doing so.
General Discussion / Re: Rising Tricks
August 10, 2016, 12:00:46 PM
I agree 100% on Emp on this one. Its very hard to help a new player when you realize you have helped 3 of there alts already. Ill still gladly answer questions and keep a few items for new players but all the help that was given is now hard to give now. I really wanna see the shard grow and we need new players and new players that really do need help don't be afraid to ask at a minimum we can at least help you train skills and get ya ready to play.
General Discussion / PVM Room
August 08, 2016, 06:07:52 AM
Everyone knows pvm room is for everyone, but lately were having problems with not only newer players but some vets coming in at the end of an event hitting the boss a few times and looting. Me and Empati have witnessed more than once someone coming in when boss was almost dead and getting a hit or 2 and looting. I know if you been there for most of event its all I how fast  you can loot and that's all good. The 1 hit wonders need to be warned there is a sign at entrance about it.
General Discussion / Re: Empati vs Flint
July 29, 2016, 11:44:17 PM
much love Miki :D
General Discussion / Re: Emapti vs Flint
July 26, 2016, 08:16:19 AM
Also remember there are small language barriers so if your not sure whats being said please ask to rephrase the question or comment.
General Discussion / Empati vs Flint
July 26, 2016, 08:14:20 AM
Ok I'm sure most everyone knows me and Empati do not see eye to eye. But we had a nice long talk this morning and both agree we have both been foolish and both have huge ego's. We both agreed there were things that shouldn't have been said and misunderstandings. The main thing we both love to play on Pandora and want  to see it grow. For now a Truce is called between our Guilds. PvP will be agreed on and a few rules in place. No one will loot. If its a 2vs 2 battle no one else will ineterfere. We both want to see the shard grow. There will be no more personal attacks on each other in public chat or forums. Just remember if an idea is posted on forums people will comment or reply lets just try to keep it constructive and not rude. I personally wanna see the shard grow and so does Empaty. SO we have called a truce and both agreed to it. SO for now lets all get along and help the shard grow. Thanks all for listening to my little rant, and Cof and our alliance please abide by the Truce and I'm positive Emp will to.
Shard Changes / Re: I Wanna Hear From You!
July 25, 2016, 05:32:09 PM
I agree Des when you can  hit a Garg with an anti air net and there back up and flying in a sec vs elf/human dismounted gets a stun effect
General Discussion / Edon
July 22, 2016, 06:14:12 PM
Just wanted to say thanks for all the new changes you have been doing to Edon making it very interesting. Glad you changed up stealabels also seeing a big interest in this. A lots been done to the shard in the past few months keep up the good work and thanks for listening to ideas and suggestions.
Agree big time if gonna nerf bows ( archery ) defiantly need to also nerf  glaives  ( throwing ) for gargs.
Really Emputty? You mightnot have died but everyone with you did multiple times. But was all in fun I had a blast win lose or draw. 8)
Shard Changes / Re: I Wanna Hear From You!
July 17, 2016, 02:23:02 PM
Defiantly would make more sense to get o coins from sos. Also wonder If we can get the master runebook fixed? You have to click on book 10 and then scroll up for book you want.