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Messages - skaven

General Discussion / Newbie Questions Incoming!
April 12, 2012, 03:41:37 AM
Sorry if i am always checking out in the forum, but my timezone (Italy) means i play when there are few people to ask to. :)

Some questions:

1) What EXACT changes were done to Vampiric Embrace? I saw that the Fire Penalty was brought to -65 (instead of -25), but i think the life leech was nerfed too: someone can confirm or deny?

2) I crafted some runics and got really nice purple objects, some with 7 properties. As they weren't the stats i needed, i proceeded to unravel them... i expected Relic Fragments (Stats were well over 700, read that for a Relic the threshold was 500) and insted got Essences... and even RESIDUE? What is the threshold for Relic? 800? 900? And is there a penalty to unraveling crafted items as is for imbued items?

3) It is my impression or monsters hit really hard, harder then on OSI? I went to painted caves in full 70's, 40% HCI, 38% DCI, Vampiric Embrace, and Lurg trashed me... badly.. I mean, my weapon wasn't Top Notch, but neither was underwhelming (Soulseeker). Maybe is related to #1?

4) Does Luck work? I went to the ToT mines during the event with 951 luck. I expected to find better loot than when i went the week before with 0 ...
Instead i got crap unraveling loot and NO mini artifact (last week i got 2). And on with this... is the "+1000" luck Bushido honor boost working?

Sorry for the many questions, i expected more from my Sampire and was depressed ad the results... just thought i made something wrong..

NPA Guild
Quote from: "Konstantine"Sometimes a monster will wonder screens away, find him.

if you feel like it's not working or stuck. Send a page using help button at the main mini champ location and we will take a look.

That doesn't seem the case. I wandered about for awhile, but didn't found any of the spawn, unless it was invisibile or stuck in the rocks or similar.

I admit i hadn't CTRL-SHIFTed all the time, so maybe there was some monster stuck under the lava, but i swear there wasn't any "free" spawn anywhere.

Next stop: Treasure Maps

With the only help of newbie armor and without pet i did a lvl 4 map. It was though... lich lords screw me all the time.. :P

Guess i have to build a better armor :P

Bought a SoulSeeker. Really nice weapon. Will put to good use :P
Do you think i could try and do the Barracoon champ in newbie armor?
Do ratman Mage cast lots of fire spell? :P

Thanks for all the answer.
General Discussion / Re: Fishing O coins
April 03, 2012, 07:42:40 AM
I only dropped a few from the drowned pirates... no fishing them up.
General Discussion / Re: Mining for gems?
March 30, 2012, 06:30:21 AM
Quote from: "Jupiter"I get all my gems from Tmas and SoS. I imbue alot and I still have hundreds of each kind. I never realized people wanted them so badly. Maybe im sitting on a gold mine here without realizing it...

Just a question: Where do you get Tmaps from? (SoS is from Fishing in deep ocean, i suppose).
Just went on some foray against some minichamps.

I had Pixie Swatter. Done first phase without any difficulties. Second Phase, all wisps aggroed on me and i got busted... :P

Annoying as hell... i couldn't get them down with the basic glass pet in time ... i think they're resistant to Physical damage?!? (checked out, that's true). Go to second Phase, Scouts are even harder..

QUESTION: I went to the Fire Temple Spawn and there weren't any mobs. And to the Ancient Lich one, too. Is there some activity to turn on these champs?

Then went with some others at the Barraccon champ that was put on in the PvM monster Room. Nice and chaotic... all ratmen (me included) running around... i almost lost my corpse under a pile of dead ratmen.. and no Powerscroll too!

Best catch of the day: Going to the Yomotsu mines. Lots of money and some unraveling stuff. No lesser ToT arti though. Better luck next time.

Any hint about the minispawn champs?
Quote from: "Casho"Maybe it is hard to kill pyre. But it is easy as a sampire if you know which weapon you should use.

Trying and get this kind of information is the reason i came here asking.
Or i would have gone to Medusa with my pet (messing it up), trying swoop in melee (messing it up) or trying Pyre without the right weapon... what kind of weapon it was?

Sharing your experience with others i think is for the better and not for the worst.
Quote from: "Jupiter"- The mines are super easy with any pet. Can get lesser ToTs to trade it
- Swoop is easy if you have a pet to tank him (weak agaisnst energy)
Are we talking of Greater Dragons here, or any pet for both (like the newbie glass city bake kitsune?)

Quote- Mini champs aren't always the easiest to solo, it consider guilding up or pacing yourself through them. The many issue isnt what the spawn is, but the fact that they spawn in numbers.
A greater dragon could help or it is overwhelming anyway? I am building a sampire suit to go along with the dragon, so i think i could cope with a high number/low level spawn and then use the pet to finish the high level spawn one by one (Peacemaking FTW)

Quote- Miasma got a buff, hes kinda badass now, i have difficulty solo him, so be cautious, he can move a same speed as you when mounted and inflicts poison.
Will move to higher priority :P

Quote- Baracoon can be done solo, takes a lil time, and watch out for the silver serpents as they can over power you when in high numbers and also inflict poison. But the big issue with this guy is that you will be in fel zones and they get raided more often than not
I've gone far and wide in Ilshenar without encountering PK till now. I believe in what you say, but really, in my experience, that is not an issue for me.

