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Imbue mats drop rate.

Started by Jupiter, February 15, 2012, 01:09:19 PM

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I'm a fan of the new updates. However, the drop rates of imbue mats are kinda an issue. I tried farming Korpres for hours and only got 2 void orbs. I can understand lowering the drop rate, although i feel it was pretty low to begin with, but spending 2 hours to get 2 void orbs seems a bit much. If this is just something that needs to be tweaked i get it, was just kinda frustrated.

King Kong

Quote from: "Jupiter"I'm a fan of the new updates. However, the drop rates of imbue mats are kinda an issue. I tried farming Korpres for hours and only got 2 void orbs. I can understand lowering the drop rate, although i feel it was pretty low to begin with, but spending 2 hours to get 2 void orbs seems a bit much. If this is just something that needs to be tweaked i get it, was just kinda frustrated.

Imbuing is a luxary and an option. You do not have to do it. Frankly, I feel like you getting 2 in a couple hours seems a bit. Or about right -- It's not the solo person I worry about, but say you get 2 in 2 hours -- Now take 3 people, killing them 3x as fast, -- See how the rate starts snowballing?

If ya don't wanna do it mate, ya don't have to -- Others will farm and you can buy from them,   :P

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.


Imbuing was and is a high (if not THE most) important thing on Pandora. I can see the point why the drop rate has been lowered to force group hunting. That's why the mini champ spawns and champs themselves are now harder to fight. I also do see the reasons in terms of economy.
I think the most obvious reason is to avoid new players having fully imbued items after a few days or one week.
It's right: You can buy mats from other players. It's right: You can hunt in groups and speed up the drop rate. Everything is okay.

But I really think that no one can say now if this new system works perfectly or not. It's too early to see this. I myself will hunt for mats like I did before, together with my guild people. If a material drops too slow we will collect gold for the guild and buy mats in Luna or trade channel. There is always one player who has the required materials.
It's frustrating, yes. But it's also a challenge we have to take now. Materials indeed drop not really fast and I had my moments too, where I said: "Crap, let's stop hunting and spend money on this!"
Maybe it's too hard to get the mats now, maybe the market will collapse because most people will buy their stuff now and no one goes hunting again. This is the long term thing: If there still are people who hunt fanatically materials there is a place to trade. If not, the drop rate has to be boosted again - just a little.^^

There are materials like fairy dust or seeds of renewal which are very important to imbue armor. And these materials are hard to get now (low drop rate, buffed fairies) but the creatures spawn now everywhere in Ter Mur - there are better chances to find them.
It's a controversity, yes, but we have to deal with it!

"My name is my name."


Conclusion; Saturn is lazy. Thats what can come from this. I understand the new drop rate. I was just frustrated as (insert curse word here). Im over it now...I've always said i prefer arties to imbue items because they have names that tickle me so. I might just revert back to them. Pardon my rant.


Zaxarus is right ... what person will spend 10h to get 10 mats ( and there is still chance to fail imbue ) ? You tell us to do party hunt ... but every player need imbue mats for himself ... and will not give it to me. So party hunt imbue mats is useles. Some changes are good some are bad. Imbuing change is faaaar bad. Imagine new player who love pvp, to match with ppl with fully imbued stuff, will spend weeks weeks of farming, and after f.e. 2 days of non stop farming ... if he get 2% of mats he need to imbue set ... he will change serwer, coz ppl came here to have fun not farm all days and get fiew mats. Thats my opinion.


We have to see where this might end. We (guild) and also I myself don't go hunting at the moment, because it really leads to nothing more than a small amount of mats if we're lucky. We bought a lot of them now, but it seems that Luna vendors are almost done with mats now.

This is not to complain. But I really hope the drop rate could speed up just a little bit, at least to have a perspective.

"My name is my name."


When the imbue materials are harder to get ppl will give more attention to the runic armor.
Most ppl wanted to save their relics and imbued runic-armor with 8% LMC.
Now ppl will have a look after more then "just" 8 % LMC on the runics or maybe are pleased with less then "cap armor".

Currently armor aren`t different. Almost all important properties are maxed and only colors and maybe a few Artis makes the difference. And because of no skillcap everybody is able to do everything with only one armor.
In future most ppl will have to think about which few properties fit to their playstyle instead imbue everything.
So on runic armor not only properties which cost relics are interesting.
This should boost our economy.

On the downside prices for runic armor will rise and newer players have to save more money till they can buy their better armor.
Although to improve they will have to buy more then once, which should boost our economy also.

Of course we all like to have an easy going. But we also want to have a server with efficient economy. A bad economy is also a reason why ppl will leave server.

And if 7 or 8 out of 10 shops selling materials for the high-end craftings at dumping prices, there is something going wrong and we can not talk of a efficient economy.

There are always pros and cons.
And I´m sure. If once a day are not enough materials on the server Kon will rise the drop rates again or will find another way. Maybe a few mats in treasure chests, trade with pcoins again or something like that.


yeah runic armor might be good ... but what about rings ect :)


No one said u can not imbue at all.
But maybe dont imbue dex if your char is not a dexxer or SDI if u normaly dont use spells during fights...

