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raising stealing

Started by Aceshighx1986x, August 04, 2011, 10:48:06 AM

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I'm trying to raise my stealing by using the pack animal technique, but it isn't working. All it says is the animal has blocked your attempt to steal the item. I've tried in fel and trammel, but neither seems to work. What am I doing wrong? Is there another way?


The Cue

If I am not mistaken this is not working right now BUT what you can do is.

1.) Get a house
2.) Get a wooden chest ( any will do )
3.) Secure chest in house
4.) Place items just as you would in a packy
5.) Steal items from chest

Now I have not tired this in some time but this is how i got my stealing to 100

Best of luck

The Cue

Don\'t Corpse Camp That Idea It Won\'t Rez


Heres what I did to get around the packy way not working, skill ball/soulstone to 75, place house in fel, using 2 accts fill both backpacks with 10 duetubs and 10 plate legs, set razor macro to steal tub, wait 10secs steal legs wait, set to item type on both items. set that on the 2 acct chars, snoop the othe char, and close your backpack, hit play on both, go to sleep or play on 3rd acct. simples     :D  :D  :D

Gasper Le Marc

Yeah was going to say exactly the same, thats the way i gained in Stealing, just set 10 dye tubs on a pack mule, and instead of targeting the individual tubs, click on the mule so it steals the top item, then replace it in the macro whilst recording, so should you steal successfully, it will auto replace the item back and you can continue.

Now i know you can no longer do this with pack mules as it says its blocking your steal or what not, but as ely suggested above, make another character and stack him with dye tubs and do it as you would with a pack mule.

But make sure you are in fell, my understanding is better gains.

Have fun
Legendary Thief of Pandora


by having 2 chars stealing from each other they never run out of things to steal


thanks for the responses, I shall try these techniques!


i am having the same problem with stealing from pack animals but my skills are bought up to 30 so i cant steal from another players since you need to be 60 to join thieves guild. How else can i raise this skill?


damit im a tief it writes you cannot make negative acts .....etc
and i need to find a tief guild master before i start to steal where the hell is the man ??!!
when i go brit i can see tinker master carp master ...... there is no tief guild master where is it help plz


he is in bucs den


i found it i have 75 steal.. how to join the guild ?? with which command?


Name of NPC ie "BoB" then join, so "Bob join" as long as u arnt red and ya skill is over 60 you can join.

This info was passed to me by Gasper so thx go to him.

Gasper Le Marc

Hello fellow errr........................... thief? well hope to make your acquaintance before i can judge your skills and intentions.

Easiest thief guild master to find is in Bucs den, run west up the road and over the bridge there will be two guild masters there, Tadi and .... doh cant remember,

Simply make sure you have had your character logged in for 48hours and have 60 or higher stealing, and have no murder counts, and also 300 gold coins and then simply walk up to one of them, and say there name followed by "join"

So go to tadi and say "tadi join" she will accept you meaning you need to pay her, or deny you and say you are too young, meaning, you have not completed one of the following steps mentioned in the above paragraph.

If you still cannot join pm me in game and i will come and assist.

Good day

Gasper Le Marc
Legendary Thief of Pandora

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