Quote- Medusa has got alot of hit points, but can easily be done with a small group of melee characters cross healing. You can't use pets on her cause she will clone them which will screw everything up if you use em.
Thanks for the tip! Moving to higher priority (when i have the sampire suit ready)

Quote- Doom is always fun, theres groups that will regulary take people with them, check IRC cause they shout out when there going. You can solo all the champs there except Dark Fathers. He's badass. When fighting him he will throw unholy bones at you that will turn into undead spawn, use a bladed item on the bones quickly and repeatidly to destroy them before they turn into spawn. A room full of rotting corpses makes focusing on DF difficult.
Any guild you could suggest that regularly goes to Doom and other champs?
Group only activity, i think.

Quote- Joinning PvM events (use any public gate when you see theres one going on) is always fun and can give you a sense of what to expect doing spawns before going out to do them on your own
Every time i joined in a PvM event, there were only one or two people there, so even with the lower champ spawn we didn't progress much... bad time zone i suppose.

From what you've said, my priority should be:

- ToT Dungeons-events (ankh, yomotsu, ecc.)
- Swoop
- DreadThorn ?!?
- Barracoon the Piper
- Wyvern (Renowned) ?!?
- Other mini-champs spawn ?!?
- Medusa (group)
- Miasma (group)
- Bedlam ?!? (group)
- Doom (group)
- Other Champs spawn (group)

It is right?
Quote from: "DamJ.NeT"Hi !

Concerning pets, you should go for the nightmare/whitewyrm combo. They're easy to tame/buy. Bond them, you'll be able to hunt a lot of mobs with that.

Or a very very good spell is Animated weapon, but I can't remember the skill you need. They have tons of HP and only take 1 slot. They can be dispelled, but if you summon 4 of them, you'll have time to recast the dead ones. they dont do dmg tho, but they'll tank better than pets.

I will certainly try the Animated Weapon (Mysticism). Regarding the pets... i have really trouble in taming hostile pets :P so for now i resort to buying them around :P

Found good prices for Greater Dragons and really thinking about getting one and trying the mini-champ spawn.

Can you suggest an order in which these mobs and spawn should be done solo, if at all?

- Wyvern (Renowned)
- Medusa
- Miasma
- DreadThorn
- Swoop
- Barracoon the Piper
- Other Champs spawn
- Other mini-champs spawn
- Doom
- Bedlam
- ToT Dungeons-events (ankh, yomotsu, ecc.)

Thanks for the answers!
General Discussion / Re: Solo hunting
March 21, 2012, 10:37:24 AM

I was in your same commitment at the start. I had no trouble in GMing most of combat/magic skills (thanks to the 100%LRC suit hehe), but then, i was struggling to find some good combination to make gold.

In my humble opinion i found two feasible routes:

1) The Crafting Way: If you have patience, i find that the best way to make money selling to NPC is INSCRIPTION. Try it. I found this way when i was training the skill to make my own runebook. I crafted scrolls and sold them... i found i got much more gold that what i spent!
At GM inscription i only make Flamestrike Scrolls (2 reagents) and sold them. You will be amazed at the amount of money you can amass without hunting :)

2) The Hunter Way: Hoping your skills are at least good to start, i find this route easy and profitable to train in relative security and go step by step to be better prepared to what awaits you.

I hit the following places, as i raised my melee skills first i was looking for as few casters as possible:

- Shame lvl 1 (earth Elementals)
- Despise lvl 1-2 (lizardmen, ettins, trolls)
- Ilshenar Ratman Camp near Lakeshire (ratman, ratman archer and the occasional ratman mage): Beware of Paragons, especially Ratmage Paragons.
- Despise lvl 3 (Ogre, Ogre Lords)
- Cyclops Garden and Village near Valor Moongate (Ettin, Cyclopean Warrior, the occasional Titan). Again, beware of Paragons, especially Titan Paragons can ruin your day...

Remember this is a no skill cap shard, so you can be necro mage... and archer and tamer at the same time! No need to create additional character. Easier to hunt too, you can simply bring your newbie glass bake kitsune (When fully trained, it is a good tank, in par with a normal dragon i think) and hunt away at your leisure.

For me, hunting has become boring, and i am now raising my treasure hunter skills to get a good challenge :P

If you want company in game, drop a PM (Fabsm) if you see me online.

Good game!
General Discussion / Re: Easy UO Broken?
March 19, 2012, 09:58:44 AM
New version ready on the site. :)
Quote from: "Casho"First of all you should choose one play style. (Tamer, Sampire, Caster, Archer, ...) Later you will be able to switch but at first you will need a better gear.

