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Blacksmith BOD Percentages

Started by maluc, January 11, 2011, 12:52:53 AM

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When you request a new BOD, the odds of getting a Large/Small BOD or a particular material (Iron/Dull/etc), is different from OSI. I've been testing it here and it appears to follow the latest RunUO source code percentages minus any weapon bods.

There are no weapon small/large BODs here, so stratics percentages are wrong. From reading the source code, these are the numbers and formulas:

***Skill is based on your Real Skill. Bonuses from ancient hammers is ignored****

                 Large Bod Info
Chance of Getting a Large BOD (must be at least 70.1 skill to receive)
( Skill - 40 ) / 3
  • At 70.1 = 10.01% chance
  • At 100 = 20% chance
  • At 120 = 26.67% chance

LBOD Ring/Chain/Platemail Percentage
Always 33.3% chance each

LBOD "Amount to make" Percentage
  • 10 - 25%
  • 15 - 25%
  • 20 - 50%

LBOD "items must be Exceptional" Percentage
Always 82.5% chance

LBOD Colored Percentage Regardless of Skill (even 70.1 smiths can get Valorite LBODs)
50.1953125% // Iron
25% // Dull Copper
12.5% // Shadow Iron
6.25% // Copper
3.125% // Bronze
1.5625% // Gold
0.78125% // Agapite
0.390625% // Verite
0.1953125% // Valorite

                 Small Bod Info
Small Bod Ring/Chain/Platemail/Other Percentage
Equal chance for any of the 24 items, if you can craft with above 0% success (above 0% exceptional if exceptional)

Small BOD "Amount to make" Percentage
At 0.1 to 50.0 Skill:
  • 10 - 50%
  • 15 - 25%
  • 20 - 25%
At 50.1 to 70.0 Skill:
  • 10 - 25%
  • 15 - 50%
  • 20 - 25%
Above 70.1 Skill:
  • 10 - 25%
  • 15 - 25%
  • 20 - 50%

Small BOD "items must be Exceptional" Percentage (70.1 skill minimum)
(Skill + 80) / 2
  • At 0.1 to 70.0 = 0%
  • At 70.1 =  75.05%
  • At 100 = 90%
  • At 120 = 100%

Small BOD Colored Percentage (must have at least 70.1 skill and minimum skill below)
50.1953125% // Iron
25% // Dull Copper
12.5% // Shadow Iron
6.25% // Copper (75 minimum)
3.125% // Bronze (80 minimum)
1.5625% // Gold (85 minimum)
0.78125% // Agapite (90 minimum)
0.390625% // Verite (95 minimum)
0.1953125% // Valorite (100 minimum)
***If you would have gotten Verite but only have 78 skill, it retries until you get a valid one (Iron/Dull/Shadow/Copper). Therefore percentages are a little different at 70.1 to 75 skill.

Some things to consider on mass BOD turn-ins:
  • A 100 skill smith can get 0.1% 20x Valorites, 90% are Exceptional, only 20% are Large. Therefore: 0.01758% of all BODs received are "20x Small Valorite Exceptional Platemail Bods" (for Valorite Runic Hammer). 1 in 5,689 turn-ins
  • A 120 skill smith can get 0.1% 20x Valorites, 100% are Exceptional, but 26.67% are Large. Therefore: 0.01790% of all BODs received are "20x Small Valorite Exceptional Platemail Bods". 1 in 5,585 turn-ins
  • You'll have to fill less BODs at 120 to finally complete it - but losing an extra 6.67% to LBODs in each cycling makes it harder to sustain bodding. It's debateable which is a better turn-in choice.

This means *On Average* you'll have to request this many BODs at 120 skill, to finally complete a Valorite Runic Hammer LBOD:
 3870.0 (for any of the 6 platemails)
 4644.2 (for any of the 5 remaining platemails)
 5805.4 (for any of the 4 remaining)
 7740.7 (for any of the 3 remaining)
11611.5 (for any of the 2 remaining)
23223.6 (for the last specific small bod)
A total of about 56,895 bods on average! Happy Bodding~



* cries *
Don't ask too many questions about what goes on at Alifanfaron's house on Weird Wednesdays. You might not be prepared for the answers.


that's extremely useful information, thanks for posting this :)

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