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Doom Arti Idea

Started by Ely, March 08, 2011, 09:10:39 AM

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Sat training skill and I was thinking, back on osi shards the most wanted items were doom arties (with exeption of the weps mabe).  Here on Pan with player imbuing able to safly add 5-7 props +8 gets a bit risky as many of you will know.
Quotemaluc wrote:
--There is a 100% chance of screaming NOOO if you break an 8+ property item.
So to put life back into doom and its rewards, I am kindly asking if doom arties could be reworked so they are more on par with what can be imbued by players on Pandora. I dont mean 10 prop arties just an extra 1 or 2.

for example, adding mage armour to jackles coller, hci/dci on orni, removig skills from midnight and dancer legs in place of somthing else, you get the idea.  A little twist could be random new props so that one item can fit better into ppls suit, depending on there needs.

Hope this starts a good discution with lots of feedback, for Kon to concider.

PS. yes I know my spelling is atrosious :D  :D  :D

Co Kane

I do like this idea... With that being said I do feel that there has to be some care put into place when redoing these arties as Ely stated. This would bring some life into Doom once again and maybe even some PvP ^^


good idea mate :)

or if it's easier, something like adding [property] imbue deeds for doom artis to the pcoin room, make em expensive, and limit the number of such deeds that can be used on each item?

King Kong

I really like this idea, and Ill have to be honest I have pondered over it many times.

I want to put in an awesome artifact, Wings of Pandora for example (nothing like what I wear, but still leet as ever) and that would be a gauntlet arti

Pandora has set a new tone for weapons and monster as far as classic UO has gone and I think this is a great idea. I'll be reworking this in the future. Thanks for the friendly reminder.

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.

King Kong

Also with this - I would like to revamp every gauntlet artifact

Someone please least each artifact you can get - and what should be added on their props, get the conversation going. Let's compete with imbuing.

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.


It would be nice if we could add like 1-2 properties to them not sure how difficult a task this is but just an idea. I do think getting doom involved one way or another is a great idea though. I also think some tweaking on the tokuno items needs revamped as well. Whether you add a couple mods or allow us to add them either way will bring them two areas back into play in game.


much as alphabetical order would make sense, i don't have time to list all the artis, so instead i'll list my favourites and some ideas for what to add to them:

jackal's collar - current mods: 15dex 2hpr, 5/23/17/3/2  [plate gorget, non medable as it stands]
suggested improvements - mage armour, lmc, mr, hpi, si or ssi  <--- would be competing with very uber necklaces people have for pvp, sacrificing 1/3 fc/fcr so it really has to be worth it!

spirit of the totem - current mods: 20 str 15 hci 15rpd, 20/3/8/4/4 [bear mask]
suggested improvements - either 30hld or 30 hla, lmc, mr, an additional high resist, si or +dex

ornament of the magician - current mods: 2fc, 3fcr, 10 lmc, 20 lrc, 15 energy resist.
suggested improvements - 15 hci and dci, 8 dex, 8 int, 12sdi

sorry i don't have time for more just now.

p.s. the gauntlet's weapons are especially awful.  suggest replacing them with really sweet weaps that we can't currently make with runics (i.e. tinker-made weapons like my old favourite, the cleaver).


Kro`s listed prolly the top 3 wanted/usfull from osi there, adding all his sugested mods would poss make then a tad OP, so mabe add a random 2-3 of his sugestions.  

mage armour on jackels is a must imo.

I`ll take a look at stratics ect soon and post a full list of added props for ppl to discuss.

William Darkage

I think that's a great idea, from what i've been reading it seems not many people are hunting in doom here. That would be a very good way to get people back in there. Good addition for hunters/collectors and would also make PVPers happy :)

I'll be looking at what's avalaible and try to post a list of things that i think would be good additions.

King Kong

keep them coming -- my main goal with the shard next is make weapons / armor / jewels from the basic OSI systems comparable to Imbuing, so that imbuing isnt the only thing you rely on.

