Reduce item count - Encourage good habits by giving freely to new players:
A power scroll book
Bod books for smithing and tailoring
Map book and if possible, develop taming bod books and SOS map books.
Give each new player two iron beetles and explain these are storage pets that you expect them to use to minimise item count.
Tell players they must use the [grab facility to remove corpses, so many players on Pandora leave their kills lying around.
Do a regular sweep to remove bowls of hard dirt.
A power scroll book
Bod books for smithing and tailoring
Map book and if possible, develop taming bod books and SOS map books.
Give each new player two iron beetles and explain these are storage pets that you expect them to use to minimise item count.
Tell players they must use the [grab facility to remove corpses, so many players on Pandora leave their kills lying around.
Do a regular sweep to remove bowls of hard dirt.