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Topics - GM NollKoll

As title said, could someone or a bunch of players, test out each weapon ability, rate em from 1 to 100, where 100 is ALOT of dmg.. Ofc some abilities got buffs/debuffs, and not only do dmg, but also debuffs the opponent or buff  yourself, so please note that aswell.

On Magery i want to know how the new SDI cap works, is the dmg still far too low, and what do you think about the magery situation, what should be changed?

Also wont be on much during this weekend, father coming to visit *had ALOT to clean up*.. but on another note.. hey i can see my actually desktop..

I think im free on Monday, so could perhaps do a PvP event on Sunday, around 5-6PM EST, feel free to vote what type of PvP event that would be, and ofc if you are all able to compete in it..  1vs1, 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3.. FFA.. Ship battle, normal arena, only magery and no equips?.. well the voice is  yours..

Other then that, have a happy easter

edit: will also start the spawning of easter eggs etc tomorrow.. Mostly in random felucca dungeons (and maybe one in luna.. not sure yet)
Shard Changes / Publish 49.9a
April 05, 2014, 11:34:57 AM
-Removed "Staff Runebook" which caused some random crashes rarely.. Question is who of us that used one, since King Kong and Vors blaimed me ofc, but i use a regular runebook =P Odd indeed!

-Change to the BOD system, after turning in a completed bod will no longer result in getting a new bod instantly. You will now have to wait 30 minutes. This to lower the amount of low-end-rewards flooding the market.

-Change to throwing weapons vs PvM, slight nerf in dmg vs monsters only. VS Player dmg is the same.

-Slight adjustments to weapon abilities, Armor Ignore got slightly nerfed, meanwhiles:
Bleed attack - does a tiny bit more dmg, if the player is in vampiric form, he will take double dmg from bleed, since vampires love their blood.
Concussion Blow - the dmg bonus from the Max Mana vs Low Health or Low mana vs High Health is increased.
Crushingblow - the abilities dmg bonus has been increased v slightly.
DoubleStrike - Does slightly more dmg now
(The Weapon abilities will continued to be tweaked and balanced, i hope Grim Reaper will give me a good status report after these changes.)

-Spell damage increase cap for pvp is now at 75%

-You are no longer able to hide while using the grab command.

-Made Changes to most heavy weight fishes/crabs etc. Some will still weight a bit, but far from what they used to.

-Added Impossible Spawn artifacts, so they are ready(are you?).

-a fix for dismount ability, gargoyles will no longer be able to dismount other players while flying with this particular ability. Infused throw is the ability they need to use instead.

-Update to the stealing script for staff-made stealables (tested it ingame, saw it needed a fix, will be patched shortly, so hang in their thiefs!, but i am close!)

-Redid Firebreath ability (i.e. dragons fire breath) to scale with str, and a heavily increased max damage cap on its damage. >>Fire Breath is back, Beware!<<
The old damage cap was at 200dmg, which would result in a measily 60dmg on a player.
The new "Max" cap will result in a player getting 401.1 dmg with full fire resist from a a creature that has those amount of str now.

-Adjusted Elder wyrm and Stygian dragons strength to match with the adjustments to firebreath.
Beware of firebreathers now! no carebear breath anymore. (Chargers will do around the same dmg as before, it will affect high-str firebreathers better then before)

-a fix to Oceanic Net Deco has been done, will apply the item to the stone again shortly!

-a few deco items and addon deeds has been added, Royal bathtub, world table and some other decos.
Will be added whenever i know where to put em ^^

-Changes to Poisoning Skill -> You will get extra charges at 110 & 120 in poisoning skill when applying poisons to weapons.

-Changes to Poison spell -> Will be able to cast lvl 4 poison at 120% Magery & Poisoning Skill.

Also noticed there is no poisoning powerscroll, is this correct? Might script a quest chain to get the poisoning powerscrolls ingame.


edit: Clarifications:
If in vampiric form, you will take double dmg from bleed. The dmg is still not that much, 8-12dmg normal, 16-24dmg per tick while in vampiric form.

