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Topics - GM NollKoll

Upcoming Events / Poor Santa... *ended*
December 24, 2014, 03:08:07 PM
When Santa was about to deliver gifts to the npcs in Trammel, a major accident happened (rumours claim it was the Headless doing, even though he should be completly dead)

Anyhow, Santa is in a intensive care healer npc... But, alot of gift boxes have fallen all over Trammel.
(Pretty much all over the map of trammel, if you find one that you cannot reach, that is just bad luck and i cant help you there... They will have a duration on themself, so they will self delete after 1h, since the spawnrange of these boxes are so vast, so some even falls into Green Acres)

Some of the boxes contain deco, and some contain gold only (its a modern and boring gift now adays, issnt it?)

Upcoming Events / Abra Kadabra Alakazam *important poll*
December 04, 2014, 12:35:46 PM
No, we wont get pokemons in the game.. but...  Would like to get the opinion from everyone about this matter.

Ive talked about revamping spells etc before. And yea, that will happen but to which extent....
But there is still the issue of spells not being like spells were before, to some players liking, to some..not..

The spellpentration deal will happen, since i personally like that idea alot.
(Bring back more of the pure mages, you will get a permanent buff depending on your characthers intelligence, having alot of intelligence will instead hurt your bandage speed etc etc, so its a trade off... mages are usually glass cannons.)

*The prevention of spammable spells, could be in less disturbs of bandage speed and casting, it will have a more heavy focus on how much damage you take. So the amount of interruption will be equal to the damage you do alot more.

Or a spell heat system, think of some games you got a gun with infinite ammo, but using it continueosly will bring up a heat bar to max, and you need to cool down. For those that havnt heard about it before, let say each spell, costs 10 heat to cast, and you get roughly 120 heat per minute. If you spam some quick spell far to often, you will be hindered to cast anything els.

Or anything els, feedback is welcome.. just some ideas i got.

Might do another poll if i forgot to mention something here, just quickly made this one up.. gotta hit the bed v v soon..
(Gf dragging me to Stockholm tomorrow.. she wanna do some xmas shopping and see the xmas decoration *sigh*.. fml..  so yea, also means i wont be around ingame during the weekend, perhaps on sunday tho..)
General Discussion / *click*
December 02, 2014, 09:52:33 AM
after been told that the tiger claw master should spawn when stepping on a tile in a certain room in the travesty dungeon.
Well, now it does..
Removed the normal spawn for em, and added this.
hit me up if the timer is too slow or too fast, or it stopped working suddenly!
Upcoming Events / Gobble Gobble
November 27, 2014, 11:55:13 AM
Here comes a small one.. but hopefully some of you will find it to you liking!

There will be a few  turkey statues hidden in various towns across Pandora. Some are extremly well hidden, and requires circle of transparancy. These are all stealable, and one per town.

Ter mur, tokuno islands,malas and a few trammel cities (wont tell which).

If any of these stealables are unstealable.. probably due to some line of sight difficulties.. First one that pm's me with a screenshot gets it. But some might just req. a bit of thinking before actually aquiring them.. Apart from alot of searching..

oh yea.. also added another one.. not in a city... You could say i pretty much lost it when i deserted it, in the middle of nowhere.. Well.. i cant be a total cold and hearthless skeleton, (or savage if you prefer), if i didnt give you any clues...right?....
Shard Changes / minipatch 14november 2014
November 14, 2014, 09:09:49 AM
-Added metallic dyetubs.
-Hopefully a small fix for the everlasting in the heat of combat situation (a range rule applied)
-Added bounty boards (will be placed shortly after the patch and some testing)
-Added a working davies locker
-Added elemental crystals & vote/trash tokens to the resource box (fishes n shit will come soon)
Upcoming Events / The Hallowed Void [Ended]
October 30, 2014, 01:40:35 PM
Im trying to find something nice story wise.. something along the lines of once a year, some dimensions draws closer to ours, even starts to collide and interfere with ours!. It has now happened to us, at this very moment...  There is a dimension with wicked creatures, colliding with ours.. The dimension is called... The hallowed void... (feel free to write up a nice story here, or with your own mind, i know i ruined it by starting it with "im trying to find something nice story wise".. but feel free to laugh it off ^^, )

There are unstable, temporal moongates, leading to this very void dimension, they are located in one out of nine trammel cities. (trinsic,britain,moonglow, vesper, jhelom,magincia,skara brae, minoc,yew)
The gate itself is extremly unstable, and will dissipear after a while, and relocate itself in another area.
Once you enter, there is only one way out, and that is with recall and/or sacred journey!

