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Messages - zaxarus

General Discussion / Re: Notice Anything?
August 05, 2012, 07:18:46 AM
I've waited a while for such a thread, cause i myself was thinking about opening one, since it seems impossible to discuss anything as a player base cause we have no global chat anymore...

Ok to the last postings: ALL SIGNED.

Sometimes i also got the impression that Pandora became "the ugly sister" of Descendants. One year ago Pandora advertized itself as one of the greatest (if not THE greatest) freeshards of the world, and this was true, definately. Every patch made it better, gave some balance, new features and more fun for everybody.
Atm i cannot say that the last patches made anything "better" - just harder, just nerfed and in some parts impossible. If there is a Masterplan then i am not able to see it...
I won't say that it's the purpose to get players away from Pandora to Descendants in order to shut down Pandora (imagine the people who bought expensive stuff for a lot of money...), but i have the impression that the main attention has its focus on Descendants, while the Pandorians have to live with one nerf after another. Why?
Luna is practically a Ghosttown and there are only people to advertize since we don't have a tradechannel anymore. No one uses the channels here. And why should they, cause ingame trade was perfect.
I want to make clear this is no negativity, these are just the facts. One year ago 150 to almost 250 people played here, well now do [c and make this minus afk people, bots etc etc. If i wouldn't be in a guild i would be on my own, all alone, all the time.
And this is sad, cause i still love Pandora and i think it is still the best shard for people who are looking for freedom in terms of stats/skills etc. But the way it is going right now... i don't understand it.

So maybe we can keep this thread up as a constructive discussion, nothing more but nothing less.



General Discussion / Re: 2v2 and 3v3
August 02, 2012, 04:19:37 AM
All the time...
General Discussion / Re: MIA Maggdalena
July 25, 2012, 06:17:33 AM
Wishing you and your family strength in these times. I know what it's like. So take your time.


General Discussion / Re: Fishing
July 17, 2012, 10:39:54 AM
You can buy and use the Galleon, the other ships are not implemented. Also the cannons are not implemented and the ships don't move smoothy and slightly.^^
As far as i know Kon and Vorspire are working on this - let's be patient and all will be fine.
General Discussion / Re: Crafting question
July 17, 2012, 10:38:05 AM
She is.

And: Some items got the mark "Exceptional" and "crafted by..", some only got the "crafted by..", when they are exceptional. Everything is fine, it's just not well organized by the game itself. ;)
General Discussion / Re: Animal Locations
May 23, 2012, 06:36:02 AM
For Mountain Goats, go to Tokuno. One of the Islands has a volcano / a lava pit in the mountains, where you find them.
General Discussion / Re: Arena Battles on Hold?
May 11, 2012, 06:35:43 AM
Cool, ty :)
General Discussion / Re: Arena Battles on Hold?
May 10, 2012, 06:03:27 AM
The queue says "> 2 days". That's all. I think u can join them, but the time schedule stays the same.
General Discussion / Re: Arena Battles on Hold?
May 08, 2012, 01:20:38 PM
Yes, i miss them too. Wasn't there something about seasons?
Why are they off? :(
General Discussion / Re: Publish 31.6
March 31, 2012, 04:44:30 PM
Quote from: "Jupiter"
Quote from: "zaxarus"
Quote from: "Jupiter"its a much needed gold sink. A small one, i tithed 20k (which is just one sos worth of gold) as soon as the switch was made, and i use chiv ALL THE TIME, and i dont think i even spent 2k yet. Its such a small price, not even worth bringing up.

Then you are lucky and/or you don't use Chivalry in an excessive way like I do. Sometimes I use 20 k tithing points per day (means: when I fight a lot of harder mobs). ;)

I have no problem with tithing gold, it is okay and it really doesn't make sense why LRC should effect Chivalry.
But it's a little idealistic to think one voting day would provide you with tithing points for a whole month.^^

Jesus! Most chiv spells or 10tithing points (10gp), so thats casting 2000 chiv spells in a day.
Which leads me to think, don't you start with 30k now-a-days? That should be more than enough to GM chiv. Considering that everything else (LRC/Weapons) is given to you in the glass city. Spending that gold for tithing should be no biggie.

Call me Tys. ;)

I got no problem using tithing points, wether 1 k or 20 k or whatever. I was just wondering what you might call "excessive". :)
Quote from: "Tommy Boy"Regardless of the mage bias or the illogical reasoning about reagents, tithing and LRC, it's FREE to train Magery but costs tens of thousands of gold to train Chivalry as a result of this change.

That's right. Maybe stop using tithing points for Young Characters till Chiv is at GM?
General Discussion / Re: Publish 31.6
March 29, 2012, 08:09:32 AM
Quote from: "Jupiter"its a much needed gold sink. A small one, i tithed 20k (which is just one sos worth of gold) as soon as the switch was made, and i use chiv ALL THE TIME, and i dont think i even spent 2k yet. Its such a small price, not even worth bringing up.

Then you are lucky and/or you don't use Chivalry in an excessive way like I do. Sometimes I use 20 k tithing points per day (means: when I fight a lot of harder mobs). ;)

I have no problem with tithing gold, it is okay and it really doesn't make sense why LRC should effect Chivalry.
But it's a little idealistic to think one voting day would provide you with tithing points for a whole month.^^
I think everybody who updated will have this issue. There is no new razor version, so I guess there is no solution.
General Discussion / Re: Diabolically chest loot
March 11, 2012, 07:38:32 AM

As far as I know there should be some of the items mentioned (Link)...

But I can say that loot of lvl 5 or 6 is much better than 7... yes...
General Discussion / Re: Imbue mats drop rate.
February 26, 2012, 06:10:27 AM
I totally agree with Scrati, and it applies to the other materials, too. But as Kon said, there will be a next patch. I hope some of these serious problems will be solved. Else imbue mats start to get so rare, a relic will be nothing.^^

To the Mini Champs:

I like the idea. They are harder to kill now, so let there be a reward. Killing a mini champ and looting junk/nothing is a little weird.^^