The less properties on the items the higher the success rate.
A item does not have to be pink to be useful.


It is right: You have to decide (now more than ever) which prop is needed for your own special style and needs. But it is also right that besides LMC (you can find it on a lot of runic armors, yes) there are more props needed. I'm not talking about relic stuff. Relics are easy to get (from Champs who have not been boosted into infinity and other sources or vendors). I am talking about unique materials - and they are a pain to collect now. I've talked to new players who really don't see any perspective in getting their armor done in the next months.

I am in the lucky position to be able to provide new guildies with Imbuing and all mats to do jewels. I was in the position to also imbue their armor, specialized on priorities. We bought runic armor with max LMC and good or max LRC (to save up fairy dust). Now this position is gone because at the moment it seems not so possible to get these mats in a way you can say it will be done in "the next weeks". I can't find any Vendor who is selling seeds of renewal or fairy dust. And that's because there is no more hunting, it seems. Or: Everyone has to hunt for himself and bunkers mats (I understand this completely). Or: Drop rate is too slow atm:
If you kill (mathematically, in theory) 200 Korpres to get 2 to 6 void orbs (if you're lucky, and depending on group size), this isn't funny. You start asking yourself why you shouldn't buy these things instead. But there is no source to buy from. Last week I started asking in trade channel for those mats - no one had. Vendors don't have.

That's why I say:
Please let's have a look at the coming developments on "imbue market". And please turn up drop rate a little bit if it turns out badly.

I have faith in Kon, no question. I am just a little worried - not for myself. I understand the necessarity of a functioning economy, no question. And I really see those points in Kon's measures to force this. I only think it's too hard atm. Not concerning the strength of mobs, spawns, mini champs - with strategy everything can be done. But concerning the time frame...


"My name is my name."

King Kong

They will be adjusted as they go, but if I have them while people have a ton still, then the economy never stablizes.

Not to mention, everyone wants things changed to make it easier. Human nature.

I see the bird's eye, and people are getting mats every day, all kinds. I would see if 1 mat wasn't gotten in a whole day, but definitely not the case.

Next publish there is some adjustments, but from my view it's going quite perfectly. Like I say, Imbuing is a luxary, but you can still hunt monsters with out it, slowly you will get it. Not to mention their our thousands upon thousands of High Property Imbuing Weapons and Armor on server not even being used -- I know some are long gone players, or on alts, or locked in chests or whatever. Eventually you will see people actually selling armor and weapons again.

Like I also said before, the drop rate on mats is actually quite high compared to what they are suppose to be -- They were just easy before and everyone got spoiled and that's what was expected. If this was the first time putting Imbuing in, and the drop rate was like this, everyone would think it was perfect.  :lol:


There are a hundred of artifacts that drop off monsters that compare to Imbuing in a lot of opinions. You can fight in doom a lot, and get a full suit. Or even fight ancient hell hound and get perfect stats on a full set.

Also if there is any champion still impossible to do (with 4 people that is, not 1 or 2) then please let me know. They are still being balanced.

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.


May i suggest increassing the fairy dust rate, as LRC reduces the need for regs that if people required them would be hoarded in the thousands and strain the server. Also, if people would need alot more gold to buy mats, wouldn't that make people save up alot more, again strainning the system?...Just a thought...

King Kong

Quote from: "Jupiter"May i suggest increassing the fairy dust rate, as LRC reduces the need for regs that if people required them would be hoarded in the thousands and strain the server. Also, if people would need alot more gold to buy mats, wouldn't that make people save up alot more, again strainning the system?...Just a thought...

Looking into it.

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.



i try the last days to get some Seeds of Renewal from the Toxic Sliths and earned 0 Seeds (and no other imbue mats too). I make the mini-champ ~10 times (so I think I killed there nearly 200 Slths) and farming other single spawns (I think I killed so 80 more). To kill this 280 Sliths I need about 2 hours (80minutes for the champs and 40 for the single spawns). The Sliths are very easy to kill, but I have to spend more time to kill the other waves and the very strong Wyvern Renowned at the minichamp or searching and waiting for respawn at the single spawns. If I need 30-50 Seeds for only one Armor part and get 0 Seeds after 2 hours farming, it looks hopeless to get them all (in any case for me).

In my option the problem is the drop chance in comparison to the amount of Sliths I can kill per hour. I think it will be easier, if:
1.   The Sliths will get stronger and get a better drop chance
2.   Spawns with much more Sliths
3.   The Wyvern Renowned get a save imbue mat drop (3-5 of some mat) equal to the relic drop at the "big" champs

Even if I just told about the Seeds I need, I think that's apply for all other imbue mats (Pixies, Korbse,...) too.


I totally agree with Scrati, and it applies to the other materials, too. But as Kon said, there will be a next patch. I hope some of these serious problems will be solved. Else imbue mats start to get so rare, a relic will be nothing.^^

To the Mini Champs:

I like the idea. They are harder to kill now, so let there be a reward. Killing a mini champ and looting junk/nothing is a little weird.^^

"My name is my name."

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