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TrainingRoom / ItemTiers


On Pandora there is a unique feature called "Item Tiers". Other words in relation to this are "Tiering", "Tiers" and similar words.
They all mean the same:
You can "tier" (level) all your items and gear by collecting Experience Points (XP). These points are not added to your Character but
to everything he is wearing, including armor, clothing, jewels, weapons and everything else.

This opens up new Rune Slots and therefore more space for imbuable Properties to make your gear and items better and your Character stronger!

Tiers go from the lowest Tier 0 up to the maximum of Tier 5 per item.

Tier Level and Rune Slots

Each item has a specific amount of Rune Slots available for Imbuing:
Via Imbuing you can add Properties on your item to make it better (for example Hit Effects on weapons). Each property costs one Rune Slot.
By collecting Tier XP and Tier Levels your item gets more Rune Slots: Each Tier Level equals one more Rune Slot, which means you can add another
property via Imbuing.

Helpful Links

For the Imbuing Guide check here: ImbuingGuide

For Champions check here: Champions


Tier or Tier Level: The current Tier of an item
Tier XP: The current Experience Points of an item
Tiering: The process of leveling (= tiering) an item, gaining Tier XP and Tiers
Average Tier: The average Tier of a Player Character (all items combined)
Equipment Rating: The current total Rating of everything a Player Character is currently wearing

Tier / Tier Level

This is the current Tier of an item. Tier Levels go from lowest Tier 0 to the highest Tier 5. You can check it by hovering the mouse over an item.

Tier XP

Tier XP are the Experience Points each single item collects in order to gain Tier Levels.
The amount of XP you need per Tier is more per each Tier: Tier 0 needs only 60,000 XP for Tier 1 while Tier 3 needs much more XP to get to Tier 4 and so
forth. Each time an item gains a Tier Level the Tier XP of the item reset and start at 0 while getting the XP for the next Tier.
If an item has reached the maximum of Tier 5 it will no longer collect Tier XP:
This means the more items are Tier 5 the faster you collect Tier XP on other items!
You can check the current Tier XP of an item by hovering the mouse over the item.

Tier XP Increase

This is a magical Property you can add on items via Imbuing. It doesn't cost a Rune Slot.
Tier XP Increase will speed up the Tiering, which means you get more XP per monster. Add it to all your gear!


You tier your items and gear by killing monsters. Every monster that dies by the hands of your Character will give your items XP.
Each time an item collected a specific amount of "Tier XP" it gains a Tier Level. This goes from Tier 0 to Tier 5. An item on Tier 5
will no longer collect Tier XP.

Average Tier

The Average Tier is the result of all Tiers combined that a Player Character is currently wearing. You can check your Tier Level or the Tier Level
of other Characters by hovering the mouse over them.
An Average Tier 5 (the maximum) gives you also a small Hitpoint Bonus.

Equipment Rating

The Equipment Rating is the result of everything a Character is currently wearing, all Ratings combined. Check it by hovering the mouse over your or another
player's character. The higher the Equipment Rating the more high intensity properties are on the gear of the Character.
Each magical property (added by Imbuing or Crafting) has a Rating. It is higher depending on the property and its intensity: A weapon that has all properties capped
(maxed out) has a higher rating than a weapon that has only a few or lesser intensity properties.
So the Equipment Rating is all property ratings added up.
It has no further use or advantage than giving you a higher number "the better you are geared up and imbued". It is pure cosmetics but gives you an overall impression
of what a Player Character is wearing.
It has nothing else to do with Tier Levels.


You can collect Tier XP and Tier Levels for the following item types:

Weapons and Spellbooks

Each item type has a different amount of available Rune Slots at Tier 0 and can gain a maximum of 5 more Rune Slots on Tier 5 (one per each Tier).
For example a Weapon starts with 10 Rune Slots and has a total of 15 Rune Slots at Tier 5.


Tiering means you collect Tier XP on your items by killing Monsters. Each Monster you kill gives you Tier XP, based on its overall Strength and Fame. A Demon
for example will give you more Tier XP than a Mongbat.
If an item has reached a new Tier Level you will receive an ingame message, including an item reaching Tier 5. You can also check the current Tier XP and Tier of an
item by hovering the mouse over it.
If an item has reached Tier 5 it will no longer collect Tier XP. Other items will then collect Tier XP faster.