In there, you will find a vast variety of hallowed monsters, but also some new ones.
Those have a chance of dropping deco items among other things, and most of them got different droprates and different decos etc etc. Wont go into detail, but you will like it :3.

Oh, there is also a extremly scary monster, that roams there sometimes. Plainly called "The Headless"
If you see its name (the name is brown), Do not try to fight it, just run!
(ofcourse you could always try.. gather up a gang and try kill it)
The "AI" is extremly smart and MvP wise, do not listen to its speech, thats where it stops being smart =P
If you manage to kill it, it will drop some items aswell!

The dungeon itself, is a PvP zone, so be wary! I made it so you cannot loot other player corpses.
I want to call it "semi-pvp-allowed-zone", or "gentleman pvp zone"
I do not want to see a small group of players, or one or two in that case, ganging up and taking control of the dungeon itself. Feel free to be territorial etc, but do not overdo it.
If you see a new characther, or someone you know is defenseless, try talk to them, the dungeon is huge, there is room for alot of players. Feel free to pm "abusers" to me, give me their name etc and what they did, and ill talk to them. (Ofcourse do not be afraid to actually pvp in there, but its not a battleground, i always see both sides of the "complaint")

Summarize the one and only rule (for now)
PvP is allowed, but i do not want to see a none-gentleman:y pvp fashion, let new players have fun, or rather.. Let everyone have fun, and do not exclude anyone in this event. If you killed a player, and he comes back, talk to him, team up with him perhaps and split the rewards instead.
Upcoming Events / Halloween
October 14, 2014, 05:14:42 AM
Since i had some ideas on this whole thing, basic town invasion, if not a few towns in one facet (probably trammel this time, since it works best with the second part)

And one so called monster, which i guess Tyrone is still up for.
(Create a new char, with OP items, which he cannot move, and alot of hp. But when he dies, he is no more) So he is a playable boss, rampaging the towns etc. (Might do it so he can only use it for 1h a day or something, or a few hours a day).

I could perhaps even give him some special abilities (like having op items and hp issnt enough)
Which could be area kill (lure players killing him onto a bridge/room, then bam!), area trap etc. (with some cooldown, works with him pulling a lever in a bag he got, with perhaps a global cooldown, so he can only use one skill per hour or something, and a instant logout lever aswell, one time only use, to save him in a sticky situation.) But yea, ill look into that.
I gotta script a talisman or something, that makes him "invisible" for all monsters first, but shouldnt be that hard. (there are simular items ingame allready, orc mask and savage kin paint, this one would just be a more permanent item, which you cant loose, even if you attack a monster)

But if i manage to get some special skills working, i could be needing a "hunter".. But this time, its one of your normal chars, but with 2-3 special abilties, with a "global cooldown" aswell, one that traps him, possible usable only within 15 tiles, for 10 seconds, and one that drains all his mana/stamina.. both with 30min cooldown. So far just ideas. The hunter have no special stats, except perhaps a temporary monster invisibility, and said skills, which will be removed after the event.

If Tyrone as the big badass boss dies day one, well..  shame on him =P

I could try make him really overpowered, but each city has some monoliths that needs to be destroyed, before even trying to take him down, which has a respawn rate of 2 days or something.
If they are up, he has to move to another town, or try take down the foes. But yea, so far, just ideas, feel free to give me feedback and ideas!

-Global cooldown: Instead of casting a spell, and there is a cooldown period on that spell only, a global cooldown means that all spells will have same cooldown, regardless which spell used.
Upcoming Events / unrelated to uo
October 08, 2014, 11:30:57 AM
There will be a bloodmoon for you yankies tonight!

alas not visible in europe/africa, so those with the right cameras, feel free to take a photo!

Upcoming Events / Quiz event? Sat 4th october
October 04, 2014, 08:22:21 AM
So how about a lil quiz battle event for those brainiacs out there, ill grab my trivial persuit cards, and make a contest in some way or another.

