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daily client crash?

Started by Uhhh, June 08, 2011, 02:55:18 PM

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Ok, uh this is a long post, but I wanted to provide a lot of info, and if you can read through this and help me out at all it would make a world of difference - Ive got a pretty annoying problem here, and it's frustrating enough I have to just ask for help because I can't fix it on my own apparently - I get client crashes now every day while running 3 afk miners, and it seems completely random as far as where my afk mining scripters are located when I re-login - sometimes theyre in the wilderness, sometimes back at the home rune, but it happens all the time (and I have experienced this same crash while actually playing the game, on a client I was not scripting on, while 2 afk mining scripters worked in the background). It started doing this some weeks ago, and it's making it much much harder to maintain consistent scripting when the clients are crashing all the time and I constantly have to re-set them. This is clearly affecting me, and not everyone else, since I re-login and everyone is still there so it's nothing to do with the server going down, I'm pretty sure it's a problem on my end of things. The error I get:

Client Version:

Exception ID: 3221225477

Checksum: 1551725400

I don't know what this error is trying to tell me, does anyone know what this means?

Ive switched around all sorts of things in-game trying to get it to stop doing this. Changed runebooks, moved from my mining pad to a castle and tried that, built a 2nd castle to script out of in case there was some issue with the first one (an elemental spawn nearby, sometimes pops up harmless elementals inside the castle walls - weird right?) - but I don't think it's the result of where in-game I'm scripting from or any in-game factors, or even if I am scripting for that matter since I had it crash when I wasn't doing that. I re-installed Razor so there's default settings (I did some internet searching on this error code, and some pages seemed to indicate it was a corrupted razor installation? but the info out there is sparse at best about these error codes - and re-installing Razor did not fix it).

If I go to sleep running 3 scripters and no other programs, and I don't wake up until maybe 8 hours later, there's a very good chance that all 3 clients will have crashed in that amount of time but other days I'll get 24hrs or more out of them no crashes even if I'm on all day/night doing other stuff on my computer, so I'm just totally lost as to why this is happening when it does - it crashes if I'm sleeping afk, and it also stays stable for that amount of time, it crashes if I'm using my computer running other programs, and it will also stay stable running other programs - so to me, it seems to have no rhyme or reason to it whatsoever.

Also, if this makes a difference, my computer is not very impressive - cable internet, 6yr old Compaq with a 2.2 Ghz single core, 512K ram, onboard video - it seems to barely want to run 3 clients in the first place (pegging cpu usage bouncing up to 100% - and I've been getting "Virtual Memory on my computer is running out and windows wants to increase the paging file size" error as well - it has always been hard on cpu, but I did not get the Virtual Memory error before). If I open a 4th client, it automatically crashes one of them within a very short amount of time, nevermind a 5th one, so Ive never been able to run 4 or 5 clients - it seems obvious this is simply the result of my computer not being able to handle running this many clients simultaneously, and I'm ok with this but it used to run 3 without any issues at all for months and months, and I'd like to continue doing that. Aaaaand, if these daily crashes were the result of my computer being in-capable of handling this much gaming multitasking, I should only experience 1 client crash, while the other 2 continue to run without issue, as computer resources are obviously freed up after 1 goes down...right? I've witnessed it crash and it does it 1 client crash at a time, not all 3 at once. So why in the world would all 3 eventually crash when given enough random amount of time?

Are any of you other players able to run 5 clients simultaneously - if so, what sort of computer are you rocking, and what sort of internet connection? Do I just need a better computer in order to play this game and not have it crash on me? In other words, is my computer just basically running out of it's useful lifespan and it's just begun showing this slow death process with what seems like more and more frequent client crashes or is there something specific software-wise I can do to fix this problem that has popped up? It did not do this at all no crashes maybe a month ago, and I find it hard to accept that my computer is just falling apart on me like this - for all other intents and purposes my computer works perfectly fine no crashes no freezes no screwy errors. The one thing I have not tried, and I've been waiting for the new update to come out, is to re-install the client from scratch and patch up fully - and I'll definitely try this when it's time, but if that doesn't fix it, I'm out of ideas, not to mention I don't even know if re-installing the client would fix the underlying cause anyway. Help please.


oh i know the feeling when this sort of thing happens :s

there are a few things you can try that've helped me in the past:
update all your hardware drivers if there's an update available.
check you're using latest version of euo.
your client should be 7.0.8...2?  i think .2 is the official version needed for here now.
give your registry a spring clean (if you don't want to do this manually, avg was offering a free 1 off registry fixing program a month or so ago)

from uo stygian abyss facebook, of all places, i found the system requirements:
The minimum system requirements for 2d are

