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Messages - Heric

General Discussion / gold rate on mobs
November 29, 2011, 02:51:13 PM
WFT happend to the gold drop rate??? 1/2 today and Kon says its a system were it moves on a daily basis?? whats the point in that! why would i spend an 4 hour killing mobs for gold today when to get the same amount i could wait unitl tomorrow and it only take an hour....??
sorry for the small rant this is not ment to offend.
I'm faily new to the shard (just over 2 months) and have so far come to the conclusion that the best way to get relic frags is to suck it up and farm cash to buy them from the players that have the suits to get them though champs or doom... and now the gold drop rate will be moving?? i dont get it?? how the hell im i supposed to afford a few mill for relics or arties when if im unlucky and the gold drop rate is low when i'm on the best i can manage is 20-30k per hour...
before anyone sticks there 'well i can still farm 100-500k per our AOE farming' in, I and i would bet most newer players cant... we dont have the items for AOE farming. (HCI, DCI, LMC ect)
I'm not asking for an easy time or everything now. I like to work for the items i have. (i make and imbune all of my gear) but please give some kind of fixed structer to it..
if the gold drop rate moves on the mobs i cant see vendors lowering there item prices. and again it seems wrong that on the odd night it will take me 4 times as long to get the same amount of gold as other nights. your just devalueing the free time that people spend playing on the shard..
Anyway other that the above love the shard and this change would't stop me playing just frustrate me until i've been on long enough that golds not to much of an issue..
General Discussion / Re: Imbuing and Unraveling
November 28, 2011, 06:25:12 PM
To get Essence you need an item weight of 300 and you can in imbue up to this weight then unravel to get essence. I think for relics you need a super high item weight like 900 or something close to that (pink items) so there not practical to craft up to (been as that's 9 properties at 100% ish) essence's are craftable if you give it a little thought and have a lot of iron to burn
General Discussion / Re: Caps Listing
October 22, 2011, 07:25:38 AM
Lumberjacking is in the same category as strength tactics and anatomy and don't count towards cap
General Discussion / Re: Caps Listing
October 21, 2011, 11:15:30 AM
Skills and slayer weapons (slayers don't count for item cap)
Enemy of one 50
Bushido perfection up to 100
Super slayer 100
Single slayer 200 I think listed as triple damage
another note on the EC. you can get a game pad to run with it. I know that most PC game players see this as some kind of sacrilege and for some game play styles wont work that well, just letting those who are intrested know that it can be done. I use a PS3 pad with DS3 Tool to short cut key bindings to the pad. setting the analog stick to up, down, left, right keys will allow full movement on the EC (it does't work on 2D as you cant press 2 keys to move diagonally). with a little thinking on how you set the rest of the pad up you can get a lot of button macros out of it. I currently have about 30 set-up for use. Do you still need an mouse... it helps and i do for some things but you could run without one as you can set the other analog stick up to control mouse movement (feels horrible to me though).

game pad driver link
For anyone using Pinco's UI will patch and work. this adds a lot of options to the UI as well as in item imbuning weights to the item tags. note it wont fix the bag grid or the drop down menu's. nice ui mod though, would recomend anyone using the EC have a look. (just search uo pinco's UI)
Link added
Yep confirm got it running on win 7 64bit. Had to get some missing c+ files and add to anti virus exceptions list. Bags not really an issue as you can set them to legacy mode (2D bag style) the systems auto target don't work but if you create a macro it does so no real issue there ether. Looks good!! Thanks Boogly!!
Hi can anyone confirm that these work? Will be trying them myself later just reinstalling the EC
I also like the new client and would like to give it a try knowing that there are some bugs. I see that support has stopped just wanted to know if it is still possible to log in with the enhanced client as all the old links on the forum on how to do this look to have been cut... I did see a note somewere that it was interfering with the 2d clinet as well and that's why support was cut... Can anyone shead any light thanks