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Messages - Tsunadi

General Discussion / Re: Regarding the chat filter..
October 24, 2011, 03:21:06 PM
edit i exactly said "what spell is best always depends on circumstance"
General Discussion / Re: Regarding the chat filter..
October 24, 2011, 03:19:26 PM
lol i just got one for saying "the spell that is best always depends on circumstance" trying to reply to a newbs question. i know it can be frustating but it dosnt last long no big deal really.
General Discussion / shimmering sea serp
August 16, 2011, 12:44:43 PM
do these actualy spawn?? anyone know? thnx
Shard Changes / Re: Publish 22
April 28, 2011, 07:33:59 PM
Thanks for the hard work all the updates sound great was just wondering if anyone can elaborate on what this part means?

   "-- The bonuses that are recieved for various aspects of your character have been changed"

Is it like the caps have been changed or deminishing returns like on regen and if so which attributes have been affected?
General Discussion / Re: Imbuing/Runecrafting?
September 11, 2010, 11:54:16 AM
General Discussion / Re: Imbuing/Runecrafting?
September 10, 2010, 10:57:55 AM
i can beleive you have never find an item you havnt had to imbue and thats because of the insane capabilities of the imbuing system here. you can find items with 7 propeties on it and as you said its very slim chances you get the 7 you want all at high intensities but that how its supposed to be. i agree that you need better suits on an accelerated server but thats why we have more jewelry slots and custom talismans im not against imbuing but it needs to have some caps on what you can do with it.
General Discussion / Re: Imbuing/Runecrafting?
September 10, 2010, 07:16:44 AM
As i said though its all well and good being able to put time and effot into making a nice suit but 12 max properties is too far...and if you had read the last part of my post its all well and good me farming and making items but these players will continue to and by the time i got just say 12 property items they will have 20 as there is no cap thee needs to be like a 5 property cap on any imbued item... that would make it so that you can still find loot better than what you can imbue and stop people having these joke suits
General Discussion / Imbuing/Runecrafting?
September 09, 2010, 07:34:28 PM
I think that the imbueing system on this shard is massivly flawed imo the imbuing system is supposed to level the playing field it makes it easy to make decent gear as making equipment with 5 props at 90% intensity was fairly easy yet hard to make leet gear with 100% intensity because of weight caps and failure rates. Even with somthing fully imbued you could still find loot with more high props than the imbued item.
   I know that this isnt osi but the imbuing sytem here makes looking for items or artifacts next to pointless you may aswell spend your time farming stones and imbuing resources because you can make somthing far better than you can ever find artifact or othewise.
    You have people running around on this shard with Triple Hit spell weps not to mention the other props on them, jewelry with 12 max properties probably giving the weilder like 150hp+ 4Sec or better bandages and massive amounts of mana and unless you have farmed them too, which the people with this gear are not gonna make easy for you because chances are they are already there farming peerless' or whatever, you just cant compete.
     This is a massive put off for me, and im sure other players, ive been woking hard for since i started here training my char and tying to get some items and ps's but god knows how long it is gonna take for me to catch up if atall as it seems there is no cap on what you can do.
General Discussion / Re: Please Read.
September 06, 2010, 09:24:11 AM
I agree in the fact that it is quite boring that the main town is a trammel town ive played here for a month and as of yet i havn't seen any field pvp,exceot for me getting pk'd out of town :P, people here are saying that if you want to mess with reds then you can go somewhere in felucca but we all know thats not how it works, you dont organise a fight with your enemies. I Think its the spontaniety that makes it fun. Reds never know how many people are going to be at bank and u dont know how many friends they have waiting at the edge of town when you chase them out etc. On another note stealing is like the most pointless skill in the world here. Nobody likes being stolen from i know but it keeps you on your toes plus i like being able to nosey in peoples backpacks.
Off Topic / Re: off topic World of Warcraft
August 31, 2010, 05:56:27 AM
Not Got anything to say about WoW but Bobby Your Signiture is the same as what i always use :P