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Topics - Krohon

General Discussion / Galleon
November 17, 2011, 07:58:04 PM
They are nice looking ship but I am unable to use it. Can Recall on it and issue basic commands but nothing else. Any clues?
Introduce. Hello. / Hello
October 17, 2011, 12:25:24 AM
I am glad to be playing on Pandora, it's like how UO was meant to be. No skill caps and the country doesn't looks like a busy road. When my friend Carban invited me to play UO again I wasn't much interested, even if I like old games and won't trade DOSBox for any XBox. Sure, newer games have better graphics but UO still features a great world.
I started playing UO back on 1996, for the pre-Alpha. Very lucky indeed. After the release I used to play mostly on Atlantic and a bit on Siege. Was very hard to place a tower, and didn't left (by 2001) happily.

On 10 years the game has changed a lot, stuff is much more important than it was. We have a few new skills too. I am still learning at the moment.

I am a helpful kind of player; while not fast, rich nor powerful I will try my best to lend a hand,  feel free to PM me if in need.

See you in Britannia,
