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'Custom' IRC Instructions for local client.

Started by King Kong, January 24, 2012, 01:30:01 PM

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King Kong

Full Guide:

The following is how to set up a desktop IRC client on your computer, or "custom".

A new Pandora web site is about 90% complete, it will have a lot of new features on it including a button that will open open a global chat window using IRC with a custom Pandora themed skin without having to download any IRC client program.

Most of you know what IRC is, but pretty much it's a open source chat room with a ton of features, including private messaging and sharing links, pics, and videos.

Pandora has 2 official IRC chat channels.

- Pandora General Chat (will replace [c)

- Pandora Trade (will replace [t)

 This will be the new way to communicate with everyone else on the shard. I strongly recommend joining both of these, and just keep the program / window open at all times, even when your AFK. Great thing about IRC, is if you were AFK and you think you missed something, just scroll up in the window as everything is logged.

Let me repeat myself, new website should be up this week, and will make connecting to these channels extremely simple right on the homepage using your web browser. It will look better, visually than Ice Chat. But for now, here is a way to connect using Ice Chat (there are many programs, feel free to use any IRC client)
Download Ice Chat Here

Install it.

Start it up.

In the bottom (your) left corner, you will see about 8 buttons. Click on Add New, window will pop up.

in Server Name type: Irc.Mibbit.Net  click Next  
(that's a capital i at the beginning, not an L)

in Port Number type: 6667 click Next

in Channels type: #pandoraUO,#pandoraTrade  click Next (exactly like that)

in NickName type your main character in Pandora (this is important so someone else doesn't get your name and for future features as we build things around IRC) click Next

in Auto Perform type: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY yourpassword (password can be anything, just remember it)   click Next

Congrats, you set up to auto log in on Pandora Channels each time you start Ice Chat
 -  click Next

Server Editor window will pop up for the follow options...



-- type in your Pandorian name in Ident Name field again. Also you can change Full name to whatever you want.


- Check Set Mode +i on Connect
- Check Server MOTD
- Check Show Favorite Channels on Connect
- Check Rejoin Channels on Re-Connect
- Check Auto-Connect on IceChat Startup

Leave Server Password blank
For Nickserv Password: type in the password you made in the steps above for your IRC name.


Default Nickname: Type in your main Pandorian Characters Name.

CLICK SAVE --- You have logged into chat with your name. You will then want to register your username forever. Read the MOTD when you first enter the channel for  instructions on how to do it -- For step by step how to register your username so no one can take it see here

Remember this is a real time chat, so you are encouraged to talk much more in it than you ever could in [c or [t in game. Same rules as far as racism, sexism, or anything offensive is not tolerated. Keep it clean or you will get banned. To PM someone in IRC. Simple double click their name on the list to the right. Use #pandoraTrade for market, #pandoraUO for everything else.

Will take awhile for this to be extremely populated but it will get there.

Remember, downloading this client is not a must but it is easier to just keep on desktop, but once website opens up you can enter it right from there. I suggest taking the 5 minutes for the instructions above though to have options and get started. Do not ask anything about IRC in game, if you have a question reply on this thread or in IRC and other players will most likely know the answer.

Thanks again to all the donators for making this possible. IRC has endless possibilities for clever communication for Pandora. This is just a start.

- King Kon & Vorspire

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.

Tyrone Biggums

Definatly goin to download this and get it running after work. Now only if this day would move faster. I've never used irc so I want to see what it's all about. :)


As An Irc expert who has been using it for years and years feel free anyone to either PM me in game or here on the forums or even using my G mail account and I can help anyone who want or need it to get used to this, I have 15 plus yrs of using several different networks on irc everything from dalnet , to secure encrypted 128 ssl link net, Please free to PM Dalamar Darkrobe, Email mailto:[email protected]">[email protected] or just find me and Ill help to the best of my ability
Arcane Librarian of WSF, Veteran returning to the fold slowly but surely, Nice guy and helper, PM ME TODAY IF I CAN ASSIST YOU

King Kong

Quote from: "Wraithe"As An Irc expert who has been using it for years and years feel free anyone to either PM me in game or here on the forums or even using my G mail account and I can help anyone who want or need it to get used to this, I have 15 plus yrs of using several different networks on irc everything from dalnet , to secure encrypted 128 ssl link net, Please free to PM Dalamar Darkrobe, Email mailto:[email protected]">[email protected] or just find me and Ill help to the best of my ability

Thank you sir! -- Soon we shall have IRC plug in built on our website (new website almost done) and should make your job easier

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.


Kon the honor would be mine and finally an area I can try to help in maybe make my way =) thank you for the curt reply !
Arcane Librarian of WSF, Veteran returning to the fold slowly but surely, Nice guy and helper, PM ME TODAY IF I CAN ASSIST YOU

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