And the spellcap is for pvp, bring back more magery spells in the pvp, this is ofc. open for tweaking for the future, i dont want to see a Curse, AI,AI,Poison,AI,AI combo in every every every every every pvp fight.
********Tokuno Pigments*********

As most of you know, i made the "color stones" a bit more awesome, with a hue tester that you will see how each pigment will look on you (just double click any of the stones, and the npc will change into that color),also added the remaining pigments that didnt exist there.

And with a bit of chat with King Kong, the prices of dyes have been lowered to 50% what they used to be. No need to pm him anymore about dyes, since all dyes are on the donation painter allready, and all pigments can be shown in the Treasures of Tokuno house, aka Pandora Pigment Library now =P.

*******PvM Room**********

Also for a week ago or so, i revamped the PvM room a bit, added 9 new spawns, from a total of 6? spawns to a total of 14 spawns, and each spawn got its unique broadcast, so you know what just have spawned in there.
Will add 5+ more spawns later when i get time. There are atleast one spawn now that the new players should focus on, and its the "gold rush" one, quite easy spawn, which will bring you a nice sum of gold.

With the spawns that are to come, are daily bosses included, which will have their own unique spawn, but also an Impossible Spawn, which might you have heard rumours about. Which upon completion might bring you new Artifacts, such as an Artifact Talisman & Earrings. This spawn will be among the hardest ingame, and requires alot of teamwork, but if you manage to complete it, you have the rights to brag about it. (Will also have a greater chance of spawning deco items, handheld lightsources etc etc, feel free to come up with suggestions)

Big Thanks to Falada for the help in the pigment room (amazing how much colors you know in your head). And also thanks to That Person, Tys and many more for helping me with the various different spawns.
Shard Changes / Changes to Newbie dungeon
February 18, 2014, 11:43:05 AM
Added a chanse of imbuerunes to drop from around 70% of the monsters in the dungeon.

These will be lower mid to higher mid intensity runes, but also spellchanneling which only got one intensity.

I added a title on the monster that tells what type of imbuerune it has a chanse of dropping.

Those who drop the imbue runes, drops them with 3 "raritys", alot easier to find lower intensity runes over higher intensity.

Talked to Falada, over whats the usual stats she imbues for new players, so there will be int, dex, str, hp, ssi, hci, di, spellchanneling, aoe hit, etc etc dropping on the monsters. Since spellchanneling is only one intensity, it has a somewhat low chanse of dropping. But always a good idea to tell new players to venture into the newbie dungeon to upgrade their gear a bit.
Upcoming Events / Upcoming Pet Fight event! *UPDATED!*
January 23, 2014, 01:45:16 PM
Running a test now with 3 players, i will see which properties to change etc before doing a fullscale event of this =P.

But this is the event for those old enough to feel embarassed about wanting to play pokemon, which would result in 82.5% of all the players on Pandora.

All players that wants to join, gets a easy to kill creature. (i will prob. use a ferret for everyone, same resists, dmg etc for everyone) Which has a) unlimited skillcap, 2m wrestling skill, sure go for it! or b) a rly rly rly high skillcap, like 2k wrestling?

The players may choose how their pet may look like, but do remember, you may not keep your pet!, i will make em self destruct after X weeks.

For Y week(s) the players needs to train there creatures to become the best of all, then there will be a showdown in form of a pet tournament when its done. I will see during this test if i should enable magery or not on these creatures, since perhaps a single flamestrike could instant kill it (perhaps).

Feel free to drop suggestions and/or which creature you want it to look like!


Ok after this time of testing, we can conclude that even the smallest animal can be the most awesome =P.

I will construct all the pets needed today, and will deliver em on thuesday, everyone will get tils Sat the 15th of February to train their animal as best as they can. I will have a skillcap of 6.5k in each skill.