Thought about the lines of trivial persuit, but each correct answer in each genre, grants you a piece, when you got all piece, all other contestents will select a genre for you to answer (so better learn your opponents weaknesses quick!)

Will be turn based, going from one side to the other, if there are 2 or more players winning during a single turn, those will have to continue to a sudden death state.

But basicly, start the game with everyone rowed up, starting with one player, saying which genre he/she will choose (will have some colored ferrets or something that will say what each genre is)
If he/she wins, she gets one color/genre done out of 6, and the next player gets a shot, if he/she answers wrong, then nothing happends and the next player will have a shot at a question.

The questions will be random, some hard and some easy, but i will bring up my TP, mix the pile of question cards and go from there.

Turing a turn when someone has all 6 pieces done (ie answered correctly in each genre) the players will decide (hopefully quickly, i will take points in majority of players, but if there are some quicker to decide then others, i might grab that, depending on how smooth this goes). If he/she answers correctly in that choosen category, he/she will win if there are no other players that could win that round.

As always, cheating aint allowed, and i will accept roughly 5-10 seconds for you to answer, and helping guildies are ofcourse not allowed aswell.

1st prize, and participant rewards.

*And ofcourse you cant select the same genre/category if you allready got that piece done, obviously.

Any ideas/suggestions?

edit: It will be  hosted around 4-6PM ET, depending on my sleepyness and player count etc.
Upcoming Events / ISP issues...
August 05, 2014, 04:27:32 AM
currently my retarded ISP's is screwing me over.. Writing now on my normal pc, but using my phone as a hotspot.. So probably wont be able to login today, or tomorrow.. No idea when they can fix it, they are just pushing the ETA forward and forward..
Ok, just to stretch a bit on the suspension here a tad.. Just want to explain that a childhood friend will come and visit me for a week, coming the 8th of August.

And to the event idea itself, if i can convince him to do it* (he have played around 10 min of uo in his whole life, this was 5+ years ago).
I will prepare with a square arena, and my characther will slaughter the lot of you!**, that sounds fun, doesnt it?..  But heres the possible fun bit, he will do the slaughter, so there will be no favoritism etc.
(if i would be in charge, i would pick my favourites off first muhaha). But yea, probably my famous pitchfork will do the trick here.

This could be done in several ways.
main setup:
1) Everyone in the same team, last player standing.
2) Two or more teams, none colored, so u kinda need to be in a party, when one team is wiped, the other team wins., could perhaps add a title or something to seperate the teams.

a)You could camo as npcs, i might spawn attackable bankers or something within the arena, some in a patrolling area, so some might run around as much as they can, some might mimic the clothing of the banker, and try walk in the same patrol, i will show him how a banker looks like etc, and tell him the camo setup.
b)a setup for the main setup no2, each team gets a leader, when the leader is down, the other team wins, or if 3 or more teams, when the other leaders are down. This way, other teammates might try taunt or lure etc, sacrifice for the good of the team.
c) that i could be killable, so you have to talk with your team, if you wanna go offensive or defensive, ofc i will tell him to focus on the attackers, and i wont be an easy target!, if i go down, the remaining players win.
d)have upto 3-5 bandages, everlasting bandages is something you have to put in bank., ressing teammates, or healing yourself if you are lucky enough to escape the long range of the pitchfork!

Yea, bring me feedback, this is not a joke =P i thought it might be fun with a chaotic lottery event, where everything could happen hehe

And furthur explanation of the asterixes.
*Its upto him if he wants to do it or not
**Which staffmember wouldnt want to slaugher all players in an event like this? alas it will be my friend, but i will be next to him and laugh ^^
Shard Changes / Recent Patch ~17July
July 19, 2014, 09:10:44 AM
Massive patch, wont write down each bit, just trying to summarize each genre of script most likely.

