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Messages - Lightning

General Discussion / Re: AFK gating death brit
March 22, 2012, 08:25:22 AM
Or if u put a poison wall on the afk'er and go into a pvp region, then u also get dmg.
Got that already, also in the correct colours so its easier to determine, but i would prefer little Icons.

Edit sais: Here my example if someone got trouble with that.

{crimtime}   {largestatbar}   PC{pcoin}   OC{ocoin}   Relic{relic}    ~#ffff00Heal~#~{heal}    ~#ffAA00Cure~#~{cure}    ~#ff0000Refresh~#~{refresh}    ~#ffffffStrength~#~{strength}    ~#0051ffAgility~#~{agility}    ~#00ff00Parasitic~#~{parasitic}
since i updated to the newest UO Version i dont see the Images for the Counters.
I only get it like that ":0 :0 :0 :0 :1246 :1257 :1713 :1017 :584 :76"
"Show Images with Counters" is checked.
"Show noto hue on {char} in TitleBar" is checked.
"Auto search new containers" is checked.
i loged in with a second charakter - same problem.
i loaded a second profile in razor - same problem.
i googled for a solution, the given advices haven't helped me.

Any one can help me pls? *snief* :(
General Discussion / Re: Imbue mats drop rate.
February 26, 2012, 12:55:23 PM
if u imbue an armor u need 30 if u dont fail so better count with 60, so u need about 300 for a whole armor. i need an hour to solo a mini champ.
If i do the champ with another person i need 30min, but we need 2x the imbue mats, so there is no difference, still need the same time.

if i get 1 imbue mat for 1 champ, then 1 player needs 300 hours of playtime to get the amount for a whole armor. 300 hours for 3 properties on 5 armor parts

Atm its 1 or less and u need 10 properties for a fully imbued armor. that means u need about 1000 hours of pure hunting time for a complete Armor. 41 days of pure play time IF it WOULD drop at least 1 but i did over 20 mini champs without any reagent so far, so its more like 820 days pure play time. if u play 4 hours a day u are done with your armor in 14 years.
And this is the easy part, u still need juwelry and weapons.

Sure u can buy it from other people, but they need the same stuff.

But as Kon said, we should wait for the next Update.
General Discussion / Re: Imbue mats drop rate.
February 26, 2012, 08:13:03 AM
I Agree too.

I did each Mini Champ at least 2 Times and all i got was Corruption or other useless Peerless Reagents.
Those Mini Champ bosses got 80k-150k Hit points so they got the same Amount like some normal Champ Bosses or the Peerless Bosses. Some of them hit harder then a normal Champ Boss like Rikktor, Coon or Mephitis and u dont get something from them.

I did them once to see if i can beat them, second time to see if i rly dont get loot, now i wait. :)
At least its a battle vs a tough Enemy!!!
General Discussion / Re: PVP'ing concerns.
February 17, 2012, 07:21:54 PM
I understand your position. I never said that i want to quit but i think its the job of the active players to show if there is a Problem if there is less fun.
I already tested it for many fights today. I Focus on the DailyPvP and i can truly say that it is no fun. I was in DailyPvP nearly all day when i am at home. Today i only joined 3 DailyPvP's, 2 of those took over 1h with less then 10 Players, the last 5 Dailys doesnt even start couse noone joined, doesnt happen that much at my playtime, there must be a reason.
I don't want to throw the towel like u said i just want to have fun at pvp with much options much strategies and the possibility to have your own fight stile. atm the only effective strategie is parasitic poison and i dont want to be a poisoner nor everyone to be one. Also i cant afford it, the price will raise up from 1-2k for 1 fight to 10-30k just for the darts IF some1 starts to use the nerfed lumber (dont guess some1 wants to).
General Discussion / Re: PVP'ing concerns.
February 17, 2012, 04:28:54 PM
Economy is one Part, PvP another.

i loved the pvp espacially the daily pvp. now its rly boring.