Each animal will be a ferret, with same resists and stats as the rest, but you may select which hue and form it takes, (do note that i will prob. not do any monster look on em, try select a small and cute animal.) Feel free to pm me ingame or in forums, regarding which hue, pet type and your account name so i can give it to you, even if you are offline.

edit: also, spread the word around for those that wish to join, but aint frequently using the forums, tell em what it is, and tell em to pm me which desired pet and hue.
As the subject..

What ive understood and seen so far, the latest release of UOSteam v1.01 have improved the gameplay stability, and lowers the amount of client freezes to slim or none. Feel free to mention if you are using UOSteam and how your experience is with it.

Just wanted to get this out there, since few folks might been feeling that nature is a better place to spend your time in, then by your computer by the latest weeks of client freezes.

For those that have not yet installed UOSteam, you should!
a winter curse has befallen Skara Brea!
Met up with several new monsters (remodeled for this purpose)
Also some evil snowmen that curses the whole town, to ward off intruders!

with 6 monsters and 4 different snowmen, on both facets, the amount of work and scripts put into this event is epic, so i hope your experience will be the same!

all of the monsters drop special items, with various raritys, random weapons, jewelry, talismans, armor and shields. (note the equipment have no rarity factor)
The super rare robe is something epic, just saying :3.
There are 2 main types of winter pies that can be gotten, one that increases str, and one that increases anatomy, they can all be aquired with 3 different raritys, boosting the str with 100! (the highest rarity) Ofc its a temp. buff, and wont be permanent.

And to the biggest MUST READ, there are 4 snowmen that randomly spawns (but not too often), there is just one way to deal with them, and i wont say how. But when they have spawned, you will notice that either your health will go down, or your stamina will go down, or your mana will go down, also a snowmen that will put deadly poison on ya!, with all 4 active at the same time, venturing into town can be extremly difficult. So dealing with the snowmen is prio 1!!! (wont say how =P)

This festival will be held during whole xmas, and probably to next year, so around 2 weeks?.

The festival is in both facets, there is a slight difference in loot and spawn between the 2 facets:
Trammel: Will have a "calm" prefix to the name, and a bit lower respawn rate & 1 monster less
Felucca: Will have a "wild" prefix to the name, and a bit higher respawn rate & 1 monster more (duh)

In both facets i have placed a free-to-use corpse stone, and a healer north of the Moongate. (somewhat of a safezone there)

Might upload more information here when i figure something out i havnt said =P
Other then that, i will go to my parents town tomorrow (monday 23rd) and will be off for a few days, will be on the forums, but not ingame. So i wish you all a merry xmas and a happy new year.

Yuki-Onna                - Snowflake* & Strength pie*
a Winter Storm Entity - De-activated Snowman* & Anatomy pie*
a Bigfoot                  - Snowy Tree* & X-Mas Candle*
a snow eye               - X-Mas Talisman**
a X-Mas Grinch          - X-Mas Robe* & X-Mas Jewelry***
a magical snowpile     - X-Mas Armor(armor/shield)*** & X-Mas Weapon***

* 20% common, 1% rare, 0.1% super rare
** 7.5%
***: 15%
-You got a chanse of aquiring for example all raritys of robe, on the same drop, but u need to be rly lucky then =P i.e. a monster drops both common, rare and super rare robe, so u get 3 robes at once.
-On magical snowpile its 15% chanse on dropping an armor piece, so its not 15% chanse of a shield AND 15% chanse for armor, its 15% chanse on dropping any armor/shield ingame, so you cannot get both an armor piece and a shield in the same corpse, but there is a chanse of getting an armor or shield AND a weapon.
-As i claimed earlier, felucca items got Wild in their name, and trammel got Calm in their name as a prefix.

*below here comes the old thread info*

Since i barely got any response/feedback at all from the sailing event, i will postpone it again.. Do not worry, i know its a hectic time.

But onwards to the real topic..  Since you all seemed to love the thanksgiving (leftovers) festival, i will try make an even more awesome winter festival, that will last longer.

