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Adventures of a misfit thief

Started by Gasper Le Marc, July 06, 2011, 07:46:43 AM

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GM NollKoll

Quote from: Dwarvey on March 06, 2015, 09:10:10 AM
Well in my opinion since he removed the improper information, and it was an accident. I personally will not take any action at this time. There is also the fact that it is a long existing story.

Just in the future Grasper please leave any server names out. The rest is fine by me.

thought it was obvious that they info had been n(o/u)llified
Its hard to please everyone..
I think i can say im among the best people teaser that exists at the moment.


I Personally love any and every Gasper story... he has such a flare for story telling, and the pics just bring it to life that much more for me.. Plz keep Posting Gasper! you are Loved here my friend.. pick my pockets anytime! ;) gotta the the "yoink" lol

Gasper Le Marc

Legendary Thief of Pandora


Hey Gasper,

I was reading the forum quickly, and was delighted by some new tales of your adventures !

Unfortunately, I've read those on the ***** forums long time ago :(

You are probably the most entertaining poster I've seen in my UO history and I hope to read more from you !

Keep up the good work (or the scoundrel one I should say)

Gasper Le Marc

Quote from: DamJ.NeT on May 01, 2015, 03:06:44 AM
Hey Gasper,

I was reading the forum quickly, and was delighted by some new tales of your adventures !

Unfortunately, I've read those on the ***** forums long time ago :(

You are probably the most entertaining poster I've seen in my UO history and I hope to read more from you !

Keep up the good work (or the scoundrel one I should say)

You Sir

Have made my day and very existence worth while

I appreciate the gesture between one gentleman too another

This brings great joy too my life and for this i shall continuing doing what i do best


Too Luna.....................................
Legendary Thief of Pandora

Gasper Le Marc

Legendary Thief of Pandora


Indeed, still waiting for more stories !!

Gasper Le Marc

Quote from: DamJ.NeT on September 22, 2015, 05:45:21 AM
Indeed, still waiting for more stories !!

Indeed, and stories there shall be

Once i remember how to play this game :(

Been so long
Legendary Thief of Pandora

Gasper Le Marc

Hail Good friends

Tis been a while and i hope you have not forgotten about me.

I come baring great news,

Well not great news but AMAZING News.

Whilst wondering through my estate of Luna, ( Yes its my estate ) well one small corner of it

I came too think, what more do these lands hold for me, what new faces will be shown and what new adventures will it bring.

Now you probably thinking, ahhh Gasper another day another dollar, another face another ...... ehh cant find a word that rythmes pfft.

Anyway, i decided to head too Britain, not my most fun place but i havent visited the bank damsel in a long time and i belive i do owe some coin too the royal treasury.

SO hop along i go


One of my creators , A familiar face, i have not tangled with this being, nor seen him in the flesh

Could it be a dream, within my grasps the endless holy grail i seek is right within reach.

I endulge without fear

I dip my paws into the silky undercoat too wear the bag hides underneath all that chainmail

I am sorry what

" You cannot peek into the container"



i change form

Again, i have been denied

I grow impatient and decide too put my tail between my legs and head home

I throw a word out so all the world can see that i GASPER LE MARC tried the unthinkable.

For now i bid you well

Legendary Thief of Pandora

Gasper Le Marc

Good day Pandorians

Tis i, your beloved friend, loved by all except a few, well there is a long list

I have not tales for today, but rather a few gripes i have come across that i wish too discuss too see if i can get some sort of compensation for my efforts here :)

At number 1

A lovley day at the Luna bank, i decide too see what my current investments have done in my absents, due too the exchange a nice penny should be awaiting me

I ask nicely


What happened to my endless supply of funds i had accumulates over the years of adventures and pillaging,

I wish to receive a formal letter signed and sealed by the king stating why taxes have layed claim too my wealth.

Ehh herm

Ok back to business

Number two

This i would of thought would be clear as a luna day

But for those whom do not know let me elaborate for you on a quick English lesson

My lovley book for all too view yet..................

I shall say no more .

Back too Luna we go too turn in for the night, hopefully tomorrow shall bring better fortunes.

I notice someone giving me the furry eyeball

I do not have time for introductions as this was a very and i mean very brief encounter.

I begin my way too the portal to go home.

He follows, i admire his wears and his Massive War Hammer, tha i am sure can easily crush my poor fragile bones.

I patiently wait for some sort of communication.

He floats around near me, and with the floating around the sound of his wings starts rustinling, like when you wear loose chainmail? Ye i know you warriors know that sound

I give a firm warning

He makes tracks, as he knew i would throw down some words not fit for public consumption

Well that finishes off todays events, i apologize if it was not that fit from my normal standards.

