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Unique / ArtifactGuide

Artifact Guide - Introduction

General Info

There are several Artifacts obtainable on Pandora. While some of these are not the best option to
use with your character, others perfectly fit your needs, either equipping a regular character or a
Pure Mage, Human/Elf or Gargoyle race.

This Guide will cover the most popular and effective Artifacts on Pandora in more detail. Other Artifacts
will be listed later on.
You will also find the places to get the items! for the Stats please check the links below or the Museum locations
you can visit via Moongate ingame.

Some Artifacts have the property "Artifact Rarity". You can ignore this. Important are the Stats and what character
type benefits the most.

Every Artifact is imbuable, some are not repairable / on some Powder of Fortifying can't be applied.

This Guide will sometimes use the term "Hybrid", meaning the typical standard Characters you create on Pandora,
Human/Elf or Gargoyle, having the focus on Strength and Dexterity and less on Intelligence (Dexxer-Casters) - as
opposed to Pure Mages, having more focus on Intelligence.

Note: In some cases specific Artifacts are the best choice for your character, in other cases there are also
alternatives. This will be mentioned.

Important Links

Doom Pandorian War Artifacts in detail: PandorianWar

Doom Artifacts in detail: PandoraDoom

Treasures of Tokuno in detail: PandoraToT

Peerless Artifacts and Peerless Guide: PeerlessBosses

Named Bosses Artifacts and Guide: NamedMonsters

Replica Artifacts: Replicas

Doom Artifacts

For a detailed list of all Artifacts check the links on top of the page!

Spirit of the Totem (Pandorian War)

Human/Elf Hybrid or Pure Mage
Head Piece
Doom Gauntlet

Spirited Wings of the Totem (Pandorian War)

Gargoyle Hybrid or Pure Mage

Page last modified on February 06, 2020, at 10:33 AM