I will make somewhat simular drops (in what i mean, common, uncommon, rare.. and possible super rare)

-What would you like to see for kind of monster smashed (will remodel some monster, so i wont spawn alot of stygian dragons for example).
-What loot would you like to see? (i will personally ban the player that asks for donation items and pbucks =P ). Also i forgot about handheld lightsources, still a want factor on those? A new armor/weapon drop, simular to thanksgiving, renamed, hued random weapon/armor?.
Are robes still in fashion?, if ill make rare and super rare robes, or some other fancy braggy brag item?
Perhaps a sonic screwdriver?..  Forcing Dwarvey to play the game a bit more =P

I thought somewhere around 20%,5%,1%,0.05%, might be possible noone gets the super rare item, but if someone gets it, they can regard themself rly rly lucky.

Also, the biggest question of them all, will Tys be content, or mad? =P

*****New as of 10th jan*****
Ok folks, the festival will be closed down tomorrow, no levers, but a big smashy smash event.
This festival was a long one, and probably the longest i will ever have on (interest died almost half way?)
But all in all, i think/hope you all enjoyed it.

Tomorrow saturday the 11th i will hopefully (i dont think my gf got anything planned for me etc etc)
will end it with the late christmasH event.
*NOTE*You will need atleast a common drop robe from this festival to participate!*/NOTE*
There will be a large area containing ALOT of one-hit-kill critters, well 99.9% of em will be one-hit-kill.
Your only allowed to have the robe equiped, and a normal wooden club, nothing els.. Not even in your backpack!.
Some of these monsters will drop a few decos and buff items perhaps, some deco items will be unique, so only 1! will drop.
Those who have sweated enough to get a rare or super rare robe will get earlier access to the smashing grounds, the exact times for rare/superrare early release have not yet been determined. But perhaps 3-10 seconds for rare, 10-20 seconds for super rare?
Just did a faulty search, server will hopefully get responsive in a few min again.. sorry for your issues and i will help everyone that possible got killed during this freeze

update: was "just" a 2 min freeze, seems that only 1 player died during the process which i ressed and helped.. so seems everything sorted out fine
Due to the Timelords has been and messin' about on the forums, im going to rewrite the post, and hopefully i will cover everything again.

Due to forums maintenance and me meeting some mates tomorrow (Sat. 23rd Nov) i will postpone it one week, tils next Saturday. Hopefully no Timelords will disrupt it that time, either it be on the telly or behind the webpage.

About the event
a certain amount of teams, will race around the map of Trammel, on the way, they need to get to certain checkpoints (cover more on that soon, but those who joined my GEOraces, its like that basicly)

I would like as much players as possible to form teams in advance, post it here if you got a full team, no need to mention who does what, but during the event, the jobs will be fixed, so no switching. Since i can hue the ships, i would also like to know the teams favorite color(or hue mix, i can have a different hue on the gangways for example, team colors may not be the same as other teams, so first come, first served!)

The teams should be of minimum 3 players,
-one that steers the ship (preferbly mouse-steering, to celebrate Vors intensiving keyboard smashing skills)
-one that reads a map of the checkpoints, and checks with a map system like the one with SteamUO (a auto updating map of your whereabouts, good time to promote SteamUO aswell)
-the rest of the crew will kill whatever oceanic monsters and critters that the ship might encounter, and general support

The teams should also decide on a theme based sailor outfits, the team with the best outfit might get a special price just for that, not decided yet, but probably will

Ofc. players arent allowed to recall and replace ship (you still need to get to each checkpoint, and the ship will loose hue when you drydock it)

There will be some different routes a player can take, the route will still be around the map of trammel (mainland), but how each island will be taken, is upto the player (map reader role ofc, but could use that mumble server or whatever it was called, to talk to each crewmember efficiently, promote that aswell =P)

There wont be any pvp allowed, might make reds yellowbared if they got a mapreading/captain role in the event, or rather, make everyone with the captain/mapreading role as yellowbared.

