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Messages - Flint Fireforge

Tika Dr Kevorkian Phineas Le Monge and myself will be accepting items for auction.
Yes I know I been slacking but lets get it  going. Saturday Nov 18th at 4P.M.  (1600) Central US time. lets rehit the Auction Rules since been a while. 1. Please keep chatter down at auction. As we use journal a lot to keep track of bids.2. no bids increment of less than 100 gold. There will be no 1001 gold bids they will be ignored. 3. If you have an item up Auction House charges 5% fee. If item sells for p-bucks rate is 6mil per p buck. 4. Gold and P-bucks only currency you can bid with 5. Remember this Is a fun event no Drama or you will be asked to leave any major issues will be reported to staff. And last but not least with the new gold system we have now might slow us down just a tad was used to checkbooks  and writing a check just don't happen anymore. So hope to see you all there.
I searched uo guide cant find any thing on  gargs herding
as far as herding ill have to research that but for an axe pm me in game
Shard Changes / Re: The Artisan Publish - Nov. 17th, 2016
November 26, 2016, 03:51:13 PM
Lorilee when you do a fresh install make sure to delete all the folders. Don't leave anything old behind start clean.
Thanks Noll
Upcoming Events / Halloween
October 04, 2016, 08:13:21 PM
It's that time of year again, time for a big Halloween event. Any plans in the works? Maybe get some hallowed dye tubs in different hues?
Free Charity / Re: Free stat scrolls for new players
September 22, 2016, 04:50:12 PM
if need a 105 pm flintfireforge in game
Shard Changes / Re: Publish - September 14, 2016
September 16, 2016, 12:24:03 PM
Wasn't sure des ty for clearing that up.
Shard Changes / Re: Publish - September 14, 2016
September 16, 2016, 08:26:28 AM
One other thing some of the items that you get out of donation house are blessed to you now so if you get something out of a chest how can you sell or trade it?
Shard Changes / Re: Publish - September 14, 2016
September 16, 2016, 08:24:34 AM
I personally like the chests. Will I open a lot probably not. I will try to open at least 10. I have seen some good and bad items got its a gamble. As someone said on Pandora's Discord the shard costs money to keep up ( its not a pay to win shard ) but there is upkeep, priced server costs lately? And I like that its got pvp going again, I pvp'd years ago on osi and was mostly pvm till a few months ago brings a different game for me. I understand if people cant donate maybe we can talk Kon into adding a key to vote tokens?? I do agree to that the price of pbucks in game has got stupid crazy I wont pay over 6 so if don't get any will just have to donate when I can. Thanks again Kon and Drake for a cool new item.
General Discussion / Re: PVM Room
September 04, 2016, 08:24:06 AM
I couldn't agree more. We really need to take a look at our young status time anyway. With some help and the training area our young status needs to be cut way back. The skill gains are fast and there are always people who will help new players. And for the youngs taking advantage just remember there are a lot of people who will remember and pvp areas wont be fun.
General Discussion / Discord tips
August 27, 2016, 12:31:23 AM
If you use discord I highly reckomend that you set it to run as admin. This way can keep in minimized and talk also you can use settings to change notifications if not everytime some one types a mssg will pop up and interrupt game play.
General Discussion / Shard Wiki
August 26, 2016, 12:32:53 PM
I really think the wiki needs updated. The last person that was updating the wiki hasn't been on in a while so maybe its time to find a new person. Maybe Kong could have a contest or find someone willing to work on updating it. I would be glad to help anyone that wants to update it. My spelling and grammar not the best but willing to help. We have added a ton of stuff and really should have it on the wiki.
Shard Changes / Re: I Wanna Hear From You!
August 26, 2016, 11:05:18 AM
These would be real cool as either a vet reward or p coin item.