-Very large core overhaul, over 100 scripts, changed, streamlined etc etc. If it is something worth noting down, Vorspire have to modify this thread/post =P
-Small edit to region of Britain and Luna, probably just a slight fix where the region ends or starts too soon.
-Small fixes to some ingame commands like [bs
-Added fish catagory to resource box (atleast new version?)
-Various fixes to imbuesystem.
-Various fixes to spells, mobiles, potions & poison
-Fixes to some quests.
-Various installments/fixes on AI which includes speech and command recognition from players. (Talk to an NPC, or give orders to your pet)
-Fixes to houses and all sort of vehicles, probably to improve placements etc.
-And ALOT of other fixes, was around 400-500 scripts changed, tried to summarize the important bits pretty well

-Lowered the toughness of flaming skull, but not its lethality.
-Hopefully buffed some mysticism spells and corrected their mana usage.
-Possible fix to the never ending peerless "boss is busy" bug.
-I might have managed to boost the damage of weapon abilities VS PvM a tad.
-Added another parameter to the rules of when a monster can rummage or not. Hopefully this will include all monsters that will leave no corpse due to being from a champspawn or a PvM Room event.
Well someone emptied em, renamed em and left them there. I have disabled all the new stealables tils this person makes himself known. Just a fyi sorted..
Ok, not only you guys had a small drawback during the crash, had to remove the special spawners i did so far.
This time there is no town that is under an attack, its a dungeon. Various gargoyles is slaughtering the unprepared orcs in this dungeon, but just becouse you will arrive and kill off the gargoyles, do not think a second a orc would target you.

This invasion will be located in the orc dungeons in Felucca, so you need a strong group of players to dare venture into the deep mining caves of the Orc Dungeon.

This is how it works:
There are 3 levels of the orc dungeon, the main focus lays on level 2 & 3.
In the second level of the orc dungeon, you will notice alot of different gargoyle's picking off stray orcs etc. (and you ofcourse) There will be a continous spawn of various gargoyles in all the levels.
But! Here comes the fun part:

Level 2 - Apart from the regular gargoyles, there will be white named ones, the Excubitors.
Kill around 8 of these, and you will summon the commander on the third level of this dungeon.

(works kinda like a champ spawn, wished that i could create so you had to kill a random amount of excubitors from a range of 5-10, but i noticed too late that it was not possible if i wouldnt do a complete redo of the whole spawner system >_>)

The excubitors & commander both got "common" and "rare" loot, the common loot is a piece of decoration, and the rare loot will be the weapon elemental damage deeds. The Excubitors will drop the 100% fire/cold/poison/energy deeds (you will quickly understand which excubitors that drops which deed)
And the commander itself will drop the other mixed* elemental deeds (if you are extremly extremly extremly extremly lucky, he can drop all 4 of the mixed elemental deeds at the same time, or a variation of the 4, but chanses are ofc that he will drop only 1, if he drops it at all, that is)
*Cold/poison 50%
Fire/cold 50%
Fire/cold/poison/energy 25%
Fire/Poison 50%

Beware: i also added some flaming skulls, they can ofcourse attack and blow up a orc instead of you, but i thought i would be kind to mention that the orc dungeon level 2 & 3 are occupied with flaming skulls aswell.


p.s. this will last until Sunday or so, depending on drops.

*old bit of information[outdated, but ill let it stay for fun]*

One of those things again, yea...

But first.. I wont be online that much during later this day and a few days onwards, but should be free again on saturday..
My Mother is coming to visit me (& annoy the living crap outa) due to its my bday tomorrow etc.

On to the fun stuff again, if i get an agreement from mr king kong and the lot of you, i might have the weapon elemental deeds as a super rare/rare loot from some of the monsters/bosses. (the deeds that change the elemental damages on weapons), also some decos, and stuff like that, but the deeds, we will see if ill add or not! (depending on what you all think & what mr king kong thinks)
Upcoming Events / New Counselor!
June 03, 2014, 07:02:48 AM
A big and warm welcome to our new counselor (which i did not help dress up and suggest a name for).... Diddy Kong!

(disclaimer: any resemblence to anyone els, is just a pure coincident)

Will help me out with some pages/help, especially when im not online, due to timezone difference etc.

edit: due note that counselors staff abilities are limited (read and answer pages, teleport... pretty much it).

Real issues will be shoveled over to me, but diddy will help getting all the juicy good info so i know what the bug/issue is about.
Since i think that i got nothing els planned for this Saturday, i would like to give a headsup for a test which i need several elite players to help me with. All "levels" of the impossible spawn will not be revealed now, or on other tests, since i like some stages to be mysterious upon release hehehe..