Players who does not participate are not allowed to mess with the course (help guildmates or such, via various means)

And i would prefer if as much shipowners could drydock their ships during the event.

Would also like the griefing amount will kept to a minimum aswell (2 ships from same guild, one blocks other ships so the other guildies can get far ahead, sure its one tactic, but i wont allow it as much as i can spot it)

Oh yea, small boats is what i think would be the best, and no again to those who would, no ship battles.. i will make a event in the future, with a ship fight kinda thing, when cannon is going to be implemented

**About the checkpoints, and the 2 "options" i would like to get feedback on**
"checkpoints" work in a way that, one of the players got a piece of paper in the backpack, when the correct checkpoint has been reached, the paper will change (get "stamped"), and depending on the 2 options, what will change will also be updated.

option1: Checkpoint areas will be large, 20x20-40x40 tiles wide, no precise mapreading skills req, just be in the general area, and the paper will get "stamped" and it will change name from "Checkpoint 1: reached" to "Checkpoint 2: reached", something like that.
Pro's: Less cluster effect at checkpoint, less frustration, no superb mapreading skill is needed
Con's: No mapreading skill is needed =P, can result in players in the lead, easily maintain the lead

option2: Checkpoint areas will be small, 1 tile or max 9 (ie 1 tile in the middle, then one step in each direction from the middle tile)
The paper will change name from "Checkpoint 1: reached. Checkpoint 2 location: XXXXXXX" where the XXXXXX's is the sextant location.
Pro's: More professional sailing, can make players that have fallen behind, catch up the winning team if they are having difficulties finding the area.
Con's: Can slightly cluster the area with ships (will have the locations slightly off, still kinda close to each other, but fully possible to get the paper stamped at the same time as another team), Will take longer time, and need better communication between captain/mapreader

**Summary/Hows its done(basic)**
a few ships will start from the exact same location (ofc not ontop of each other), each ship containing atleast 3 players.
They will travel around the map, via several checkpoints (where a piece of paper, that will get updated at each waypoint
First one that reaches the starting location again (ofc, with a paper that claims that they have traveled around the world) wins!

I think ive got all the info on there, please comment with questions, and your feedback (and team setup)
Also, team setup issnt necessary, but will make things quicker when event starts, and you can make sure you get stuck with a friend that understands your awesome gps skills =P
(and i meant that noone does it solo, but those who havnt made a team when the event is about to start, will get automaticly placed in a team, leftovers will be randomly lotted to a ship that havnt got that much players in)

Also, since i moved the event until next week (ofc if i can then, and the forum will be working, but hopefully will) I might login later when friends left, and do a mini-event, add some random bosses in an area.. i will see how intoxicated i will be, and how sleepy i will be. So those that wished for an event tomorrow might still get it =P just a different kind
Upcoming Events / hmhmm?
November 21, 2013, 03:41:14 AM
did the webhost maintenance remove my thread about the race?... *sigh*
Ok, will make a poll on how long it should be open for, and when that poll is done, another poll will be done regarding the vote system of the best place.

-1 House per person, linked houses can be accepted if the player havnt got a normal other house to use, but prefer a single 18x18 house for example.
-Halloween inspired
-no bonus points if you duo theme it with fringe, but nice try!

As my last house deco contest, the winner was a grand-slam by Silas, and he get some awesome deco, atleast one of the deco item was rly rly awesome.. So hopefully more folks joining now..

New & poor folks can pm me on the forums or ingame, i can place a house for them for free (will be removed afterwards, and any exploiting will ofc. be punished, i.e. get house for free, sell it then keep money)

--> Would like to have house results in this thread as an reply, of ingame coordinates, pictures if your able, possible easy ways to see it ingame (i.e. write something like "its 1.5minutes north of luna")
And perhaps your thoughts and explanation if needed, if you have done something strange/scary

Update: Locked the first polls. Seems there will be a 2 week contest here. This contest will end October the 19th, and i want all results in the 20th october, then voting will begin.
I will add another poll about how the voting should be like.
Updated my other event thread, read it and weep?