Keep them coming

Also there is no OP -- cause if something is really strong then ill make mobs to match it etc.. its all scale

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.

King Kong

also if you guys can post gauntlet artifacts that are completely worthless that I can remove to replace with custom pandora artifacts

also feel free to list some custom artifacts in detail with props etc. and I will consider them

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.


worthless doom artis:
bracelet of health
holy knight's breastplate
ring of the elements
legacy of the dread lord
the dragon slayer
voice of the fallen king
axe of heavens

those are what i'd say are absolutely dire and would need either major overhaul from imbuing type of bonuses or pure replacing.  other pretty poor artis are:
berserker's maul
bone crusher
tunic of fire
dryad bow
divine countenance
blade of insanity

anything with +skill (dryad, midnight bracers, hunter's headdress etc) would need the + skill swapped for something useful, too.  unless the +skill let you go over 120 skill like blacksmith bod reward the gloves of mining.

William Darkage

Be prepared this is gonna be a long post !

I just finished going through all of doom arties, looking at what their current mods are and thinking what would be good to add on them. I tried to add about 3 / 4 to each that way they're better than the low imbued stuff but not as good as good imbued gear. Doing that the gap between Imbued and Artifacts wouldn't be as big, but fully imbued items still have the advantage. I also tried to keep in mind what the items were first itended to, example if an item had had mage properties on it, it was most likely intended to be used by mages, so i tried to keep it that way.

Here's a list, feel free to comment :)

currently: Spell Channeling, Night Sight, DCI15%, FC1 Energy resist 1%
Suggestion: Better resists, HCI, FCR, Reflect

currently: Luck200, LRC40%, Phys2%, Fire4%, Cold3%, Poison3% Energy4%, Mage Armor
Suggestion: LMC, FC, FCR, Mana

currently: Hit Lightning50%, HCI15%, DCI15%, Dmg Inc50%, Phys dmg 100%
Suggestion: SSI, Life Leech, HLA,

currently: Hit Stam Leech 100%, Stam Regen2, SSI30%, Dmg Inc50%
Suggestion: Hit lightning, HCI, Life Leech

currently: Hit Lower Def50%, Str10, Dmg Inc75%
Suggestion: Hit lightning, SSI, HCI, Life Leech

currently: HP5 HP regen 10
Suggestion: Str, HCI, DCI

currently: Hit Harm 25%, Life Leech 100%, SDI5% Dmg Inc50%
Suggestion: Hit Harm 50%, HCI, more SDI, Spell chaneling, SSI

currently: Int8, Mana Regen2, Reflect 15%, LMC8%, Phys8%, Fire6%, Cold9%, Poison4%, Energy25%
Suggestion: higher mana regen, mana increase, LRC,

currently: Hit Dispel50%, Stam Regen10 Dmg Inc50%
Suggestion: remove hit dispel? (that mod always seemed useless to me) Hit fireball, SSI, HCI, Spell channeling

currently: Str8, Luck100, Dmg Inc20% Phys18%, Fire3%, Cold1%, Poison20%, Energy3%
Suggestion: HP Increase, HP Regen, Dex, better resists

currently: Int8, Mana Regen 4, SDI10%, Fire5%,Cold9%, Poison20%, Energy20%
Suggestion: Mana increase, more SDI, LMC, LRC, the other resists at 20% too

currently: Int8 Mana Inc15, Mana Regen2, LMC8% Phys5%, Fire3%, Cold2%, Poison3%, Energy17%
Suggestion: Better resists, LRC, Mage armor

currently: HP10, Reflect15% Phys35%, Fire3%, Cold2%, Poison3%, Energy3%
Suggestion: better resists, Str, Hp regen, dex

currently: Archery +20 Dex8, Nightsight, HCI15%, Phys2%, Fire6%, Cold23%, Poison1%, Energy7%
Suggestion: better resists, DCI, Str, Stam, stam regen

