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Messages - sejindarkwolf

General Discussion / Re: Nostalgia
September 23, 2012, 05:09:21 PM
Quote from: xcalibre on September 23, 2012, 12:53:08 PM
Dwarvey : you probably Right...   I just want to explain why i'm nostalgia...

Really sorry for this post...

You should not be sorry, you should feel free to express your opinion, otherwise how would anyone know that something might need to be looked into and possibly changed for the better.
Introduce. Hello. / Re: Hi pandora!
August 13, 2012, 07:33:16 PM
welcome Nigel
General Discussion / Re: housing prices
August 13, 2012, 12:59:12 PM
People can own several houses, so keeping them high maybe wise. Though I will say the land seems filled with to many plain plots those may need to be raised, but its no biggie. If you need help gathering some gold give me a holler and we can go kill some things, and gather some cash. You can also ask in guild who has a place to place vendors and you can sell things you gather like imbuing mats or make etc, or even gather these mats and sale via trade. Before you know it you will have a house.

Also if you need a place to crash I have a house you can be co-owened to use until you get your own place.
Just wanted to say thanks, since out next post may be complaining about something :), for the event last night. I think everyone that attended whether they got anything or not had fun trying to kill those beastly monsters.

I was thinking it would be nice to have either a magic / skill toolbar, or at least, and possibly better where your spell and or skills where sticky. So they could be attached to each other and not quite so easily moved, for a better cleaner more organized UO game window. I know this would be low priority as there are more important things, but this would be a nice feature to keep game play more organized when ever time would allow to make something like this.

General Discussion / Re: Notice Anything?
August 05, 2012, 03:31:39 PM
Getting back on topic of the publish. I'm hearing that any surplus of the items mentioned in the publish such as void orbs, is mainly coming from people who are botting for them. If this is the case, now that gold is reduced it makes it harder for people to purchase the item, and now that the items themselves are also reduced makes it harder for legitimate players to access the item.
General Discussion / Re: Notice Anything?
August 05, 2012, 02:58:01 PM
Just look at the very bottom of this page and the server is advertised there via the forum owner, so it would seem a tad silly to delete the mentioning of the sever.
General Discussion / Re: Notice Anything?
August 05, 2012, 05:54:54 AM
I love playing and like you am in it for the longhaul, but to be honest I am a bit afraid to post any criticism that may have some negative views as they sometimes seem to get erased as opposed to being listened to. But so far none of the changes have been fun whatsoever. It was hard enough to afford anything before the changes, now it seems near impossible. The rate of return vs the time you have put in is just not worth it. Why wear any good armor that you would like to insure its not worth it. I do not think they are trying push people away to the new shard, but just may be paying closer attention to it because it is new, thus not enough attention to the finer details of this shard and instead took a way to heavy handed approach when putting the publish out. Well like I said i'm in it for the longhaul and just wish all the best for our shard, so here is to the future and better things to come.
I love Pandora, and I try to vote everyday, I consider it a free bag of regs that we always need. However, the sad truth is you are in competition with other free shards, so yes you will have to ask and what ever it takes or people will just go to a different shards.
General Discussion / Re: Master Runebook help
July 09, 2012, 08:44:50 PM
Ok thank you thats what I was thinking, so basically I just lost 1 runebook kinda. TY for the info.
General Discussion / Re: Master Runebook help
July 07, 2012, 01:14:06 PM
No One?
General Discussion / Master Runebook help
July 05, 2012, 01:20:04 AM
How do you remove a book from the Master Runebook. Do you have to have certain items and/or skill. Can you move runebooks around within the master, if so I am not seeing how.

Thank you for any help.