But as a good (event) host i will do something els, something random or something you guys suggest.
Upcoming Events / Meet the Fire Godess [PVM]
September 04, 2013, 10:15:15 AM
A special type of PVM event, which will be hard.. v hard...

Just one boss, and the reason why the date is so far into the future for one boss is becouse i will try make some rly epic special abilities for her. Enjoy and do please discust what time the event should start.

Edit: Some boring news here, prob. wont be able to finish it all up in due time, and the week after i will be v busy.  Might host something els tonight (14th sep.)
Have had alot to do irl, but even tho i havnt prepared a bit for the scav. hunt tomorrow, i will hopefully manage to make a decent list of items.
And who knows if it has anything to do with colors =P
I will try host it at the usualy time of around 5-6PM ET, but could be changed by request.

I will try prepare books for each player in advance now, so i wont be mad and make an extra "item" on the list due to mass-produce-list-in-short-time-annoyance =P
Just need to recon a bit, before i do a event, and would be ashame to get the possible colorblind people in a mess here.. Please answer honestly ofc
Upcoming Events / GEO-Race Aug10 2013, Winner: Johana
August 05, 2013, 04:16:21 AM
Since the darkness didnt have the fearful effects i was hoping for, i will hosting an event this weekend, (hopefully saturday, but i dunno if my gf got something planned for me, we will see)

This event will tear all hope possible ever found in a players body, past-present and future hope all togheter will be crushed.. The anxiety and agony this event will bring, will be utterly characther destroying...
























Ultima Online Geographical SpeedRun Event!

If i havnt been hated until now, i guess you will hate me now =P

I will set it up as a chain-note "quest" type, at the starting location, everyone will get a note, giving them a note where to go, and at that spot, a npc will be standing that will exchange your note with a note of the next location, and so on. (So everyone needs to go to each spot, and not having a guildmate telling u where u should go, and where the finish line is)

Edit: Notice the asterix, i will try host it saturday the 10th of august, at 5pm ET, more info later ^^
As it says in the title.. BUT...

Its a themed house decorating contest.
and the theme i chosen is from a few tv-shows (more shows could be added afterwards if you, the players want a certain tv-show in there aswell)

-Fringe (a personal favorite, hint hint)
-Warehouse 13
-Game Of Thrones
-The Simpsons (for those who havnt watched that many tv-shows)
edit2: The Walking Dead

These # shows are the one ive chosen so far, since it will be a little more then a week to fix things up, there might be another show added later, depending on players argument.
I have no idea how to pull each show off in a house, but i do hope you will do your best!

I got 3 options for a voting:

1. I get full power, i declare a winner, and perhaps a second and third price.
2. I get a total of 10 points, i can put em all in one house, or 1 in 10 houses etc. Up to me.
3. Full player voting, everyone gets 1 vote per house.
(There will be a poll when the event ends, with pictures of each house, so everyone gets to vote on their favorite house, might add a few days extra so everyone can vote, but no more entrys)

Rules: Everything is allowed, but do take notice, combined houses (i.e. "linked houses" are allowed, but i will take in notice that you might have alot of extra space to work on, but it all depends on how you all wish to have the voting.)
Also if able, try get a printscreen of your "blueprint" ie the thing you are trying to copy from the show

edit3: Since we got a few new players here, feel free to drop a line, and a 18x18 house can be placed for you in a special area. The interior decorating is still something you are to pay..  The rules for me placing a house for you is that you cannot demolish it or sell it.. Selling or demolishing a house will result in me finding you, and me finding you in a bad mood... thats not something you want =P

Edit4: Since alot of you find checking out the new patch is rather the shizzles at the moment, i extended the competition one week, feel free to perfect it and relax in making it.
Gonna build this somewhat soon, dunno when this will be up, this weekend or the next.
(had a "lil" accident when i was done trimming some hedges irl, when i was done, fell and landed with my left arm over the hedge trimmer, nice blood covered arm  8) wish i took a picture.. i think its ok now, but will take it a bit more chill the following days =P )

