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[HowToGuide #01] How to... Dig up a treasure chest!

Started by blindead, December 01, 2012, 08:24:22 AM

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Hello Pandorians. Blindead of SoP here. Since the shard is currently acting a lil slow atm :'(, I decided to write a simple guide on doing a treasure map. Yes, it's common sense to quite a lot of us, but I've noticed that some of the newer players have trouble doing them. .So here it goes.

Step 1. Decode the treasure map
Decoding a treasure map requires cartography, fairly straight forward there. Once you decode the map, the location of the treasure will be displayed as below

Step 2. Match it up in your UO mapping program
Now, try to match up the location shown in game with the treasure spots displayed in your mapping program (UOAM or UOCartographer for example). If you don't have a working mapping program, try the Treasure map archive at UO Stratics.

Now, the location will be labeled with a number like below. Mine, in this case, is 188.

Step 3. Go to the location!
There are several rune libraries that offer runes to each location. I personally find Magg's West Luna Library most useful due to it's master rune book system. Just step on the books, and the book will be activated. Choose the number of the treasure spot, and press "Okay"

You will instantly be transported to the location.

Step 4. DIG!
It seemed like quite a lot of people don't know--or have forgotten--how the digging process works (even Nigel Horns, our guild leader...). NO, you don't dig the ground. Make sure you have a shovel in your backpack. First, click on the decoded map, and click "Dig For Treasure"

Now, Click on the MAP.

Your treasure chest will rise from the dirt... along with 4 guardians.

Now, to show you how much you can actually get from a treasure chest, before i looted the first 4 guardians, i've  checked out some money from my checkbook to show you how much gold i will be getting by doing the treasure chest.

Step 5. Grab the Loot!
After unlocking the treasure chest using lockpick & skill, now it's time to enjoy the sweet treasure inside the chest.

As for the general loot table wise, Each level of the tmap will yield 8k gold and 6 pcoins. So, a level 4 Treasure map (cleverly drawn) will yield 32k and 24 pcoins. There's also a chance that the chest will spawn with a MiB and/or a treasure map one level higher.

...But that's just bare minimum, as you can milk out the treasure chests for guardian spawns. Like I do.

From killing all the guardian spawns, you get quite a bit of gold, some magic items (to unravel... or trash!) and there's also a chance the guardians will drop another treasure map.

Well, from this one run, as you can see on my checkbook, I've gotten 67k gold. Sure, it may not be much to some people, but It's not to shabby for people who can't sweep their way through the Citadel, Bedlam and Twisted Weald.

Although the time stamp says otherwise, I can usually dig down to the bottom of the chest + loot monsters in about 6 minutes. That's quite profitable, I say.

## Basic Etiquette##
1. Remove the Chest
Always remember to remove the chest when you are done. Only you (the digger) can remove the chest, and you don't want the next person in line to wait two hours till the chest disappears by itself...

Click on the chest, and click "Remove Chest"

2. Clear the spawns!
Sometimes when i teleport to the location, I end up being surrounded by a horde of guardian spawns. Up to level 4, I can handle, but if the spawn was above lvl5+, I don't know how I'd handle against 50 poison + blood elementals at once. you know what they say: "clean up your own $hit."

Hope some people find this useful. That's it. Happy UO.

Horns Nigel

Nigel Horns Guild leader and Surgeon (SoP) Seekers of Peace, Pandora UO   
Aligned with D.A.T. That Guild and KoN

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