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Messages - Wraithe

General Discussion / Re: New SoP Village
February 06, 2013, 12:33:29 PM
A most excellent idea my friend!
General Discussion / Re: New SoP Village
February 06, 2013, 12:29:08 PM
Love this Idea Nigel, I have taken over a few past members accounts, and plan on being much more active. I am inspired mate. I have a little village of my own and think this would be a great idea to expand on!.
Shard Changes / Re: Publish 44 - Feb. 3rd, 2013
February 06, 2013, 12:26:42 PM
As Always great job guys and great to see the technology of the shard ever expanding. I'm proud to be a veteran to this shard, and all the work and technology you guys add are what makes as Vorspire commented about, a 15 year old game as fresh as a spring flower!. ;)

My only request or issue not even really as I am always fighting for animal rights LOL(insert catchy PETA slogin song here), is there anyway we can get our Iron beetles back to what they used to be, I may be in and out alot lately working 40hrs or more a week now, but alot of my freetime is still spent here. I may not be aware so Im trying to tactfully request this option be put back to what it used to be, as a player coming up upon my 800th day on the shard, you guys who all know me know Im not much of a Pvper so i am not sure if the shrinking iron beetles with stuff in them option was being taken advantage of but alot of us PvMers really loved this option and I ask that you please may consider putting them back to what they used to be otherwise I have 15 iron beetles that really are not worth anything. I would as I have always asked like leashes back but well with a grin and a chuckle, I never made much headway in this department,. So after extensivly combing this subject I hope that I asked politely on a subject I would like to see brought back.

Also Kon I will be pming you about something here in the next few days so keep an eye open, Ohh and thank you, thank you, thank you, Kon for always looking out for my new to UO but not new to Pandora self, ;). In truth I never played UO before about two years ago, I found pandora and have never stopped playing, that in and of itself is an example of what a great shard can do to ones (especially my little pea ) of a brain!, thanks!
Introduce. Hello. / Re: Hail!
February 06, 2013, 12:11:01 PM
Welcome and Enjoy! all the new and wonderful things you have never experienced before
General Discussion / Re: All good things...
February 06, 2013, 05:43:08 AM
Dang Man a veteran returns a veteran we lose, I had great helping with items for the Museum, and the few times we talked, Safe travels and happy journeys, your colorful self will be missed!~
Shard Changes / Re: Publish 43 - January 10th, 2013
January 10, 2013, 10:51:50 AM
thanks for the good work Kon! =)
Introduce. Hello. / Re: So whats eveyone look like?
April 02, 2012, 02:49:10 PM
Kon the honor would be mine and finally an area I can try to help in maybe make my way =) thank you for the curt reply !
As An Irc expert who has been using it for years and years feel free anyone to either PM me in game or here on the forums or even using my G mail account and I can help anyone who want or need it to get used to this, I have 15 plus yrs of using several different networks on irc everything from dalnet , to secure encrypted 128 ssl link net, Please free to PM Dalamar Darkrobe, Email"> or just find me and Ill help to the best of my ability
Introduce. Hello. / Re: Hello everyone
October 23, 2011, 01:55:50 PM
Yes Welcome aboard to the best Da** free shard in the world, if I can help ya get started or give any advice let me know!
Damn Kon Damn Man, I know its been a while but to get on IMDB, thats the shiznit man as a reguler writer there I am most impressed man!!!

So can I get an autograph, make it out to E bay, big e little bay... =). I mean that all in fun thats a futurama quote if anyone thinks Im being an ass.
Much success and luck in that business man I'd kill to be a villain in any type of movie !!!
Introduce. Hello. / Re: So whats eveyone look like?
January 15, 2011, 07:54:08 AM
Dalamar Darkrobe the handsome =D (Tis joking) with Girlfriend Amethyst.
Its our UO pics funny enough we kinda look like this in game, Actually this was before the Bristol ren faire, and yes those are leather pants!! :|

Dalamar Solo

Introduce. Hello. / Chicka chicka slim Wraithey....=P
January 15, 2011, 07:42:23 AM
Ok that was really lame but I like to start out my self styled biographies with a laugh, Whelp I am Chris otherwise known as Dalamar Darkrobe, or babbler, Or hey who the hell is that guy over there. Umm my girlfriend has some names for me too, but umm yeah those are not so complimentary. the ones that are, stud, tiger, big guy....are all in my head. But as my favorite saying goes, your never alone if all your friends exist in your head. Well they DONT!!!, I am a life long committed member to the guild that is making me famous the knights of Pandora, pecial shout out goes to our new allies over at Team Rocket [R], one day Oldmilwaukee, there will be a case of freshly brewed Oldmilwaukee sitting on your doorstep. =D. Oh I live in Milwaukee if ya didnt pick that up already ... Im 29  I look like Orlando bloom from the pirates of the Caribbean movies. I like long walks in comic book shops and midnight strolls by the vampire place. I am rather new to UO only been playing bout 3-4 months, I started out on the second age recreation server and got a crash course in old-school UO tactics before migrating over here!!! I am glad I did, If ya see me say hello I dont bite unless your pretty and ask nicely.....heh, I made myself laugh. I love helping new players seeing as being one at one time I was helped A LOT. Anything else ya want to know ask me in game maybe we can go kill something and start a friendship, Maybe not ! I have to also send a big thanks out there to the three most important guys in my little UO life Ville, the bearman and Moemoe, these guys took me under there wing and taught me the greatness of UO.
Introduce. Hello. / Re: Hi there
January 15, 2011, 07:08:33 AM
man that is one handsome devil, and the cat is cute too. I am a newer guy to the shard and have been playing for a while with the finest group of adventurers around the Knights of Pandora, this guy... is like one of the most friendly and helpful guys around and I am very proud to count myself amongst his friends.
Well lookie lookie oldmilwaukee its the dork from Milwaukee making his forum debut, and my compliments as I have actually seen this place. A fantasy palace for the whole beloved team rocket. awesome work man. =D