currently: Dex15, HP Regen2, Phys5%, Fire23%, Cold17%, Poison3%, Energy2%
Suggestion: better resist, HP, Str, Stam regen

currently: Spell Channeling, FCR3, SSI30%, Dmg Inc50%
Suggestion: HCI, Hit Harm, FC

currently: durability100%, Stam8, HCI20%, Phys4%, Fire4%, Cold4%, Poison36%, Energy2%
Suggestion: better resists, Dex, DCI, Stam regen, HP

currently: Necro +20, SDI10%, Mage Armor, Phys23%, Fire, 3%, Cold4%, Poison2%, Energy4%,
Suggestion: Better resists, LMC, LRC, Mana, Mana regen, FCR

currently: FCR3, FC2, LMC10%, LRC20% Energy15%
Suggestion: SDI, Int, maybe resists? (this one already seems pretty decent to me)

currently: HP Regen2, Stam Regen2, Dmg Inc25%, Phys3%, Fire3%, Cold4%, Poison17%, Energy4%
Suggestion: better resists, HP, Dex, Reflect,

currently: Luck100, Fire16%, Cold16%, Poison16%, Energy16%
Suggestion: Well on this one you can add pretty much anything you want, depending if you want it to be for a mage or for a fighter, for a mage: FC, FCR, SDI, Int, for a fighter: HCI, DCI, Str, Dex

currently: Dex8, Stam Regen6, HCI15%, Poison Resist20%
Suggestion: DCI, Str, HP Regen

currently: Hit poison area 100%, HCI,15%, Dmg Inc50%, Poison Resist15%
Suggestion: Hit lightning, Hit lower defense, hit lower attack, life leech

currently: Stealing+20, Stealth+20, Phys17%, Fire4%, Cold3%, Poison18%, Energy18%
Suggestion: No clue... Those just suck so suggestion: remove them? lol

currently: Str20, Reflect15%, HCI15%, Phys20%, Fire3%, Cold8%, Poison4%, Energy4%
Suggestion: HP, DCI, better resists, Dmg Inc?

currently: Spell Channeling, FC1, Dmg Inc50%
Suggestion: HCI, Hit lightning, FCR, Mana leech

currently: SSI75%, Dmg Inc50%
Suggestion: Hit lower attack, HCI, Hit harm, Life leech

currently: Dragon Slayer, Luck110, Dmg Inc50%, Fire Resist20%, Use Best Weapon Skill
Suggestion: Hit fireball, HCI, Hit lower attack, SSI, Life Leech

currently: Random skill +5 or +10? Self Repair, SSI50%, Dmg Inc35%, Poison resist15%
Suggestion: Hit lightning, HCI, Hit lower defense, Life leech

currently: hit poison area 100%, Dex5, HCI15%, Dmg Inc50%
Suggestion: hit fireball, hit lower defense, hit lower attack,

currently: Selfrepair5, Nightsight, Reflect15%, Phys24%, Fire34%, Cold4%, Poison1%, Energy2%
Suggestion: Str, Dex, HP, HP regen

currently: Str8, HP Regen5, Stam Regen3, Phy2%, Fire4%, Cold18%, Poison3%, Energy18%
Suggestion: better resists, Dex, HP, Stam

currently: Self Repair5, Reflect15%, DCI15%, LMC8%, Phys15%, Fire1%
Suggestion: Add some resists, HCI, FC, Spell channeling

As most of you might've noticed i wrote better resits on pretty much all armor pieces hehe. So i guess we can all agree that for starters armor pieces really need a boost in the resists departement :)

Also I made that list before i saw your post about removing some, I'll have a closer look at which are useless later on tonight :)


Right i`ve dug out my makeshift book of doom arties I use to use as a price guide, so from the top here are my reconendations for new mods on Doom arties.  Most have a standard base of 5 mods with one mod thats special to that item type, or have more power than standard loot, ie FC2 on orni or dex on jackels.- here goes