Only items you are currently wearing will collect Tier XP!


Make sure you've added Tier XP Increase on each of the items you are wearing and want to tier.


You collect XP from each Monster you kill. Any Monster will give you Tier XP.
However the Tier XP will be shared by every item that is not Tier 5 yet. Also if you are in a group somewhere the Tier XP will be shared by everyone
participating - it does not matter if you are in a party or not.


The best way to collect Tier XP is killing Spawns. These can be any spawn, the larger and the more monsters the better. Since Tier XP are also based on the
overall power and Fame of a creature, it is better to kill large and strong spawns than killing smaller and weaker ones. Infested Monsters also give more Tier XP.

Champion Spawns

Champion Spawns are by far the fastest and most effective method to collect Tier XP and tier your items. There are lots of Monsters to kill and by each wave
they will become stronger and stronger - which means more Tier XP per kill.

Note that Felucca Spawns will give you more Tier XP than Trammel Spawns.

Locations and Spawns

There are several locations with Champion Spawns. Check here: Champions

While every Champion Spawn is good to collect XP there are some that will give you more Tier XP than others, because the Monsters are stronger and have more Fame:

Pestilence Spawn (Trammel)

This Champion Spawn is in Bedlam. To be able to enter Bedlam you have to do the Quest Chain "Mistaken Identity". See here: QuestGuide

Abyssal Infernal Spawn (Felucca)

This Champion Spawn is in the Stygian Abyss.

Abyss Spawn (Felucca)

This Champion Spawn is in the Fire Dungeon.

Dragon Turtle Spawn (Felucca)

This Champion Spawn is in Eodon.

Killing Champion Spawns

To learn more about the way to handle Champion Spawns and how they work, check the Champion Guide: Champions

Generally you activate the Champion Spawn at the Altar and kill the spawn, collect your Tier XP.

Whirlwind Attack

To kill a Champion Spawn you use a Melee Weapon with the Special Move "Whirlwind Attack" and kill the spawn to get Tier XP. Make sure you have added
Tier XP Increase on everything.
Weapons with Whirlwind are:
Radiant Scimitar, Black Staff, Large Battle Axe, Halberd, Paladin Sword, War Hammer, Kama, Gargish Talwar, Double Axe.

Lightning Arrow

You can also use a Magical Shortbow with the Special Move "Lightning Arrow" and kill the spawn to get Tier XP. Make sure you have added Tier XP Increase on
Note that the Magical Shortbow uses Mana instead of arrows!

Hit Area Effects

Both, your Whirlwind Weapon or Magical Shortbow, need Hit Area Effects (via Imbuing) to maximize the damage. It works together with "Whirlwind Attack" and
"Lightning Arrow".


If you are a Pure Mage you will use your Spellbook and a Shield. Cast "Wither" and "Wildfire".

Vampiric Embrace

Use Vampiric Embrace for survivability!

Tiering your Equipment

You collect XP and tier as described in the earlier sections. Depending on what you want to tier, there are different approaches. All the infos in this section
will assume that you are killing spawns (preferably Champion Spawns) to tier your equipment.
Make sure Tier XP Inrease is on everything that is on your Character! Add Hit Area Effects on weapons!

Tiering Armor, Clothing, Talismans, Quivers, Jewelery

Use a weapon with Whirlwind Attack or Lightning Arrow and do as described before. Add Hit Area Effects on your weapons!

Tiering Spellbooks

You tier a Spellbook by holding it in your hand and a shield in the other hand. Cast "Wither" and "Wildfire".

Tiering Weapons with Whirlwind Attack and Lightning Arrow

You tier weapons that have these Special Moves as described in the earlier sections.

Tiering other Weapons

You tier weapons that have no Whirlwind Attack or Lightning Arrow Special Move the folling way:
Add Hit Area Effects on these Weapons and kill the spawn by using the Bushido Spell "Momentum Strike".
This is the same for Melee and Ranged Weapons.
Remove the Hit Area Effects once the Weapon is Tier 5 and add whatever you want then.

Tiering Shields

Hold the Shield in one hand and use a one handed Weapon with "Whirlwind Attack" to tier a Shield.
Pure Mages tier their Shields with a Spellbook and Shield in hands.

by Tys

Page last modified on February 26, 2020, at 06:51 AM