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Messages - Diomedes

You would be able to if you used my idea of having a gump that allows you to disable/enable it.
I brought this up in a previous post about cleaning the shard up.. but maybe you didn't see it as noone replied:

On a previous shard I played on, we had currency called "Trashite Bars"
We had a special golden trashcan (Bought from a banker for 10k) that when items were placed in the trashcan, and the phrase "I wish to Empty the Trash Barrel" was spoken within 1 tile of the trashcan, all the items inside would turn into trashite bars. A certain amount per a certain item (i.e.: 5 arrows per 1 trashite, and some items (like empty containers) didn't turn into trashite, and remained as they were before, inside the "Trashite Barrel")
Then, in our main-town square (We used vesper on this shard), we had a vendor stone, much like the ones in our donation room, but instead of gold, p-coins, pvp coins, or any other various currency this shard uses, that stone used trashite.
The rewards were harmless, Such as 100 of each reg for a certain amount of trashite, or clothing dye deeds, ect.
And the best part is noone farmed trashite, because it was a gold sink. The Objective of the barrel was only to junk the things you weren't going to need, or use, or want. That way your not purposly junking boards, ect, for trashite. Your simply getting alittle bit of currency, for throwing something in a trashite barrel rather then a regular trash barrel.

Maybe this shard could script something like this rather then having the annual event?
I Understand the server can handle the extra items, but it would make it alot faster, and help lag alittle bit, if we had an actual reward for throwing away junk rather then being pack rats.
Maybe hard to code.. but i mean, look at this shard. with all the custom content on it, theres no way its impossible. And maybe we can have a command with a gump that lets us enable being seen by guildies/allies and disables it. Would be awesome imo :)
I would love this! I think its a great idea to have guildies able to see you hidden. it would be great.

Maybe even add ally members and party members in there too!
General Discussion / Re: Forum moderators
September 18, 2011, 08:27:49 AM
I tried PMing you ingame Kon - Im much more mature then my age and i check the forums over 5 times a day. I'd love to help :). Let me know
Its the only key in my pack that shows up when i place the boat - and when i try to teleport onto it, it says "That location is blocked"

Maybe its a bug since the new update? either way, i'd like to be able to ride my new boat :(
It says "You cannot recall/gate travel off this object"
Title kinda says it - How do i get on a Galleon boat? I've purchased one, but i dont see a way to get on, when i place it, there are no ropes on board.

General Discussion / Re: Quick question.. i hope
September 03, 2011, 04:21:40 AM
5 Houses is the cap. And this is per account, not per character.

Your newest house is the only house that will NOT decay.

So when you had 2 houses, your first one would of been in decay state aswell, you just might not of noticed it.

Theres a fancy command: [Myhouses

This allows you to refresh all your houses, travel to them, or even demolish them all from the comfort of your gump.

It also gives all the information on the house that you select - House name, its decay state, how many banned players you have, co-owners, friends, accessed, the coordinates of the house, the owner of the house, the facet the house is in, AND how big the house is (e.i. 14x14 ect.)

Lots and lots of info in that command! Take a look at it :). Its very easy to keep your houses in new condition with the gump, so theres no worries about loosing a house.
General Discussion / Re: Trash Bags
August 24, 2011, 02:33:15 PM
Axe it :)
General Discussion / Re: Non-PvP Hunting
August 23, 2011, 12:58:15 PM
To be honest, Felucca is NOT a very often traveled facet by PvPers. The thing you'll find most there is houses. all the PK's but their houses there. and if you find a PK, they're most likely afk safe in their house.

But, on the other hand, Fel is not very heavily spawned. and not too many good areas to go hunting there without being a dungeon.

Though fel dungeon hunting is ok, its alittle risky. But at least its better then Dojo, Doom, or the Mines :)

General Discussion / Re: the PK brez
August 22, 2011, 05:07:20 PM
Also PM me, (Christopher) Ingame next time. I have a guild that loves to kill Brez :))
General Discussion / Re: Scalis the Enforcer!
August 13, 2011, 08:53:38 PM
And this IS a pvp zone correct? I see no death caused by humans in the screenshots, so just checking.
General Discussion / Re: Luna Housing Ruleset Change
August 13, 2011, 06:18:45 PM
i've been camping both of the Pending houses for almost 3 weeks now. And during those 3 weeks, they were still pending.

They're pending because of the money still on the vendors, They aren't the house owners vendors, they're other players vendors, and as long as the other player who owns the vendor (Via vendor rental contract), Keeps putting money on the vendors, or selling stuff from the vendors packs, the vendors will stay up, as will the house.

I have both of my accounts on both houses, and i've been watching them for 3 weeks as of tomorrow waiting for them to drop

They're mine  :twisted:
General Discussion / Re: Adventures of a misfit thief
August 13, 2011, 06:09:11 PM
*zap*! Payback sucks dont it? lol!