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Non-PvP Hunting

Started by Godric, August 18, 2011, 05:41:00 PM

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New guy here, almost ready to start hunting... but...

Before ML was released I played on a normal shard and used to hunt at Memorial for Gwenno (Ilsh) for minor artifacts, Fandancers for Treasures of Tokuno and if I was in a good mood and didn't mind getting my ass handed to me I'd go to Doom Gauntlet for the real artifacts. But all my old haunts are PvP and I can't stand PvP - not to knock the system or people that do, I just never have liked it.

So can anyone recommend some decent hunting locations that are non-PvP yet still have a chance of giving me something half decent?

Thanks in advance!



On Tuesdays, minor ToTs drop everywhere in Tokuno.  And outside of the mines and dojo, there is no PvP.  There are also mini champs that are in non PvP zones that can keep a hunter busy :)
Don't ask too many questions about what goes on at Alifanfaron's house on Weird Wednesdays. You might not be prepared for the answers.


Quote from: "Maggdalena"On Tuesdays, minor ToTs drop everywhere in Tokuno.  And outside of the mines and dojo, there is no PvP.  There are also mini champs that are in non PvP zones that can keep a hunter busy :)

Thanks for the reply, but only Tuesdays for ToTs wont keep me busy, 6 other days to fill there! Will look out for the champs though, they may keep my occupied  :)


Yeah, i'm not really into the PvP thing either. For now i been crafting away. Seems to me like alot of the old fun things are more for the PvP'ers. Wich is good for them, bad for me. Guess i'll just be doing more creative things till something fun and nonPvP comes up.
Other than that, i Love the shard.
Really what i want to do is Treasure Hunt. It's what i really liked to do in osi. But havent found many maps yet.


Quote from: "SirDieAlot"Yeah, i'm not really into the PvP thing either. For now i been crafting away. Seems to me like alot of the old fun things are more for the PvP'ers. Wich is good for them, bad for me. Guess i'll just be doing more creative things till something fun and nonPvP comes up.
Other than that, i Love the shard.
Really what i want to do is Treasure Hunt. It's what i really liked to do in osi. But havent found many maps yet.

Paragon chests... get your butt into Illshenar and kill them golds whilst running from the red the has been chasing you for the best part of 10 minutes  :P


I am also curious if a good strictly PvE experience is possible on this shard. Are majority of the players PvP'rs? Are good PvE areas usually camped by PK's or is it possible to get away with hunting in Fel with only occasional PK encounters?


To be honest, Felucca is NOT a very often traveled facet by PvPers. The thing you'll find most there is houses. all the PK's but their houses there. and if you find a PK, they're most likely afk safe in their house.

But, on the other hand, Fel is not very heavily spawned. and not too many good areas to go hunting there without being a dungeon.

Though fel dungeon hunting is ok, its alittle risky. But at least its better then Dojo, Doom, or the Mines :)

"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them, the rest of us could not succeed."
"When I look around me, I am often troubled to see how many people are mad."
- The Famous: Mark Twain


Quote from: "SirDieAlot"Really what i want to do is Treasure Hunt. It's what i really liked to do in osi. But havent found many maps yet.

Same here but you're not missing much. The good stuff drops off of champions, treasure hunting is an afterthought. I just wish they'd give a CHANCE at getting PS somewhere else besides champions. Right now, it's just a nuisance to treasure hunt really, trying to unload all of your heavy, worthless junk to vendors.

King Kong

More risk = more reward.

But running thru Fel you do not have a very good chance to run into a PK. There is only so many PKs.. And even if you do, you can run or die, not a big deal.

I am working on a system to possibly get some of the other PS's by doing other things. Not every PS is dropping off Champions right now.

There are plenty of great PvM spots in Trammel rules to hunt. We have 6 facets. 3 fel, 3 tram.

Long Live the King... So please vote everyday. Cause I want to live.

Gasper Le Marc

How about custom droppable items similar to tots for thieves, the greater the steal the better the  reward judged by weight etc? or some system whereby we can see how many times we succeeded agains the rare failures.

Dungeon stealables are old school now, need more of a challenge, maybe set it so each player has an item on them worth something similar to pvp coins, yet it respawns upon death, but can be traded in like tots, the more you have the better your chances of getting a prize at the end of the day for all your hard work and troubles.

Would be interesting yet more work for mods.