Ewua needed 11min for Tyrone, normally he needs less then 1min.
i beat Ewua for the second time in 4 month when he is at his good computer with the good ping, just couse i spammed Darts.
I know many people dont like Ewua, but u cant say that he's a bad pvp'er imo he's a very good or one of the best pvp'er and if he cant beat a random player fast, there must be something wrong.
The PvP was fine before, now one daily takes about 1 hour and everyone is watching boring fights.
Everyone has to much hit points for slow casts. You cant interrupt PLUS dmg u cant poison u cant deal high dmg with combos.
Try it on your own Lithium, pls. Try it without parasitic and i would bet a lot that u fight hard, even versus non pro pvp'er.
General Discussion / Re: PVP'ing concerns.
February 17, 2012, 01:20:25 PM
I joined this shard 4 month ago. At first i liked the skill gain, i was able to skill everything within weeks witch was a great plus because skilling is boring to me. Then I've seen the PvP in the DailyPvP and i was SO DAMN EXITED... The good players casted so fast, did nice combos and it wasn't easy to kill some of those. That was the Reason that i started PvM. To get better Equipment to be ready for PvP.

It took me about 2 Month to get good Equipment, farming every day for hours.
Now its really hard to get the same stuff i guess i would need 4 month now... (4 Month boring stuff to get ready for the fun stuff!? Not sure if i would do it again).
Anyway I'm nearly fully equipped now, to me it depends more on my ping and my player skill then on the equipment to win a PvP so i don't care that much about the PvM Changes, but i guess everyone who is just farming stuff to get ready for PvP will care a lot about that Changes.

The last Update changed the PvP a lot. Potions will become very expansive, u cant use them that much now. Lowering Poison spell will couse that u need Parasitic Poison like hell. Lumberjacking got nerved, was already hard to get Parasitic Plants... now the price will go even higher. At the moment i pay about 500gp for one use of parasitic poison but the prises went up if i buy the plants now i need to pay 1500gp for one  use and beaouse i cant kill someone with the normal poison spell, mortal or bleed without the parasitic i need to use up to 20 charges in one fight (30k gold only for the parasitics IF i get that much now).

I cant use the "buffed" spells in 1 on 1 fights because i get interrupted by magic arrow with zero dmg or harm with 1 dmg. A fight even versus new players takes much more time and i get bored if i have to look at the fights in daily while i am waiting for my own fight.

I need to PvM now to buy resources for PvP again, i cant solo champs that good and even in groups i get instant killed by monsters like Semidar or Abyssal. I don't like to die, pay insurance gold, walk around as ghost to get the same stuff i got before without all that stuff.

I don't want to use a Cleaver in PvP but now i have to, or at least a good amount of darts.

Its very frustrating to me, to watch at the last changes because i don't think that it is more fun but less, to PvP or PvM now.

I like many Changes but i dislike more.
To me Pandora is still the Best UO Shard i know, but it was better 3 Updates Ago.
General Discussion / Runic Crafting Tools
December 08, 2011, 01:04:54 AM
Is there a List how the Runic Crafting Tools got Changed?
I just saw some examples at the News Info, so i wonder what exactly changed.
Espacially those Properties who can be raised up higher then by imbuing or those who can be added to the imbue maximum amount.

This came to my mind as i was wondering wich runic fletching tool i need for those 40ssi Crossbows and i just found some rare informations at that i need ash wood (10%ssi) and heartwood runic fletching tool (up to 100% intensity of the property --> 30%ssi).
Now i'm interested in the other tools and the changes. If i cant get this intesity they are somehow wasted and as there where changes i wanna ask for those. Maybe its possible to add the ssi wich is left to 40 with imbue or any other trick.

greetings from germany and sry about my english ;)
General Discussion / Re: Rune Chisel
November 30, 2011, 12:11:15 PM
You are right, a +Skill doesn't count, my bad.
General Discussion / Rune Chisel
November 29, 2011, 08:07:07 PM
Wich Rune do i have to craft to remove a Skill?
I haven't found the right Rune, so i think its not in the Rune Chisel System?!
If i am right, then it would be nice if it could be added.
General Discussion / Re: Caps Listing
November 29, 2011, 08:00:14 PM
Quote- At 150 or more int, one can perform the special move 'Disarm' while holding a spellbook and casting a spell. The spell being cast will have an Armor Ignor effect, and 'Disarm' will be deactivated. The amount of damage 'ignored' grows with higher Int, and can eventually go past 100%

I got a question to this: if i cast a fireball for example, while activating my disarm ability, then i hit the enemy with 0 fire resist? Is this correct? Sounds very strong to me.