Operating System:
Windows XP
Windows 98
CPU:400 MHz Intel Pentium II
RAM: 128 MB
CD/DVD-Rom Speed: 4x
Hard Drive Space: 1.5 GB free hard disk space plus space for saved character profiles, Windows swap-file, and DirectX 9.
Video: 8 MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible driver for
Sound: DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card
Internet Connection: 56.6 Kbps or better

so you should still be ok unless you've done some permanent damage to a component, but multiple clients is going to put a strain on things.

have you started using any new script that coincided with the crashes?  i had a problem with a basic loot script crashing me or not finding corpses for a while - it was because of another script i had running that was trying to read properties on certain items in my backpack every few seconds.

an alternative might be for you to pick up a cheap refurbished computer - just the base unit if you have spare monitor/keyboard/mouse etc - to run your afkers on while you play on the other computer.


Alrighty - Well me using when I'm apparently supposed to now be using seems like a likely enough culprit to me - Weird I don't receive a "your client is out of date, please update your client" when I log in, so I didn't think I had to do this. When we had updates previously, it always gave this message when it was necessary to update client...

As far as my computer goes - I ran the avg registry cleaner already some days ago, even went so far as to defrag my hard drive, and AVG Anti-virus, Malware-bytes, and Avast all seem to agree my computer is clean of any bugs.

When you say permanent damage to a component, what could this be that would cause this? I had a thought it could be my ram stick is partially or somehow burned out, causing the computer to have to compensate with the virtual paging file? Also I actually for sure have issues with my pc power supply - I live in FL and have had soo many storm/lightning related power outages my computer does this nifty thing where after power is lost, it literally does not turn on again - I have to physically open the case, unplug the power input from the mobo, and then while rapidly pressing the ON button plug the power input back into the mobo and I can get it to spring to life after a couple of tries usually... I do not like my p.o.s. computer at all, but I also don't especially want to build a new machine so I can play this game. Anyway, I don't see how the power supply weirdness would cause only 1 specific program to go wrong, and not implode the whole dang system.

I have not started using a new script, and for the past many many months it's been the spewy runebook mining script, and actually I did recently modify that script personally so that it would make use of the blessed everlasting pickaxes (the most minor of changes to get it to recognize that as an acceptable alternative to the shovel) - but it was crashing weeks prior to my going ahead and doing this. It crashed back when I was still tinkering shovels all the time like its still doing - and I actually figured it might be a problem with the tinkering aspect of the script, so I wanted to make it run with the everlasting pickaxes as a means of bypassing the crashing issue... that obviously was not the problem and did not solve it, but also it doesn't seem to have made it any worse at all, it's just crashing the same like it did before.

Seems like I need to go to and see what happens? Will post later as to success/failure.

King Kong

I took the warning "Your client is out of date" off the shard for time being cause some people were having major patch issues and it was annoying to them

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.


I'm getting a similar error when I try to log in with a new character.  All of my older characters log in fine, but the two new ones that I've created on separate accounts crash before they log in all the way.

I've uninstalled/reinstalled UO and Razor multiple times (more than I care to count), defragged, cleaned the registry, and everything else I can think of.  Pretty much everything except a reformat of C.  I've tried with patches from 7.0.3 up to 7.0.9 just for giggles and nothing seems to help.  I've never had a problem running UO before.


The one thing I didn't think of until last night...uninstall UO and Razor, then delete the folders that were left.  Then simplay reinstall.  Everything works fine now.


<----- Well I feel like an idiot for not patching up to when I was supposed to. Going from to the correct seems to have completely fixed it. Didn't even have to re-install or anything. I wanted to give it a few days to make sure, but I have not 1 time gotten that dreaded "exception id/checksum" error since patching, and that was like 5 days ago. Also, I think I actually might know why it was failing due to not being fully patched, since Kronen asked what I might have done that coincided with the client crashing - I gave sets of "reading glasses of the trades" to all 3 of my scripters, and my guess is that with the patch and all the reading glasses becoming imbuable, there was something basically not lining up with the code, so all 3 of them were running around with essentially broken glasses? That's my best guess and it's the only thing I can think of that was the same for all chars on all 3 clients, and at about the time that the crashes began, although I didn't at all realize it at the time that that could be causing it. In any case - it's working now and life is good! Thanks so much Kronen!

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