I would have liked a melee Sampire, but i think i'll get better gear before starting.

QuoteTamer should be easy to start with.
Greater Dragon is about 84.7 skill only.

Stratics says 104.7, is there something different here in Pandora?

QuoteI almost start as Archer or Sampire. Last one is a bit harder because melees are heavily dependent on their armor. So it is not a good choice to start with.

Well, that's the exact problem i have. No gear = no sampire.

QuoteNext should be a armor with maxed resistances and maybe a better weapon.
If you can`t find any send me a PM here or at Keshan in game and tell me what weapon/armor your are looking for. I could try to get a 100% LRC with maxed resis and some other properties depended on what your going to play and looking for (mana, stamina, mana reg etc etc.).

I have no trouble with the maxed resistance, thanks to the Glass Armor, Bracelet of Blessings and good Jewelry. What i need is a good weapon, but i couldn't find a good melee/whirlwind capable area attack weapon..

Quote1) Vampiric Embrace is nerfed, i don't know what the penalty to fire res is, but i cannot move it from the minimum no matter what i wear! And most casters mob cast fire spells... :(
penalty is -65 fire res.
I donĀ“t know how much your char is trained so far, but with 100 at Resisting Spells you will get 40 to all resis. Not perfect but more then nothing :)

-65 UGH!
So... should i try and get a 135 fire res suit, or forget about it and stay with my 40? (i have 100 resisting spells)

Quote2) I cannot find the "starting" artifacts (i.e.: Soulseeker) in any vendor i went on, and i don't know if there is a named monster or a miniboss feaseble for my "starting" suit and skills :?
I don`t think you will need a special arti to start your sampire.
I do not have any artis but with a little support of my x-bow (I can not beat 5 mobs at once) I am able to solo a lvl 6 T-Map with my sampire.

Could you elucubrate on a ranged Sampire? I thought that was not possible because of Honor requirements, and Life Leech only on melee?!?

For the PS, i will endure my bank loss with good grace... :P

Thanks for all the answers, hope to see you in game.

General Discussion / Not [young] anymore.. what now?
March 19, 2012, 06:43:00 AM
First thing, i have returned to UO from a 8-year leave, but i have read about most of the news introduced. I live in Italy so my English could be sloppy, bear with me :)

Ok so i enjoyed bringing most of the skill at 100, scripting and fighting "little" mobs. I welcomed the new "young player suit" that has better resistances and is 100% LRC.

I went to great length Gming Blacksmith to have some options in crafting me something.

But, right now, i am abased. I don't know what can i do alone here in Pandora.
I have tried going to the standard dungeons, and apart from a slight incident in Destard (A greater dragon at the entrance... ooooh cmon!), i went in the first levels without trouble (a little trouble with the caster full despise), but with no good loot, money or pieces for a better suit. Money in particular is nerfed at the point of being useless to hunt for it. I only get decent money from paragons in Ilshenar, and finding non-caster ones is really difficult, so i had to resort to the tamer route and the good newbie pet in glass city.

But till now, all the thing i have have been "gifted" to me by the game: the suit, the money (via the voting stone), the pet.

I thought in starting with a sampire build, but i found a solid wall:

1) Vampiric Embrace is nerfed, i don't know what the penalty to fire res is, but i cannot move it from the minimum no matter what i wear! And most casters mob cast fire spells...  :(
2) I cannot find the "starting" artifacts (i.e.: Soulseeker) in any vendor i went on, and i don't know if there is a named monster or a miniboss feaseble for my "starting" suit and skills  :?
3) Even Power Scrolls are very rare (Sword, Parry, and combat ones at least) and i cannot find them on the vendor or if there are some they are ridiculosly priced.  :shock:

So i went back to the tamer route: but, while easier, i suspect that i will hit a wall again because i cannot find an Animal Taming PS... so i won't have the Cu Sidhe or Greater Dragon for a long time..

Can you give me some suggestion in what *should* i do alone, and in what order? And if Tamer is what i should do, what pet should i seek and in what order?

Sorry for the newbie question, but, as i said before, i am really struggling in everything i try and have not a clue in what order to set my goals.

Thanks for any help you will give,
Introduce. Hello. / Hello and well met!
March 14, 2012, 03:04:46 AM
Hello to all and well met.

Coming back to UO after a 8-year absence... lots has changed, and i am a bit overwhelmed, but i have managed to GM almost all skills so far.

As i live in Italy i have strange and often incompatible play times, but i really would like to join in a guild which does PvM, Champs and so on.

Till now, i tried and build some solo skills with little or no result, but i am enjoying this world, albeit a little strange with no skill cap and all the changes.

I would like to thank Konstantine for his work, making UO enjoyable again for people like me who have little time to play is an accomplisment to be proud of.

I hope to receive some guild invite, pls pm Fabsm in game if you would like a newbie PvMer and a strong and patient worker :)
