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Dungeons / The Citadel
UOAM Coords.: X: 1350, Y: 763
Sextant Coords.: 75° 40' N, 1° 53' E
facet: Tokuno Islands


The Black Thorn has new leadership, unbeknownst to the majority of the elite guild of thieves and assassins. The Travesty, an ultimate doppleganger, has taken control and is now directing the actions of the membership for its own malign purposes. The base of operations for this incredibly dangerous secret society is a great fortress that is hidden from view through powerful illusionary magic. The entire place is riddled with traps, illusions, hidden areas, and secrets. The entrance to the dungeon is still somewhat of a mystery, but is said to involve a box of some sort that isn't always found in the same place.

Members of the brotherhood (powerful thieves, ninjas, assassins, and mages) and dopplegangers guard the Citadel and their leader.


The entrance to the Citadel can be found on the eastern shore of Isamu-Jima in the Tokuno Islands.

To enter the Citadel you must be on the 'Evidence' quest given by Sarakki the Notary in Britain

Spawn Guide

Black Order Mage
Elite Ninja
Black Order Assassin
Black Order High Executioner
Black Order Thief

Summoning Keys

  • It takes three keys to summon Travesty, which are actual keys and not random objects. There is a yellow, a blue, and a red key.
  • The High Executioner, located through the SW hidden door, holds one key (yellow key).
  • The Master Thief, located through the North hidden door, holds the second (blue key).
  • The Grand Mage, located in the bottommost level (that requires walking through a spike trap that almost certainly will kill you) holds the last (red key). The SE hidden door in the garden is the best way to access the Grand Mage.
  • This last key is by far the hardest to get. You have to walk down a long corridor that keeps spawning Ninja and Black Order Mages and Assassins, and then find the correct secret door on the southern wall of the far room. It gets CRAZY.
  • Further, the Grand Mage himself spawns with an incredibly large number of helpers, and it can be hard to loot him even if you DO get him.
  • When you have gathered all three keys you go to the key table and drop the 3 keys on the table to receive 3 fiery master keys called "Black Order Keys" double click a master key to gain access to the Travesty. All characters, who are in party with you and stand relatively close to you, will be invited to enter the Travesty's domain too.

Page last modified on May 10, 2013, at 05:11 PM