I hope to do more updates this week

SO stay tuned

Gasper out
Legendary Thief of Pandora

Gasper Le Marc

Who is this before me

The ghostly shadow of one famed for riches and plunder

mmmm, the name ...... i remember

Could it be he has returned to our lands once again to seek riches and fame


Baaaadishhhhhhhhh ( suppose to sound like a drum crashing )

Hail good people

Tis i your friendly spide..........uhh ok that was clearly a flashback from something i saw


Gasper here, hope you havent forgotten about me

New tales , new adventures, where to begin, let us see

I woke the morning after a night at the local tavern, that is as much as i can tell as the tavern in bucs den is notorious for its good ale and cheap wom.... cheap rooms i was going to say

I found myself at the front of the tavern, and not in my room to an abrupt message

Hmmm, something doesnt seem right, o its missing excessive stories told... thats it

Ok now i remember, ahh what a good night

Anyway back to our mission, the lands plagued with new establishments and wealthy beings that need to be spoken to and reminded whom walks at night

Away we go then

I walk to my favorite town of Luna

Needed to find some scissors to cut a bit of my robe that got torn in last nights endevours at the tavern and was greeted by  a friendly gesture

G thanks fellow townsman, what a way to be subtle amongst other folk


I leave and head around town to see what has changed

Some casual arrows laying on the floor forming the letters welcome back gasper ahh the good folk of britania are so thoughtfull

i move on back to luna to change some coin at the bank when i am greeted by this lovely chap

Enter the "Murderer" Pikachu......... doesnt sound very murderousy but none the less, i stop to listen

He pauses then says something which seemed blatantly obvious having my specific title known around these parts


He asks for my auto graph

I decline humbly

Then he says something that made a tear run down the side of my shroud , it brought music to my ears, a townsfolk who understood


The second part he mentioned, i kind of laughed at internally, as the very thought of a murderous pikachu thief just made me want to throw a pillow of flour at a horse.... no sense i know

I leave him be to bask in my glory and catch up with him a bit later at the bank

I see he was rather shocked when i just appeared

My reply was rather subtle but i knew he was wowed by my pressense

And the day wouldnt have been concluded untill someone had to throw a random insult, as you know insults just come flying at me now day

I cannot pronounce his name, but a thieving llama does actually sound pretty badass

Anyway, i shall retire myself from past days events

And saver the days knowledge and folk i have bumped into, and hopefully not see a final demand posted at the inn tonight for further bad debt

I bid you all a good day for now

Gasper out

Legendary Thief of Pandora

Gasper Le Marc

Dum dum duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum

Another day another dollar, another dollar another ............. holla?

No wait that doesnt sound right at all

Hail good peasants of Pandora,

Tis i again

And i have breaking news...............

This just in

Gasper Le Marc has no further debt at the Bucs Den Tavern........ Whoo hooooooo

Thank you for all those whom have made this day possible, your unwanted treasures and gold has helped me realise my ways and pay of that which was sinking my estate.

I am very pleased that we are passed this day, and i am sure the guards too as they have been threatening to lock me up should i not pay, so pew........ done

I bring rather upsetting news today

I was out on a daily stroll when i noticed that the Treasures of Tokuno were active

Hooray right?

Well lets just say it was a unfortunate day i experienced ..

Lets start at the beginning

I walked out from Luna bank as per normal grabbing my free contributions out the "Lets get Gasper rich again box" which is situated East Side of Luna Bank

Small Disclaimer, this gold is non refundable k thanks

Back to the story

I bump into a few old friends so we say our morning greetings

I woddle down the road, still a bit tipsy after celebrating my paying of debt to the tavern party, and decide to throw out a joke the town jester told me, it really gave me a few giggles

It went like this

ahhh that was a good one, good old town jester, he has some good ones sometimes

then i was warmly greeted as normal

I brush it off and head right over to the Treasures of Tokuno event, at one of my old hunting grounds

The Fan Dancer Dojo

Yay, excitement, lets see who we will find today

I am immeditely greeted with the body of a Fan Dancer, and make no mistake, these a crafty foes wielding blades the size of a frying pan

i carry on to see where this foe is that is slaughtering the inicent

I almost clear the top floor, following the bodies laying all over the ground, he must be near, he must be loaded if he can take down so many

I continue on

The body count continues, o where o where are you hiding

I reach the end of the first floor and find nothing, he must be below, below where the danger increases

I slip into the shadows and stealth through the bodies

I smell fresh blood, recently killed

I see up ahead in the corridor and hear disturbances

I found him

............Boom Dynamite......... say what

I move in closer to realise his pet mowing down enemies like dominoes

I hide nearby where the carnage is going on and see his mighty Charger of death

I wait untill the Charger heads on and dive right into the pack of........

The Illustrious Lady Mephala

And greeted with a very very unfortunate answer

You cannot perform negative acts on your target......................

O spare me mighty ones, for you have brought me too my knees

I vent my frustrations, reaching out to the lucky traveller , reminding him of his fate he would have suffered

I eventually catch up to them and just decide to announce myself in person with a harmless yell


That is all i had, i was so frustrated i had nothing else in mind

I head back to Luna where she speaks to me

I knew i smelt something besides demons in this dungeon................

How dare she..........

The cost of ale these days does not go without a certain scent that accompanies it, and i for one am very fond of the scent it leaves, some would say a burgandy wood smell

Ahhh so good

I then blame the smell she describes of that her mule she rides

The day draws to a close, i head back to my room at the tavern for a night of sorrows, no desire to drink the finest all in all of Pandora,

I sit and think back of how i was cheated, how rules have changed

And how much i could of had, but it was taken away like milk from a kitten

I will make peace with today, but in future i will not stand for such deception

Till we meet again

Gasper out

Legendary Thief of Pandora


Gasper Le Marc

Legendary Thief of Pandora


Long Live John Elway

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