Aegis - Spell channeling deffo, mana regen (MR) and/or HCI Str/HPI
Arcane Shield - make it 1/2 or even up to 1/4, this could be a good one for random prop, it could vary from 1/2 up to 2/4. if 2/4 seems a bit OP mabe add SDI.  It is ment to be for mages after all.
Armor of Fortune - an old mage faviorite due to double LRC & DCI on armour. this i would add ressist as its only npc standard, also MR2 & posibly one of the following  LMC MI HPI.
Axe of Heavens - like said previosly doom weps look good but never rly were. Bump the hit lighning all the way to 100% and add in some SSI.  Now depending if Doom arties are made imbuable depends on what other mods you add.  PPL do tend to tailor there weps to a poupouse, either PvP or PvM a perticular champ/mob.  I should rly let Kronen cover weps as he has a better idea of the best props for perticular weps.  So that said i`ll just list the doom weps n let others determin the best prop for them.
Blade of Insanity
Blade of the Righteous
Stealable every 30 days.
Bone Crusher posibly the worst doom arti, seen for sale on Europa for less than 200k, when other weps could be sold for 800k-1m+
Bracelt of Health - High numberd props if only 2 og them, rly needs FC and FCR to be of use on Pan, other props could inc Str/DCI.
Breath of the Dead
Divine Countenance
Poor mans HoM, Higher resists, a total of 50-60 would be nice + SDI but not too much as HoM rly has to be the better Arti. Tis tradidion you know.
FrostbringerGet rid of Hit dispel, could make it a bow version of Axe of Heavens.
Gauntlets of Nobility Dex would be my ovious choice here, but im a dexxer at heart, This is a good one to add HLD to, moves ppl away from mace n shields.  Other additions could inc MR, LMC, MI.
Hat of the Magi (HoM) - Put your hands up if you`ve saved up fro weeks to buy this one :D   Bump the base resist up to 60 round the int bonus up to 10 and up the SDI to 20-25.
Helm of Insight - rase the LMC to 10 or 15. add in fire or phys ressist. other props could be SSI or HLA. this needs mage armour too.
Holt Knights Bestplate - add in HCI up the low resists to player made exe standard. other props added could be MR LMC and/or STR
Hunters headdress - up the lower resists but limit adding to many other props due to it having DEX already, so 1-2 of the following MR LMC LRC ect
Jackal`s Collar - add on the mage AR, but like above limit the other new props, due to the masive DEX bonus.
Legacy of the Dread Lord - add on a Hit spell, SSI and mabe SDI, if poss can balanced be added to other 2H weps apart from bows?
Leggings of bane - like in others up the low resists to 6-9, add on MR and go with the stamina theme and add stamina regen.
Midnight Bracers - drop the skill, double the SDI, up the low end resist, and add on some new mage type props LRC LMC MR.
Ornament of the magician (Orni) - In the past this has been the most sort after nad highest price payed for item from doom, Rly I would like to keep it that way ( I love a bit O tradition ) so curently its 2/3 which could be upped to 2/4 with the complicated adition of DCI & HCI totaling 25 ie, if HCI=15 DCI=10, and if HCI=5 DCI=20. sinularly stats could total 12 with 2-4 of each stat.  I like a bit of ramdomness.  that way Orni can fit in to lots of diff suits.
Ornate Crown of the Harrower - go with the regen them and add on MR and HPR, add mage AR and up the low end resists.  Also would be nice to have it drop from Harrower too. Tis his Crown after all.
Ring of the Elements - high luck, top resists (64 Total) no real use of Pan, so add on FC/FCR with mabe DCI abd some stats.
Ring of the Vile - Dexxers first arti purchace, up the dex to 12, add on some magery FC/FCR, vile is back in busness.
Serpants Fang - stay with the snakey Fangy thing and add Hit Leach to it, mabe reptile slayer too, hit area good for champs with lots of mobs.
Shadow Dancer leggins - after dropping the redundant skills im not too sure what to add on, i`ll leave this one for further descution.
Spirit of the totem - Kro pretty much coverd this one.
Staff of the Magi - Being aimed toward the mage add on SDI, mage wep prop not rly usfull on no skill cap shard, so swap for SSI and Hit spell, Also to make this item a little more interesting, it could come in other 2H wep variatys, ie Spear of the Magi, Halbeard ect.
The Dryad Bow - drop skills, up dmg, add spell ect
The beserker`s maul - again go with a stammina theme, leach, regen, bonus stamina or dex. poss hit spell.
The Dragon Slayer - OSI trying a George & the dragon thing mi thinks, so make it the best dragon slayer, up luck to 200, bump Dmg to 75, add SSI and poss hit spell, as for its resists dmg, would need to look at dragon kind as a whole and find best dmg tupe to put on it, 20% of each may be best here.
The Inquisitors Reselution - Stealable every 30 days, needs 5 people tho to get through puzzel. add on MR and other magey props. LRC may be a good one for this item.
The Taskmaster -
Titans Hammer - Stealable every 30 days.
Treachery (AKA Lord Blackthorn`s Claw) - never available as drop in Doom, but its on the list i printed out from stratics soon after AoS came out. would be nice to see it in game if only for deco and the colectors. heres it info
Bone Harvester (mosdt likly hued Ice white (1153) hard to tell from this old pic, bone harvesters may be quite light in coler and it could just be plain old iron)
Hit cold Area 60%
Hit point Inc 10
HCI 15%
SSI 35%
dmg Inc 75%
phys Dmg 100%
Tunic of Fire - add on MR and DCI, up low end resist. HPR could be added as not many artis seen to ude it.
Voice of the Fallen King - Now because ppl on pan use necklace to get FC/FCR 4/8 cap, tis item would need a big enough prop to make them want to chose voice, simular to jackles. mabe all 3 regens 3-5 and/or a prop not ushally avaiablr on a neck of gorget.
Zyronic Claw - Stealable every 30 days.  SSI and hit spell to be added here.

