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Great Great News for Pandora

Started by King Kong, February 11, 2011, 02:51:56 PM

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King Kong

When I started Pandora a year ago it was with a partner, Potius.

He was the best scripter / idea maker I had found out in the RUNUO community. He has common sense, whit, ideas and some mad skills.

Pandora was the first ever free shard to have Stygian Abyss, it was the first because no one could break the codes for Stygian Abyss, there was no support for it, it was all by brainstorming and creating.

He was the first one to script a Gargoyle on a free UO Shard, and I was lucky enough to have him on Pandora. That's why Pandora took off.  

After Pandora hit #1 fastest growing shard in world, he had to leave due to work at his company and taking over the family business etc.

We been through I feel like a hand full of devs, nice people, decent scripters, but they come and go. Most cannot handle what it really takes to script a shard like this, they get frustrated or busy irl and leave. But I have been here since day 1.

Well long story short, Potius has squared away himself in real life and he is back on Pandora. He is the one who I felt he gave breath to Pandora, I kept it alive, and now he's going pump it full of oxygen and a more complete soul.

Were bringing the community back, we want ideas, brainstorming, get everyone involved to push Pandora back on top where no one can touch us.

Welcome Potius and thanks again my friend. Give him a warm welcome, you will see him around the shard, he is a admin. He can do anything I can do.

I Rarely hire staff because I don't trust anyone because people try to burn you all the time on this game, we've been through a few depressions together here so you understand. He comes back from 6+ months and I put him Admin status right away, just so you know I am not messing around.

Cheers Pandorians! Love you all for your continue loyalty to stick with Pandora.  :D

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.


i love this shard and have high hopes for what else u guys can add to it :D  i made a thread a few days ago with some ideas, some were donation related so i put it in donation suggestion forum viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1874 it hasn't had a lot of attention but i'd appreciate it if u gave it a glance!  in summary: capture the flag, donation dungeon, new items and new ways to get stuff!  the end xxx

Co Kane

All the trammie stuff is... lets say amusing, but we need to finish the pvp system. Give people a reason to get out there and pvp, right now its just points to stare at. You can't do anything with them. Finish the system that was started for the dailypvp. Give people rewards for field kills besides useless points. Reward them with pandora coins or some kind of minor armor, clothing bless deeds, lower imbuing mats. Let them use their points to trade in for Powerscrolls, Pandora Coins, Oceanic Coins, Rare Dyes, etc...

All the other ideas are great for the server but this needs to be moved up on the priority list. Its been put off for too long, I'm sure a lot of you will agree.

Come on Kon show us that you really were a pvper, throw us pvpers an update.  8-)


Welcome back Potius!  :)

King Kong

I totally agree with ya Co Kane

I want FFA'

Guild Wars


You name it.

Also looking to do a charm system for pvp -- like when you kill someone, you get like a PVP Coin -- buy charms with pvp coins and it will like enhance your HP for like 5 hours or something like that

What ya think?

Charms.  :shock:

This stuff takes time. but i am writing it all down and ill go over it with Pots

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.

Co Kane

I like the FFA, 5v5, 4v4, 3v3, etc. I just dont know about the charm system. You would have to keep an eye on how much of a bouns you would recieve, nothing over 20.

What do you mean by Guild Wars?

Random backpack drops for when you kill people in the field would get people pvping more often. Rewards could consist of Powerscrolls, Pandora Coins, Oceanic Coins, Rare Dyes, Clothing Bless deeds, Clothing with random props on it, Resist imbuing mats, and 2-3 use Runic Kits.


Hi, I played UO way back in the day and am giving it a try on Pandora...
One thing I liked back when I played was there were faction wars. Where there were like 4 different colored factions you could join by the bank and then it would teleport you to your factions castle and you would fight other factions, very fun


disable Trammel and shard will grow up :) I dont see any people in towns bank , where are they all ???


Quote from: "KickAss"disable Trammel and shard will grow up :) I dont see any people in towns bank , where are they all ???

Actually, if Trammel gets disabled, the shard will lose players, because there are some of us who do not PvP. Personally, I prefer PvM and would prefer to not have to watch my back for some idiot player who can kill me just because he or she can spell spam me or my personal favorite, spell spam me, then rez me, just so they can kill me again, just so they can act like Beavis and Butthead while I am trying to take out a skeleton or a ratman. I say keep the shard as is because it is perfectly fine just the way it is, IMO.

Co Kane

Quotedisable Trammel and shard will grow up  I dont see any people in towns bank , where are they all ???

LoL you have to keep trammel because all those trammies do have a purpose.. Hunt the stuff you dont want to hunt, then sell the items to you. ^^

Birt bank tram or luna seems to be where you will find some of them.


Quote from: "Co Kane"Random backpack drops for when you kill people in the field would get people pvping more often. Rewards could consist of Powerscrolls, Pandora Coins, Oceanic Coins, Rare Dyes, Clothing Bless deeds, Clothing with random props on it, Resist imbuing mats, and 2-3 use Runic Kits.

i like this, but it's so open to abuse from people just killing their own or their mate's unguilded alts to farm for items.

i also like the sound of team tournies (1 on 1s always seemed a bit slow and boring to me) and a nice hectic ffa!  and ctf..  <3

bit dubious about the charm system though to be honest - there's a danger it either it doesn't give a big enough buff and people deem it not worth the effort to get, or the buff's so massive everyone wants it 24/7 which makes it into a grind to obtain one to stay competitive.  pvp currency in itself is certainly a good idea though.

as for trammel stuff - someone's already covered the necessity, but i'll reiterate: you only get a well-rounded community if you cater to more than just the pvp play style - pvmers have their place.  no pvmers = economy collapses = stifled trade, gold value plummets, people only trade items for items, which long term makes it very difficult for new players to join the shard and make progress.  i could cite a few shards as examples but i don't fancy getting banned :p


Awesome, the original developer did a great job, him being back is great news indeed, I may have to come back and play again! Welcome back.

King Kong

I agree - I want to be fully balanced, pvmers are just as important to me as pvp.

Working on a lot more for both.

Stay tuned.

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.

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