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Pandora Fall Cleaning. Need Replies.

Started by King Kong, September 22, 2011, 03:02:47 PM

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I brought this up in a previous post about cleaning the shard up.. but maybe you didn't see it as noone replied:

On a previous shard I played on, we had currency called "Trashite Bars"
We had a special golden trashcan (Bought from a banker for 10k) that when items were placed in the trashcan, and the phrase "I wish to Empty the Trash Barrel" was spoken within 1 tile of the trashcan, all the items inside would turn into trashite bars. A certain amount per a certain item (i.e.: 5 arrows per 1 trashite, and some items (like empty containers) didn't turn into trashite, and remained as they were before, inside the "Trashite Barrel")
Then, in our main-town square (We used vesper on this shard), we had a vendor stone, much like the ones in our donation room, but instead of gold, p-coins, pvp coins, or any other various currency this shard uses, that stone used trashite.
The rewards were harmless, Such as 100 of each reg for a certain amount of trashite, or clothing dye deeds, ect.
And the best part is noone farmed trashite, because it was a gold sink. The Objective of the barrel was only to junk the things you weren't going to need, or use, or want. That way your not purposly junking boards, ect, for trashite. Your simply getting alittle bit of currency, for throwing something in a trashite barrel rather then a regular trash barrel.

Maybe this shard could script something like this rather then having the annual event?
I Understand the server can handle the extra items, but it would make it alot faster, and help lag alittle bit, if we had an actual reward for throwing away junk rather then being pack rats.
"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them, the rest of us could not succeed."
"When I look around me, I am often troubled to see how many people are mad."
- The Famous: Mark Twain

Dr Seuss

I vote YES! Guys I understand your thinking "gee if he wipes all resources how am I going to stock vendors and craft?'" But think about it for a second does anyone on here enjoy this freeze we all have for like 2-3 sec every couple of minutes? I know you don't! I have played here over a year now and I know there are tons of inactive accts with houses that have alot of resources just sitting around. They need wiped! Noone on here needs 100k or more of each ingot, of each board, of wool, of cloth, or fish. You just don't.  This clogs up the server and makes things run slower.

- The answer is also not to stop Afk scripting. For one there is really no way to manage this and the gms and kon prolly don't need to waste their entire days running around making sure all lumberjackers and miners are actually watching their accts. Not a feasable idea just leave that one alone.

-I do like the reward ideas but maybe that should be put in place after we do a cleanup to prevent this from happening in the future.

-Ive read others say blah blah blah if you do this it will just happen again in the future. Well in the year or more I have played here I have not seen this happen, so with that being said it would take a long time for this to buildup again and if the reward ideas get put in place sometime that should also help out the cause.

-Everyone can get resources again very very easily. Just go get them just like you have been doing. Not that big of deal really.

-Now for questions and suggestions part:
  1) Kon does resource boxes and commodity deeds affect the "in game" items that affect the clogging up of the server? If they don't no need to wipe the resources in the boxes. Lower the price alot on them to say 20 pcoins. Let everyone have them and that would reduce everything alot for ACTIVE players. Wouldn't hurt anyone to have these as they do not affect the economy or game play. Wipe out stuff for inactive accts. Not sure if it would be hard to seperate or not.

 2)What actual resources are you wanting to wipe? This really makes a difference in opinions too. We need a definite list on what your thoughts are.
 3)I really would like the changes on the idocs and limiting the number of houses and accounts. Also a wipe of inactive accts because Im sure there are a ton and they take up space.

 4)If everyone is upset by a wipe maybe not a total wipe on items. Say if you have 700k iron ingots that you wont need, take them down to 1k. Still leaving people with some stuff and let them build more back up. That would allow them to still keep their vendors up and going but also taking the majority of stuff out freeing up the server.

Alright Sorry for the long post but I guess that I had alot to say. Hope this helps and I hope that you guys understand why it would be necessary to clean up alot and start fresh. Would also allow the newer players to catch up to the vets on resources. We all are Hoarders its a UO disease that we all have and probably always will LOL but sometimes it needs dealt with even though you think you cant part with those crazy amounts of crap that we all have. Thanks for reading!


