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races (elves are so ugly)

Started by Kronen, May 06, 2011, 04:59:15 AM

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on a no skill cap server like this, with inflated stat cap, the human racial bonuses are almost all terrible.

the best thing going for humans is that they look way better than hideous elves (why do you think shrouds of shadow are so popular here.. to hide our ugly elf hairdoos and faces).

gargoyles aren't even worth including in this comparison - they're ugly, when they fly they seem to sit slightly off-centre of the screen AND razor insists that you're poisoned when you're not.  they seem to be the choice of the inexperienced & the RPer.  best left as an imbuing alt.

so, looking at the 2 important races, let's compare their innate bonuses.

+free nightsight (ok, razor can do this too)
+higher energy resist cap
+more coloured mats from mining/lj
+harder to track
+more likely to passively detect nearby hidden players
+and the important one: +20 mana.

-strong back - redundant as soon as you're half-decent geared and have more str and carrying capacity than your backpack can hold.
-2hpr.  rofl, 2 hpr...  it's rubbish.  that's the equivalent of regening 1/5th of a hit point each second.  it's never gonna save your ass in a fight, put it that way.
+workhorse - get slightly more resources from each mining spot or tree.
-jack of all trades.  normally this would be a boon, but not here. it's free 20 skill points in every skill (so a human's base is 20 in everything, not zero).  doesn't stack once you start training a skill.  only useful on shards with a skillcap.
+look miles better than the other races available to play in uo.

could we maybe swap the human and elf racials around, so that everyone can play a good looking human and not grow up with an urge to wear a paper bag over their heads?


I would just say take away the jack of all trades and hpr2 and give us +20 mana and higher energy resist cap as well.
Blood Of Ancients Europa R.I.P.
Not one penny to EA again.


that would cover it!


or replace hpr2 with something useful like mr2..  then get rid of strong back and joat, swap in +20 mana (or maybe 20 hp) and the higher cap for 1 resist (doesn't need to be energy).


+5 energy resist is pointless anyway, unless your fighting a noob that insists on E-bolting you to death. I mean, come on. Better to forget the +resist.

Personally, ye, I'd like to have humans have the +20 mana too.... JoaT is sooo pointless on this server, so ditch it. Keep the 2 hpr though, it's what makes humans, well, human. If your so upset about what your char looks like, close paperdoll??



How about you give humans +20HP and call it even?
I think we could all agree that would even out with elve's higher resource (gems/rough stones/pCoins) rate, +20MP and +5 max energy resist. It may actually even be too much. Maybe +10HP would be more fair.

and... I like the elf looks.
I hate gargoyal looks for that matter, but some people like them.
Accident - [size=85]The library that runs on land, over seas, or anywhere her feet takes her.[/size]


I  played a human char  for meny years on Osi, in game i RP an Ancient Vampire Warlord devoted  to his Bloodline. Now i am  on Pandora playing as an Elf  for pvp resones alone .It Would  be realy  kool to play HUman again  make this possable  !.Let my bloodline go on !


Quote from: "wic"...It Would  be realy  kool to play HUman again  make this possable  !.Let my bloodline go on !
Accident - [size=85]The library that runs on land, over seas, or anywhere her feet takes her.[/size]


the point is that elves are plain ugly to almost any old uo player.  (i have a feeling the people that like elves are the same madmen that liked the hideous 3d client, but that's another story.)

there's no point in linking wicca to the race change quests, the point is that elves have too big an advantage over humans to make humans worth playing.  and this is sad, cos humans look considerably better (what kind of race can't grow facial hair!?).


That's the difference:

Elves get +20 mana and +5 Energy Resist cap.

Humans look better.

You decide. :P


QuoteThat's the difference:

Elves get +20 mana and +5 Energy Resist cap.

Humans look better.

You decide.

*Likes this post*

[Facebook reference]  :mrgreen:
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"When I look around me, I am often troubled to see how many people are mad."
- The Famous: Mark Twain


Thx for the links Mita  
I  know you can do an elf to human quest ,  its just not worth it  atm is it?

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