Otherwise you can always implement house stealing again :)

Good day

Gasper Le Marc
Legendary Thief of Pandora


Quote from: "Konstantine"More risk = more reward.

There are plenty of great PvM spots in Trammel rules to hunt. We have 6 facets. 3 fel, 3 tram.

Yes but nearly ALL of the zones/facets that have a chance of dropping artifacts may be a bit much - those who enjoy PvP can head to these zones anytime to have their PvP fun AND a chance at getting artifacts but there are still us players who feel that strongly against PvP that we restrict ourselves to Trammel-rules zones and are missing out on what feels like the best areas of the game. Besides, you could counter-argue that with "there is the entire Felucca facet for PvP so why do they need Malas, Illshenar, Doom, Dojo, Mines etc as well" which is not what I was aiming for. It's a good idea that there is PvP in areas where artifacts drop - it gives the PvPers something to work for, it's the fact that it is nearly all of them that I have a personal issue with.

It's all personal opinion, so don't take it as some kind of Trammie attack on Pandora, I do actually like it here despite my gripes with the high amount of PvP facets/zones. It would be interesting to get an accurate report of how many people are actively PvPing compared to those who are not, though. It might cause me to shut my mouth  :P


I see the argument that Fel seems to be full of PvPers, and that PvMers who have no interest in PvP would like some place that good items drop.  But reading through the forum my opinion is starting to waver.  Im in the UK so my playing times are not at peek US times, but I regularly scout Fel and the other PvP areas for a bit of pvp action, more often than not I find no one, only to come back round to a champ to find someone has done it in the short time I was else where.

Unlike OSI shards which many players hail from, Pandora is less populated so there are PvP facet places you can go to and never see another player.  So for those who simply want to PvM and reap the high end rewards you may simply need to rethink where you go to and the likley hood of other players going there too.

Like I said in another post, try doom, PvPers generally want action and will soon move on if its lacking in there present location.


I went to Twisted Weald (I think that is it's name), killed 3 Swoops, 10 minutes later I was PK'd.
I went to Fandancer Dojo, killed 4 Fandancers inside, less than 5 minutes later I was PK'd.
I went to the Mines, saw a red as soon as I entered.
I went to a location in Illshenar to hunt and spent pretty much a whole day there but ran into two reds on moongating back in throughout the day.
I've not been to Doom Gauntlet. I daren't lol!

So yes, it is possible to avoid PvP in Illshenar because it is such a massive area and you could be anywhere, but PvP-enabled dungeons - in my experience - are complete write-offs. People will keep going back there, if it is empty they will likely move on, if they catch sight of you they will hang around and announce in chat that there is PvP there, even if it is just themselves repeatedly caving your skull in  :)

I may stick to crafting for a bit, see if things change. May try Doom Gauntlet... people selling the skulls still?


Quote from: "Konstantine"More risk = more reward.

But running thru Fel you do not have a very good chance to run into a PK. There is only so many PKs.. And even if you do, you can run or die, not a big deal.

I am working on a system to possibly get some of the other PS's by doing other things. Not every PS is dropping off Champions right now.

There are plenty of great PvM spots in Trammel rules to hunt. We have 6 facets. 3 fel, 3 tram.

Thank you for your consideration King, much appreciated.

Some of us really enjoy the treasure hunting aspect of UO but if there's no possibility of getting something good, it takes away the thrill. Even if there was a chance to get low level PS, artifacts, or whatever, that would have me salivating for maps/SOS etc.

While I understand the concept of risk vs. reward, it seems like there's not many rewards left in Tram. I really like the idea of "you choose" but when you take away the rewards from Tram it takes away from that concept. I agree that higher level loot SHOULD be in Fel, I don't have a problem with that. I just think Tram should have the same items, just lower quality. At least give the new guys a chance and finding good gear so we can eventually move on.

I hope that makes sense and thanks for listening.


Try farming P-Coin mobs, fighting certain Peerless bosses, farming imbue mats in Ter Mur, or mini champions in the Abyss. All very lucrative with incredibly high rewards and absolutely no risk of dying from a Player Killer.

With imbueing, artifacts are no longer necessary to create a great set of gear. Simply, grab yourself a few runic kits and some imbue mats and you should be good to go!

UO is a sandbox, it is what you make of it. If worse comes to worse, join a guild or an alliance that is willing to protect you if you dare venture into Felucca. :-) OR, you could always farm for gold in a safe area and purchase the items that you desire.

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