I have listed the weps but not comebted on what to add, i`ll leave that to someone like Kronen who knows them better.

I hope your still with me after all that, it will give you all some thing to mull over, and post your thoughts on.  These are only sugestions and if the sugestion of making artis imbuable in some way, even if limited to adding one prop, that will change things some.  Hope you enjoyed reading this the 2nd version of this post & that it proves usefull to the ongoing discution.

Now go make yourself a cuppa, you deserve it for reading all this.


axe of heavens could be awesome with sc no pen, mana leech, life leech, random super slayer, more di, ssi, an additional hitspell...  remember how bad everyone wanted soulseeker when it first came out on osi?

but it all boils down to how powerful kon wants to make these.  seemingly no need to worry about op mods, so, to that end, every weapon should be spell channeling no pen, every armour part medable, 8 lmc 2 mr 5 hpi, 8 mi/si.  this would be the ideal mods we go for in imbuing.  some might warrant lrc as well or in place of other lesser mods, and enhance potions would be a great mod for ring of the vile..  i can't see the doom artis being used for long, or by existing vets, without a good number of these mods, because everyone's a hybrid.  i may err towards dexxer stylings, but that doesn't mean i don't do magery.

i don't quite understand why you guys are suggesting almost useless mods.  take stamina regen for example, i've got 120 focus (equates to 12 stamina regen), divine fury, total refresh pots, and possibly stamina leech from a weapon too.  there's not a good reason to sacrifice a mod like mana regen for stamina regen unless you're already at the caps for the more favourable mods.  hit point regen is similarly pointless here - 1 hpr = +0.1 hp/sec.  given the 2 sec bandage heal, along with magery heals and pots, this really is a negligible bonus.  (this paragraph assumes osi-rules apply and it isn't customised for pandora.)

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