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Messages - Dirtbag

Introduce. Hello. / Re: New old player
December 09, 2012, 11:41:27 AM
Hey, my name in game is Andarist, Dirtbag was taken! Damn Dirtbag, anyways I'll be around if anyone can answer questions I've got a million, so many new skills and abilities and everything its nuts.

Introduce. Hello. / New old player
December 09, 2012, 04:03:37 AM
Hey guys I've been poking around a bit looking for a free UO shard and decided to try Pandora. Looks professional and not a dud (as many of you probably know.. lots are). I played UO from release to just after factions on Baja, PvP'd and PK'd my fair share, name was Wraith (dex monkey) and Narcron (red mage) played on the free shard TDS (The Dark Side) as Dekan Wraith from... 2000? till 2002? Was a while ago. Anyways if any of you remember seeing me or know me from way back let me know (fat chance but who knows), also I'm looking to get into the thick of it quick so if there are any active pvpers looking for more let me know.

I'm downloading the client now so I haven't had a chance to see in game yet but I'm sure I'll like it, see you all in game.