Still got a few things to add to the impossible spawn, as in more monster levels etc, but also the way the end-reward will be distrubeted, but that might be in a future test and not on this saturday.

But yea, would like as much players as possible to help out here, if i see there are alot of players joining up, i will get a pretty fair estimate where i will set the monster spawn count & damage etc. Making it a almost impossible spawn. If you think the name is misleading due to this, well.. tough luck... Being rewarded after a successful run on the future Impossible spawn with "almost impossible spawn artifact"  doesnt pack as much punch as a "Impossible Spawn Artifact"..

And ofcourse, to those that have been burried in a hole or stay out of the gossip groups of Pandora, the impossible spawn will be a special spawn in the PvM event arena, which will reward brand new and unique artifacts, possible other cool loot aswell. Might give out test/mini-event rewards for the help aswell, we will see..

Hope i will see you there!

p.s. as i stated in the beginning "since i think i got nothing els planned".. Can't say for certain that im able, but im rather sure i am.. But im living with a gf that got a shedule planner inside her head, but only gives 1h notice of stuffs.
Shard Changes / Publish 49.9c
May 04, 2014, 12:35:57 PM
-Some Donation deeds have been added, will sort out prices with mr King Kong before they are implemented in the donation store
-All weapons got their OSI Standards damage, this will mean that some weapons as comp. bow & soul glaive will do less dmg, due to they once before got a gigantic buff, meanwhiles the other weapons did not. If the impact of these weapon changes is far to great, i will try sort it out with increasing the dmg bonus you get from anatomy/tactics perhaps, or rebalance each weapon.
-Pet Parrots recieved a small change for the players, they will not spam you with a message that you are the owner and obviously can rename it, for the staff, this will mean that no parrots at all will spam us, since according to that stupid little animal, all staff's are their owners =P. (and lotsa spam)
-Possible fix to treasurechests not being truly locked, hopefully i found the cause for that.
-Some changes to my monsters i added, nothing i have to go into detail here^^
-Vorspire's OCD went nuts in some other scripts, just general cleaning i recon.. Also some bugfixes etc etc. He should also have fixed the strange crash and timewarps, and other fixes to battles etc. If he wants, he can rewrite what ive said =P
So after alot of running around in towns, far more then whats healthy for you, i completed the achievment of adding 2 stealables per felucca town. (alot of checking what would fit for that town, or what hue it should be as rare* etc)

*Almost all stealables will have a chance of a different hue at 10% per spawn. The rest will just look different, and with that i mean it could be a stone that looks different each spawn, theres alot of different stones out there.. But thats just for example, since i dont want to give away any clues)

The stealables will blend in quite good, and will be inside houses, or in a towns vicinity, kinda. Most will spawn inside the town itself. But since most of the stealables will have a 10% chance of spawning as a different hue, those would be easier to spot then others. Most stealables wont even be highlighted if  you hover your mouse over them, so thiefs, start those stealing macros and hope that you know what has been added to that town!, it wont be easy! (they will spawn in the same place, so once you know one location, your good to go)

**i might or might not turn guards off for a few days, during the search.
Your allowed to change your vote!
Upcoming Events / Client Patch
April 25, 2014, 03:12:32 PM
As i tried patching my client, i found that the latest patch ( SA) Is way more stable then the one i had before. So you should all patch up to the latest UO client with uopatch.exe.. If you want to be on the safe side, make a backup of client.exe (copy and paste)

Upcoming Events / *easter eggs* *updated, read!*
April 18, 2014, 06:35:26 AM
a short thread just to notify you all about easter eggs hunt has begun!

Each none-peerless feluccian dungeon got a spawn in one of their levels. Also luna got a spawn, but since its heavily crowded, those would probably be picked up quickly! (endless, but 5-10 minute respawn)

If i got time, i will do some rare eggs for each dungeon, but we will see if i can..  Enjoy and have a good easter!

In 3 feluccian dungeons, 3 very very different eggs will spawn, they will spawned for 5 minutes every hour, so they will be quite rare. They work like the old eggs, so if you wanna keep em as a deco, do not double click em =P

The following dungeons you should scavange for em is:
Therathan keep

enjoy!.. as i said before, these eggs will only be spawned for 5 minutes, then they will pop back into none-existence, so look for em carefully! (and be lucky if you happened to be there during those 5 minutes)