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Messages - MinaLisa

What game are we playing again? OH Yeah! Ultima Online! A game of virtues and Heroes upholding the laws and helping other players. It is the very essence of this game to kill the REDS! Oh and for the reds to kill US as well.

I am a living vampire and when I get a good connection you will all find out what this means.
I will be Strutting my REDness around the Brit bank and if you are brave, foolish or both enough why not try me? I will be standing over your corpse laughing at you for not insuring that great new weapon you had in your pack and thank you in front of all who are in range for the new addition to my collection!

As you can see in this rant above it may be a fun new addition to have posts of boasting from both the blue and red sides as long as we all remember it's just a silly game {NO really is is!}. We are all just here to have fun and if it's not then you should consider playing another type of game friends.

I too have fallen prey to the "Evil PK" that snuck up on me and killed me before I had a chance. HEY! No one says 123-GO in real life either, but at least in the game you get item insurance Resurrection and can make plans to ward off future PK attacks and failing the ability for that... live your life carefully, don't bring your best gear when you gather materials or are crafting out of guard zones, and be aware of your surroundings when your hunting because you may not be the only hunter at that spawn... No, you are likely also being hunted!

Danger is part of this game.

Only things I don't like about PKing is as follows:

IF you are going to pk me, don't act like my friend and hunt with me then kill me when I'm nearly dead! Your a mighty PK! Not a wimpy backstabber. Have the courage to just walk up and kill me in the first place. Even the Murderers should have some form of honor.

IF you kill a person just loot them have some time to gloat and mock our corpses {because we are no doubt already looking for a shrine or healer and are not there to listen to you ranting}
BUT don't be cowardly and REZ-KILL! Wait for us to be full health all geared up and looking for revenge then you may kill us again, chances are we will be more ready to defend our selves at that point and your victory will be that much sweeter and so will your risk of us gaining our revenge. This is the way PK-ing was meant to be so why don't you rez killers get some back bone and stop being so cowardly.

WE need a bounty system. I believe this will make playing on both sides more fun BUT we can't have ANY reds EVER able to collect on Murderer's because they would just kill friends for profits.

What about a RED's Bounty system? They could post a bounty on BLUES as well *evil laugh*

What about faction Rewards? I say anyone in a party that kills a Order or Chaos should get some kind of group reward related to the Faction they are in like a faction Point system able to be spent on either titles, ranks or even in game items like repair deeds or powder of fortification ect.?

Just some ideas folks no need to flame me. *runs and hides*

... My 2 Cents.