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Imbue mats drop rate.

Started by Jupiter, February 15, 2012, 01:09:19 PM

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I Agree too.

I did each Mini Champ at least 2 Times and all i got was Corruption or other useless Peerless Reagents.
Those Mini Champ bosses got 80k-150k Hit points so they got the same Amount like some normal Champ Bosses or the Peerless Bosses. Some of them hit harder then a normal Champ Boss like Rikktor, Coon or Mephitis and u dont get something from them.

I did them once to see if i can beat them, second time to see if i rly dont get loot, now i wait. :)
At least its a battle vs a tough Enemy!!!

King Kong

I have the mini champs dropping rate up for next patch -- but it will not be everytime, like a random 60/40 ---


Because I cannot think of 1 person doing them, I have to think of a group. If a mat dropped everytime on a mini champ boss then a group would stay there a whole day -- get everything need plus much more, and they wouldn't need that mat again. Which defies the entire point of Imbuing being a longevity thing.

Go with a group, slay the waves over and over. --- Now if your not getting some being in a group thats one thing. But if your by yourself, sorry, as it's not meant to be a solo kind of effort.

Also keep in mind, you guys are comparing the drop rate to what it used to be. Heck of a lot slower. But if we just put Imbuing in now, as a brand new thing -- That would be the standard. Keep that in mind. Other shards message me a lot looking to buy the Imbuing system. But almost a year of work I will not give it up -- It's too good and it's for the players of Pandora.

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.


if u imbue an armor u need 30 if u dont fail so better count with 60, so u need about 300 for a whole armor. i need an hour to solo a mini champ.
If i do the champ with another person i need 30min, but we need 2x the imbue mats, so there is no difference, still need the same time.

if i get 1 imbue mat for 1 champ, then 1 player needs 300 hours of playtime to get the amount for a whole armor. 300 hours for 3 properties on 5 armor parts

Atm its 1 or less and u need 10 properties for a fully imbued armor. that means u need about 1000 hours of pure hunting time for a complete Armor. 41 days of pure play time IF it WOULD drop at least 1 but i did over 20 mini champs without any reagent so far, so its more like 820 days pure play time. if u play 4 hours a day u are done with your armor in 14 years.
And this is the easy part, u still need juwelry and weapons.

Sure u can buy it from other people, but they need the same stuff.

But as Kon said, we should wait for the next Update.


I can't really say anything about the drop rates cause i haven't tried them i'm not a PVMer, but there might be other solutions besides increasing the drop rate, here are my thoughts...

A solution to that besides raising the drop rate could be to increase the intensity % you can imbue with only the primary 2 ingredients (Residue, Essences, Relics + Gems). I think on most servers that have imbuing you can imbue up to 90% intensity without requiring the third ingredients ( Seeds, fairy dust, ...etc) So let's say they're looking to imbue hit lightning on a weapon but dont have the third ingredient required they can imbue 90% intensity which would be about 45% hit lightning but if they wanted to make it perfect and have the 50% they'd have to use essence of passion as well.

On here the max intensity you can imbue with only the 2 primary ingredients is 50% so a solution could be the raise it a little? I'm not saying up to 90% but maybe 75? That way people could still make decent gear for a reasonable price but if they'd want perfect gear they'd have to put the time / gold to get the other mats. People could imbue let's say...15 lrc, 6 lmc, 11 hci / dci, 6 mana, stam ... etc without needing the 3rd mat, it could make very decent without being too overpowered for the price of the mats cause the way runic kits are right now, you can probably make better stuff with runics but with imbuing you can make it fit your needs better.

That way after people have gathered some gold they can buy runic crafted pieces, after they've played for a little while longer they gather some essences, residue, gems,.. they can customize their pieces a little, mix them with arties since the artifacts we got now are probably better than pieces imbued up to 75% intensity. And then after a while of playing and hunting in ter mur once a while they'll probably have gathered some mats or enough gold to buy some mats to make a perfect piece or two. Would still take as long to get perfect pieces but there wouldn't be such a huge gap between fully imbued pieces and semi imbued ones. Might also stabilize the price of imbuing mats cause even tho they'd still be rare people could get decent stuff without them but would still need them to make perfect pieces, so the prices wouldn't skyrocket but they wouldn't drop to the floor either.

King Kong

Aye -- I am running math with Vorspire this week -- IF it takes 2 skilled players 30 mins for a mini champ than I do not have a problem with that champ always dropping at least 1 mat.

I will be watching. We will get it taken care of -- Takes time to perfect such a big system

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.


I haven't tried farming anything yet. But from reading up on the last shard updates, if the mats drop along the same line as relics and rough stones from champs/minichamps/ect, i think this is completly fair.

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