I will not release much info about this event, except the only rule, bring no lightsources :3

Also a few warning messages about the event to come;
If you are to attend, you might be afflicted with the following:

-Anxiety/Anxiety Attacks
-Sudden urge to
1. feral screams from your bottom of  your lungs
2. the need to shout for your Mom/Dad/Parants/baby blanket
3. sleep in fetal position and sucking your thumb
4. break out in laughter*
5. Play games like slenderman, amnesia or fear to relax a bit.
-Paranoia as in:
1.Who/what grabbed my wrist?
2.Is there anybody out there?
-And other extreme fear related symptoms.

*The chanses of breaking out in laughter is a 98% probability but only for 1 victim.. Me... as a observer/event host.

Edit: Also, 2nd rule, have your speakers on loud, muhahaha


New information regarded the event, it will consist of a simular way a champion spawn works, but no drawbacks for not killing a creature in time. There will be 3 spawns at the same time, so go badass and kill everything and end up with 3 bosses, or try keep your wits around, fight em one by one?

-NO PETS! (pets will be engulfed by the darkness or teleported and perhaps mis-treated with a bowl of old water.. who knows..
- As i said before, try keep your nightsight items off, atleast in the beginning, worked hard to make an awesome entrance ^^,.. It will not help you later on, trust me =P And if u got a elf, well if u have a garg or a human thats simular outfitted, try bring that instead.
- Do not ask why its so dark, do not ask why you cannot see, do not ask if i could make it brighter and easier for you to see, do not ask and check if your computer is broke, it will be dark... rly dark..

Other info:
-Hopefully this saturday, ie tomorrow. Around same time i usually pull out my events, around 4-7pm ET, depending on player amount ingame, and if they vote for earlier event, i could prob. start earlier.
-This event may take a short while!, so do not join if you havnt got time to spare!
-Take screenshots! =P
-Remember to take your bloodthinning medicine before doing this event.
-Everyone will get a participant reward in the end, but try help our newly joined friends to the loot if they so wish!

-There will be 3 braziers, each for each spawn, when one is lit, that spawn has been cleared, so when 3 braziers are visible, then its done ^^

Last Edit?:
Hope you all had fun, it might have been rather crazy not seeing anything at all, and having to complete 3 unique champion spawns at the same time hehe.

Spent alot of time decorating the small room you first entered, it shadow effects was actually tiles with different hues, who thought of that when they entered? =P

The spawners itself took their time aswell, but first time i did a sequential champion spawn kinda thing, im learning the xmlspawners step by step, so next time it will perhaps be even more awesome =P

Also would like to say sorry, due to regions didnt work exactly like i wanted, it did work when i tried it earlier with 1 player, have no idea why it stopped teleporting the dead.. but ah well.. Hope you all had fun anyway
Hey folks, the people have spoken, and except from ice cream, they want a scavanger hunt :3
Hopefully i will be able to create one tils around 6pm ET, in worst case scenario, it will be hosted sunday.
More info ingame about status update!
Upcoming Events / Event Suggestions
July 02, 2013, 07:36:55 AM
Here is a special type of suggestion thread, write up whatcha want to see ingame that could be made without scripting any new items/stuffs. If u dont know if its do-able without scripting new stuff, put it up aswell.
Describe it as much as u can, if its something sneaky/suprising, pm me on the forum about it.

So this thread goes for those who got lovley ideas, and want me to try put em togheter ingame, aka you say idea, i create and sit back, laugh and watch as u struggle with "your own creation"

If there would be a flooding with several nice ideas, there might be a poll, but feel free to comment on other players event ideas.

But keep in mind, events that req. things like special armor and weapon pieces will take up alot of time when the event is about to start (*sigh* my class pvm event did take alot of time)