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Messages - Artus

Fishing BoD's would definitely be cool, we could do something with those 100 pound fish then.

Could get anchor deco's, model ships, stuff like that..

a runic fishing rod, increased chance to pull up an ancient mib, or deco's or maybe a baddie.. limited charges..

Fishermans Friend set - armor with resistances geared to attacks from sea creatures..
Oh and that was both in Tram and Fel..
MiBs still aren't working, I've fished for 10 hours haven't fished up a serpent with anything.

I have several of each of the mountable fish, a few pears, a few big fish, and lots of coloured fishsteaks..

I have one net, but that was on the loot of a wandering Kraken, I never actually fished it up.

Is there any idea on when (if?) it will be turned back on?