Another 1/2 off sale would help likely too, more processing power on the server would help :)  additional drives, RAID etc.


After reading all the posts I to believe wiping all the resources is not the answer as it will happen again and again and again which is the definition of insanity. there are some great ideas on here as one being limit accounts to only two houses or maybe even one per account. Second maybe plan another half off sale specifically for upgrades to whatever the server may need.
    The whole trash can ordeal may work also my idea would be maybe a tier promotion with blood dungeon arties, tokuno arties, power scrolls, doom arties and doom stealables etc.
                Also think we could take out monster spawners in different locations like near fel ice cave as most people who pvm dont go to fel to hunt anyway etc just an example. Also I know the custom deco is great for a shard and agree for tram facets but get rid of most of it in the fel facets as pvpers arent sitting around any deco admiring it anyway they are their to fight. I know this is not an easy task at hand because no matter what we do it will be hard to make everyone happy maybe come up with your specific ideas and maybe two options to each and put a voting stone up for a week or two or three and let the vote decide.


I agree with the ressource wipe. As long as you can keep anything under 1k-2k.

Limit the number of houses per account.

There are way to many useless fish.

Portable trash bins.


I vote no on deleting resources. It seems like a temporary solution at best. I for one don't have the time I used to (work 6-7 days a week), to play games, and don't want to have to recollect the items I need for crafting. Maybe if there was a limit put on it like 2to4k of each item. And what items are we taking about? Some are much harder to gather than others (Such as imbuing materials, Valorite Iron, certain colors of wood, etc). So I think this needs to be defined better. I seen some good ideas mentioned above, hopefully we can come to a solution that is fair to all.

King Kong

Quote from: "BigCat"I vote no on deleting resources. It seems like a temporary solution at best. I for one don't have the time I used to (work 6-7 days a week), to play games, and don't want to have to recollect the items I need for crafting. Maybe if there was a limit put on it like 2to4k of each item. And what items are we taking about? Some are much harder to gather than others (Such as imbuing materials, Valorite Iron, certain colors of wood, etc). So I think this needs to be defined better. I seen some good ideas mentioned above, hopefully we can come to a solution that is fair to all.

Would only be a couple resources... wood.. ore...

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.


Quote from: "Konstantine"
Quote from: "BigCat"I vote no on deleting resources. It seems like a temporary solution at best. I for one don't have the time I used to (work 6-7 days a week), to play games, and don't want to have to recollect the items I need for crafting. Maybe if there was a limit put on it like 2to4k of each item. And what items are we taking about? Some are much harder to gather than others (Such as imbuing materials, Valorite Iron, certain colors of wood, etc). So I think this needs to be defined better. I seen some good ideas mentioned above, hopefully we can come to a solution that is fair to all.

Would only be a couple resources... wood.. ore...

Thanks for the reply Konstantine. That my not be so bad if only them resources. I understand you need to do what helps the server and community. Maybe we could still put some limit on it rather than all of the wood and ore? Or at least on active accounts. I really do not know what kind of difficulty this would be for you though. Just my thoughts.


You could also do something similar to the clean up britannia event that OSI runs.

King Kong

Quote from: "renton1231"You could also do something similar to the clean up britannia event that OSI runs.

I actually wrote a system that is very close to that before I even knew about the clean up thing on osi. I will look into it more and we will go from there.

Thanks for all the replies. I want to do what the players want, keep them happy, just need to find a way to compromise.

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.


just to throw out an idea as well, if you want to remove alot of the resources on the shard, instead of doing just a straight wipe of the resources, do just a 1 time collection of all resources.  Say give a small amount of pcoins (something like 10-50 pcoins) for a large amount of a certain resources (say 100k or more resources).  This way you are still getting the major resources removed to achieve what you wanted but you are also giving slight compensation.

Now i realize that by doing this, if you give sufficient time, people will farm the resources to just acquire pcoins, however, if you give a short notice, say 2 days or so, then it will eliminate some of this being done.

Like i said, just trying to throw other ideas out there for you Konstantine, cuz i love ya lol

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