PandoraLore / DoomGauntlet
IntroductionThe Dungeon Doom in Malas is one of the largest Dungeons in the game. While there are also several things to do Doom and the Gauntlet are both subject to the Trammel Ruleset. There is no nonconsensual PvP. Doom LocationThe Dungeon Doom is located in Malas. Location of the GauntletThe Gauntlet is part of the Dungeon Doom (that's why you call the Gauntlet also "Doom Gauntlet"). Helpful LinksYou find all Doom Artifacts here: Unique.PandoraDoom You find the Pandorian War Artifacts here: Unique.PandorianWar All Pandora Doom Artifacts also exist as Pandorian War Artifacts with certain differences: You find a detailed list of all Doom Monsters and some Maps here: Dungeons.Doom The Dungeon Doom: Level OneWhile the main reason entering Doom is getting the Gold Skull to enter the Gauntlet, there are also several The StealablesThe Inquisitor's Resolution These are Platemail Gloves with Faster Cast Recovery 3. You can steal these by completing the Doom Lever Puzzle to Doom Lever Puzzle The Lamp Post You find this Stealable in the same hidden room. Finish the Doom Lever Puzzle to be able to enter! Zyronic Claw This is an Executioner's Axe with high Mana Leech. You can find it in the north central room with the Arcane Circle. Daemon BonesDaemon Bones are the main reason to walk through Level One and kill the Monsters spawning here. You need these to finish The Summoning (Quest to enter the Gauntlet)You have to complete this Quest to get a Gold Skull. This is the key to enter the Gauntlet. Victoria the SorceressFind Victoria and open her context menu with a mouse-click. Pick this option: "Ask about Chyloth". This will start the Quest. Daemon BonesVictoria needs 1000 Daemon Bones to be able to summon the "Devourer", a Bone Daemon. Hand her the Bones you have The Bone DaemonThe Bone Daemon will spawn in the stone circle south-east from Victoria's location. The Devourer has very high Poison, Cold Upon its death you will receive a message that a Gold Skull is in its corpse. Open the corpse, get the Gold Skull. You have Doom GauntletThe Gauntlet is the place where you can obtain Pandora Doom and Pandorian War Artifacts. Before entering the Gauntlet check your Enter the GauntletLake Mortis The Gauntlet is the area across Lake Mortis. In order to enter you have to summon Chyloth the Ferryman. You find the lake at the southern end of Doom. If you want to cross over and enter the Gauntlet in a party, you only need one Gold Skull for all party members. Just one player has to give it The Gold Skull After Chyloth appeared he wants the Gold Skull. Take the item with your mouse and drag it on the NPC to hand it to him. If this takes too long Areas in the GauntletStealables Blade of the Righteous Ruined Painting AFK Zone The AFK Zone is a safe place where you can go AFK and rest a bit. In fact you have to go there as only there you are allowed to be AFK. Healer's Room In this room you can be resurrected after you died. You can only enter this room as a Ghost (dead). There is also a Stealable (see above). Center Area In the Center Area the Dark Father will spawn (see below). Boss Rooms There are five Boss Rooms all leading to the Center Area via corridors. There the Doom Bosses will spawn (see below). Running the GauntletIn order to get Pandora Doom or Pandorian War Artifacts you have to "run the Gauntlet". This means you have to kill all the five Bosses in ArtifactsPandora Doom and Pandorian War Artifacts will drop into your backpack after a Boss or a Dark Father died. There is always only a chance an Artifact Some ObstaclesIt is possible that a Frost Orc and a Giant Turkey (see Pandora Coin Mobs) spawn in or near the Center Area. Try to separate them from each other and How to proceedIn order to get an Artifact drop you have to kill the Doom Bosses and the Dark Father. Each Boss spawns in a separate Room, the Dark Father spawns in Mechanics The mechanics of running the Gauntlet are basically always the same: Enter the Gauntlet, go to the Center Area. If a Dark Father is already spawned, kill it first. If it's dead, go to Room 1. It is EAST of the Center Area. If After killing a Boss go to the next Room clockwise and so on. There is a total of five Rooms and a total of five Bosses (one in each Room). After all Bosses are dead, a Dark Father will spawn in the Center Area. After you killed it, go back to the first Room in the EAST and start over, again clockwise. You continue as long as you want, your time allows or until you get an Artifact. Of course you can also continue then to get more Artifacts! Doors Each Room has a door. If the door is grey, then it is empty and no Boss is spawned. You then have to check another Room. A red door means a Boss is spawned in the Room. You enter a Room by stepping on the teleporter next to the door. You cannot leave a room until a Boss is dead! Death If you die and there is no player to resurrect you, go into the Healer's Room as a Ghost to get resurrected. More than one Boss per Room If there are more than 4 Players in the Gauntlet Area then there will spawn more than one Boss per Room! This also goes for the Dark Father. The Doom BossesEach Doom Boss spawns in his own Room (see above). You have to kill the Boss to be able to leave the Room, get a chance of an Artifact drop and This section will apply a number as an indicator of "Difficulty" to each Boss. A lower number means he is easier to kill and handle than a Boss with a higher number: Darknight Creeper (Room 1)Difficulty: 2 Fleshrenderer (Room 2)Difficulty: 3 Impaler (Room 3)Difficulty: 1 Shadow Knight (Room 4)Difficulty: 2 Abyssmal Horror (Room 5)Difficulty: 1-2 The Dark Father (Center Area)The Dark Father is the "final Boss" in the Gauntlet and spawns in the Center Area of the Gauntlet. To kill him, drag him into one If you drag the Dark Father to the "Entrance Wall" of the Gauntlet it will disappear and respawn somewhere in the Gauntlet. AbilitiesThe Dark Father (Demon Slayer) is able to cast Necromancy Spells, incuding Blood Oath. If he does cast this Spell, move away from him, tab out of War/Peace Mode and cast "Remove Curse" or Unholy BonesThe Dark Father will throw "Unholy Bones" at you, all other Players and Pets. These bones will "come to life" and transform into undead creatures that will also attack you. There will be more and more which can turn a fight against You can reduce the number of Minions by using a Bone Cutter: On UO Steam set up a Bone Cutter (any bladed weapon, for example a Dagger or an Axe) to cut bones automatically! ArtifactsYou find Links to all Artifacts on the top of this Guide. Artifact DropsArtifacts will drop into your pack after a Doom Boss or the Dark Father died. You will also receive a short text message if this happens. Since MechanicsChances Each Character has hidden Doom Points. These Doom Points raise with each Boss and Dark Father you killed (the Dark Father gives more points). The amount Because of this System it really depends on your Luck property and the time you spend in the Gauntlet, meaning the amount of Bosses and Dark Fathers Artifact Exchanger If you are unhappy with an Artifact you can go to the AFK Zone and there turn it in at an NPC. You will receive a hidden boost on your Doom Points, the next Doom Points As described each Boss and Dark Father you kill will give you a hidden amount of Doom Points to raise your chances of an Artifact Drop. These Doom Points will reset once you received an Artifact. They will not reset in any other way! This means you can leave the Gauntlet with your current Infested DoomTo get Infested Doom Artifacts you have to infest every single Doom Boss and the Dark Father before you kill them. You need a lot of Infested Injectors. by Tys |